Chapter 27

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Jungkook's POV

I had an awful headache when I woke up. I felt something really soft was touching my face. I slowly opened my eyes to see my beautiful Tae lying his head beside me. Dried tear stains were present on his cheeks.

I was laying on the couch in my office.

What happened? I thought.

I quickly sit myself up and stared at Tae.

Tae looked tired.

He looked like he had cried for hours.

Then I noticed the bottle of pills in his hands.

Wait... Aren't those my pills!?

Shit!!!! He knows everything now!!!! I'm ruined!!!

But then I was snapped out of my thoughts as a soft snore suddenly came from Tae.

Haha, he looks so cute!!

I admired his beautiful features for a while before getting up and carried my Tae bridal style and laid him on the couch.

I kneeled beside him, swiping a way his bangs that were covering his beautiful face.

I noticed that he had dark eye bags which means that he was very tired.

I sighed.

What happened when I wasn't... Myself??

Just then, my office door creaked open, and came in Hoseok.

"Hoseok, be more quiet please!! You're gonna wake Tae up!!" I whispered yelled.

"O-oops, sorry!!" he whispered yelled back.

I saw that Hoseok was carrying a tray with a bowl of warm water amend towel on it.

"Who are those for??" I asked.

"It was supposed to be for you as Taehyung asked me to take it here so that he could help you cool down your fever," he replied.

I was surprised.

Never knew that Tae would be concerned of me.

I sighed.

"Hoseok, just get it over. It's my turn now to return his favor," I ordered and he did as what I've said.

After placing the tray, I assured him to leave.

After hearing the door closed, I took the towel and dipped it into the warm water, making it wet, then twisted it and put it on Tae's forehead.

I could feel that Tae's forehead was slightly hot, which could only mean of that he had a fever too.

I continued with my work, not noticing that the brunette had woken up.


I looked up and was met with the most beautiful doe eyes in the universe.

"Yes, princess??"


"What is it, Tae??" I asked, concerned as I saw that tears were starting to form in his eyes.

"I-I thought y-you weren't going to w-wake up!! I-I thought y-you l-left me all alone..." Tae said through his sobs.

My heart broken at this.

Seeing my Tae in a crying mess makes my heart broken.

"Hush, Tae. I won't leave you, I promise. Just like how we kept our promises many years ago," I tried to calm him down.

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