Part 2

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I found myself thinking about Jayde again. It had almost been two months since we had seen each other. I followed her for another week after we parted way to make sure she stayed safe, but after that I left her to her own devices.

I thought that I would've eradicated her completely from my mind by now, but it was hard. I guess I really had liked her. I didn't blame her for leaving though. I understood.

She couldn't handle what I was and that was okay. If I had found out that the person I had been slowly falling for wasn't human, I wouldn't stick around either.

If I hoped for one thing, it was that she found it hard to push me out of her head the same way I did.

My new project was moving slowly which I didn't mind at all. My last encounter with Athena had been the only one I had. I hadn't been back to the bookstore yet although I had finished the book I bought the first day I had it.

I had an infinite amount of time on my hands so why not.

I refrained from going back the next day no matter how much I had wanted to go back. I made myself wait a few days.

As I had promised myself I went back four days later, hoping that she'd be there again.

I walked into the book store, instantly greeted by the bright fluorescent lights. I spotted her almost immediately. She had her back to me while she animatedly talked to a customer.

I set off to find another book or two while I was here. Athena working here was great, but the books made it even better. I loved to read; non-fiction, fiction, it really didn't matter. I strolled up and down a few aisles, looking for something that I found interesting. Either I was too distracted to really look, or nothing peaked my interest.

I glanced to my left when I felt someone cautiously approaching me. I gave her a soft smile before I turned my attention back to the shelves.

"Are you finding everything okay?"

I shrugged, facing her again. "Ehh- not really."

"I can help you with that- I mean only if you want," she said as she blushed

I stifled the smirk threatening to break through. "Okay."

"So, what're you in to?"

Murder, sex and manipulation.

"Umm- I guess murder mysteries and thrillers. Anything with an interesting plot and a lot of twists."

She nodded, motioning for me to follow her so I did.

"I've never seen you here, at least until last week. Are you new here or have I just missed you?" she asked, trying to generate conversation.

"I'm new, I never really thought to come in here before. And I don't think you could've missed me."

We rounded the corner where we ended up in the murder mystery section.

"You're too good to come into a bookstore huh?" she joked light-heartedly.

I shook my head, "No it's not that. I usually just buy my books online," I lied coolly.

"Wow, I'm a little offended," she laughed, raising a playful eyebrow.

"Don't be. I'll make this my new book place."

Athena smiled, "Good. What's your name, I don't think I caught it."

I chuckled, "That's because I didn't give it to you yet, love. But it's Robyn."

She blushed as she tested it out, letting my name roll off her tongue gently. "Nice to meet you Robyn, I'm-"

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