Rock Pies

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"Hark, Sir Lemon Drop!" Prism exclaimed, pointing her wooden sword at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse. "There lies the castle where the fair Princess Gemstone is being held captive!"

She looked at Lemon Drop, who wore a plastic knight's helmet like hers. They both carried wooden swords and shields bearing the Cutie Mark Crusaders' symbol.

"Should we go rescue her, Sir Prism?" he asked.

"Of course!" Prism said, proudly holding up her sword. "For we are Knights of the Cutie Mark, and it is our duty to protect the innocent! Onward, my friend!"

They trotted towards the treehouse when the Tri-Pies jumped out from behind the trunk, Cherry balancing on the backs of her sisters.

"Watch out, Sir Prism!" Lemon Drop said, coming to a halt. "The dreaded three-headed dog Cerberus is guarding the entrance!"

The Tri-Pies snarled menacingly.

"No three-headed dog is a match for us!" Prism declared. "Let's send this beast back to Tartarus!"

She and Lemon Drop wailed as they charged for the Tri-Pies. Before the wooden swords could make contact, the triplets yelped as Cherry flipped backward off her sisters.

"Great job, Sir Prism!" Lemon Drop cheered. "You've cut off its head!"

"Oh, the pain, the pain!" Cherry whined as she writhed in agony.

"Shush, Cherry!" Prism whispered. "Cerberus doesn't talk!"

"Oh. I mean... Arf! Arf!"

The pegasus put her hoof to her forehead. "You're also dead!"

"Oh. Okay."

Cherry fell limp and let her tongue loll. Prism rolled her eyes.

"Come, Sir Lemon Drop! The princess awaits!"

The two knights rushed up the steps and found Gemstone in the middle of the room, wearing a pink conical princess hat.

"My heroes!" she exclaimed.

Lemon Drop held up his sword. "We've come to rescue you, my la—"

"Sir Lemon Drop, look out!" Prism said, stopping him with her foreleg. "Behold! There is but another obstacle!"

The colt gasped as a figure crawled in front of Gemstone. "What is it?"

"It's the dreaded dragon!"

Baby Applespike let out a gurgle and started sucking on his tail.

"Oh, it's so terrifying!" Lemon Drop gasped.

"Save me, brave knights!" Gemstone said, dramatically lifting her foreleg to her head. "Save me from this horrid beast!"

"Gah!" Applespike exclaimed, clapping his hooves.

"Have at thee, dragon!" Prism said, waving her sword threateningly. "You shall not prevail! For we are mightier than..."

"What's going on up here?"

The foals turned to see their six-foot dragon uncle Spike coming up the steps, the wood creaking beneath his enormous feet. Upon hearing his father's voice, Applespike came crawling towards the entrance.

"Dada!" he said, holding up his hooves.

Spike looked down at his son and then at the foals' costumes and gasped. "Were you making believe my son was a fire-breathing dragon holding a princess captive?"

Lemon Drop and Prism gulped. "N-No?"

"Shame on you!" the dragon said as he picked up his boy. "When I asked you kids to watch him for a few minutes while I was helping Applejack catch a loose pig, I didn't mean cast him in a stereotypical role!"

C.M.C.T.N.G  Daughter of discordWhere stories live. Discover now