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I stood in the bookstore with a bag in hand as I waited patiently for Athena to finish up whatever she was doing. I brought her lunch as promised.

I would've taken her out to a restaurant, but I could never be trusted to bring her back.

I glanced at her and then turned away to browse the store because she was completely engrossed in conversation with a customer. Of course I could hear their conversation clearly, but they weren't discussing anything I was interested in. They talked excitedly about the latest romance book.

I put romance novels at the bottom of the barrel. Even self-help books were more appealing to me.

I turned and walked through another section, but I stopped in my tracks and lifted my head in the air.

My chest tightened.

My senses seldom failed me, but this had to be one of those instances. Out of pure curiosity, I followed the scent into the poetry section.

I watched with glazed eyes at the figure from my past as she looked through a row of poetry books.

As if she could feel me burning holes into her profile she looked up. Our eyes locked and I could almost see her docile eyes ignite.

We stared at each other for another moment before I closed the distance between us. She took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Hi, Jayde."

"Hi," she murmured.

She stared at me like she had just seen a phantom.

I couldn't blame her. My shock hadn't worn off either. Not even the unfamiliar scent wrapped around her was enough to make me shy away from her. We both continued to stare at each other, seemingly at a loss of words. I was speechless which never happened.

"I didn't think I'd see you again," she finally said.

Just as I was about to answer, I heard my name being called. I reluctantly turned to face the turquoise-eyed beauty.

She glanced over my shoulder before approaching me. "You disappeared on me."

I barely had time to respond before her lips were on mine in a needy kiss, her hand curled securely around the back of my neck.

I was acutely aware of the way Jayde's heart seemed to skip a beat when Athena and I's lips connected.

I heard her scurry away.

I pushed back on her gently, thoroughly amused and admittedly turned on by the way she staked her claim on me.

"You were taking a while so I went to browse a little."

"Who was that?"

The girl who drove me to you.

I hesitated for a split second. "Someone from my past."

Her bright eyes searched mine intensely as I effortlessly held her pointed stare.

"I brought you lunch," I said, holding up the bag.

She glanced down, finally breaking eye contact.


I raised my hand, gripping her chin with my pointer finger and thumb. "Don't be like that," I said sternly.

She shook free and took the bag from me. "Thanks again."

I cocked my head, grabbing her wrist, keeping her in place. "I'll pick you up after work."

"We didn't talk about seeing each other today."

I loosened my grip on her wrist and leaned down so we were at eye level. "I don't care. It seems like I have to do something about you. I'll see you later, Athena."

I kissed her gently before I left her without another word.

As I walked away, I looked back one more time, searching for her. She was close by, I knew that much. I left out of the bookstore and stood off to the side with my hands tucked into my jacket's pockets.

A few minutes later she exited the store, her head on a swivel until they landed on me.

I straightened up, nodding in the general direction of my car. "Walk with me."

She followed behind me as I casually walked slightly ahead of her.

I didn't say a word to her until we were standing beside my car.

Once we stopped, I took a moment to take her in again. Her dark eyes sparkled just like I remembered. She looked a little slimmer than I remembered, but she was still beautiful nonetheless.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again either."

She cocked her head, "What?"

"You said you didn't think you'd ever see me again back there. I'm just agreeing with you."

A sad look crossed her face before it dissipated to a grim sparkle that laid in her eyes. "I thought you said I could never get away from you."

She looked like she desperately wanted that to be true. It could've but I respected her enough to stay away like she asked.

"You couldn't, but I respected your wishes. I dropped off your radar."

She nodded meekly.

"And you've moved on..."

"As have you, " I shrugged, referring to the putrid scent that had burned itself into my nose. I kept a look of indifference because I had no right to be angry, but knowing someone else was able to be in her presence made the empty cavity in my chest ache. It felt like I was being mutilated with a stick knowing that someone else was able to touch her.

"I don't have-"

I tilted my head and frowned. "You don't have to lie to me, love. What's done is done."

"I'm not lying to you," she assured, but her eyes and heart betrayed her.

I hated to be lied to. Even more than that, I hated to be played like I was stupid.

"Don't fucking lie to me," I said calmly. "I know you're with someone else. I can smell that motherfucker on you. Be upfront with me."

She looked utterly confused. "I-How?"

I chuckled. "Don't act so dense. You don't know what I am, but you know what I'm not, so yes I can smell him on you."

Jayde crumbled under my eyes as she shifted on her feet, avoiding my gaze.

"Do you love her?" she asked, quickly shifting the subject away from her.


"Did you love me?" she asked, finally looking up from the pavement.


That must've struck a nerve. Tears pricked at her eyes, but she didn't look away.

"...Just mind numbing infatuation," I continued. "I saw myself falling for you, but you killed that dream."

Her eyes softened as she looked over me. "I-"

"Don't feel sorry for me. I'm fine."

"Does she know what you are?"

I blinked slowly, shaking my head. "No."

The more I stared at the woman in front of me, the more I hated that every part of me still wanted to be attached to her, even with that disgusting scent lingering on her. I longed to touch her, but I wouldn't allow myself to go there with her.

Jayde sighed, "I miss you."

I nodded in acknowledgement.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, but she ignored it, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Will I see you again?"

I shrugged, "If it's meant for us to, then we will."

The universe worked in strange unimaginable ways. It had a odd way of doing things, but there was no part of me that doubted that I'd see her again.

A/N: Hi guys! Happy V-day x2

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