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"So if you're in Anugypt,
And you see a crocodile,
Give him whatever you want,
Just don't give him a smile."

The class laughed and applauded, making Raspberry grin as she lowered the piece of paper in her hoof.

"Well done as always, Raspberry," Cheerilee said, patting her on the back. "Very creative and humorous."

"Aw, it was nothing," Raspberry said with a blush. "I just wanted to find out how many words I could rhyme with 'crocodile.'"

"Well, you wrote it out beautifully. A+, as usual. You may sit back down."

Raspberry skipped back to her seat. As she sat down, Lemon Drop whispered to her.

"You write such good poems. Mine was lousy."

"No, it wasn't," Raspberry said, nudging his shoulder playfully. "You just need to make the lines less clunky, and not focus so much on the rhyme. In fact, not all poems have to even rhyme."

Lemon Drop bit his lip as he stared down at his poem. "Work on it with me after school?"

Before Raspberry could answer, Mrs. Cheerilee spoke. "Excellent work on your poetry assignments, my little ponies! Now, since this Wednesday is Hearts and Hooves Day, I thought we'd make our next writing assignment something special. Since Hearts and Hooves Day has to do with love, I want you all to write a one-to-two-page report on how your parents met!"

The foals murmured amongst each other. Lemon Drop raised his hoof.

"Yes, Lemon Drop?" Mrs. Cheerilee said.

"Should I write about my birth parents or my adoptive parents?" he asked.

"Whichever you choose, sweetie. You can even write about both, if you'd like." Raspberry raised her hoof. "Yes, Raspberry?"

"Um," Raspberry said, biting her lip, "does this mean," she pointed to her sister, "Blueberry, Cherry and I all have to write the same story?"

"Yes, Raspberry." The teacher gave her a small smile. "But I still expect your reports to be unique. After all, some of the greatest stories we hear have been told multiple times, but are different each time, because every pony has their own unique way of telling it."

The bell rang and foals leaped excitedly out of their desks.

"Remember, children," Mrs. Cheerilee shouted over the noise. "Your reports are due Hearts and Hooves Day and will be read during our party! Oh, and don't forget to bring your gifts for your classmates!"

As the Cutie Mark Crusaders—including Lemon Drop, for he was still an honorary member even though he had received his cutie mark—filed out of the schoolhouse, they chatted excitedly about their reports.

"The story of how my mom and dad met is awesome!" Prism exclaimed. "First, Mom saved Dad and the rest of the Wonderbolts at the Best Young Flyers' Competition with her sonic rainboom! But Dad didn't really start noticing her until the Grand Galloping Gala, when she saved his pie from being smushed!" She snickered. "The funniest part is Mom hates pie!"

"I know my parents didn't fall in love immediately," Gemstone said. "Daddy was with another pony when he and Mum bumped into each other. No, they really bumped into each other!" She sighed. "I just despise writing assignments."

"At least Mrs. Cheerilee gave you the option of doing an oral report instead of a written one," Prism said.

"Mommy Lyra and Mommy Bon-Bon met at a party when they were fillies and then found each other again years later," Lemon Drop said, "but I'll have to ask them if they know how my birth parents met."

C.M.C.T.N.G  Daughter of discordWhere stories live. Discover now