Chapter 28

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Jimin's POV

"Hurry up, mochiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!" I groaned as I heard eomma Jin yelled.

"Coming!!!!" I yelled back.

I had stayed for a night at Jin's house to join him and his sister for the search of Tae the next morning.

It was currently five thirty in the morning, freaking five thirty!!!

Is not that I don't wanna help find Tae but...

It's too freaking early!!!!!!!!!!

I was walking downstairs, when suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Jimin, go get the door please??" Jin asked.

"Alright!!" I said then walked towards the door.

As soon as I opened the door, it felt like time had stopped.

I was staring, probably drooling over the man in front of me.

Holy shit!! He's hot!!!

His pale skin, cat like eyes, mint hair... Everything was perfect!!

It was until then he snapped me out of my trance.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he said and smirked.

I can feel cheeks burning up.

"Don't blush like that, I can't promise you that I can eat you right here, right now," he added, winking his eye at me.


My whole face is completely red.

Just then, he stepped forward and leaned into my ear, and said,

"By the way, the name's Yoongi, your future husband,"

Taehyung's POV

I was currently laying on the bed as Jungkook told me not to move a lot as it'll hurt the baby.

Oh my gosh, I still can't believe I'm pregnant!!!


"Congratulations, sir, you're pregnant!!" the doctor said while smiling.

"Re-Really?!!" I exclaimed.

"Well, whether you wanna believe or not," he added.

Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe I'm pregnant!!

"Jungkook..." I said while stared at Jungkook who is beside me.

"Are you okay??" I asked as I saw him tearing up.

Then suddenly, Jungkook hugged me tightly, and said

"T-This is the b-best thing that have ever happened in m-my life T-Tae!!! I c-can't b-believe that we're g-going to be a family!!" he cried.

I chuckled at the cute sight of him.

"Oh, silly bunny. Of course you should be happy about it!! It feels like that you're the one who's carrying the baby," I teased him.

"Am I? Then who gonna be the father?"

"Of course I am!!"

"No, Tae. You're too beautiful to become a father," he chuckled.

"Oh shut up!! I'm manly!!" I said as I hit the back of his head.

"Ouch!! Okay, okay, you win!!"

I smiled upon my victory.

"So, have you think about the baby's name?"

"I don't know, Kookie..."

Just then, he used both of his large warm hands to hold mine.

"I want our child's name to be like it was a part of ourselves, like it is a bond, like we were meant for each other..." he said while looking into my eyes sincerely.

I was so happy that I was at the edge of tears when he said those words.

"Alright, Kookie. Looks like I know what our child's name would be," I said as I caressed the bump of my tummy.

"What's it gonna be, love?"


Hey guyssssss!!!! I'm back!!!!!!!!!! Exams are finally over!!!!!!!! And I'm sorry for the whole misunderstanding and confusion of the story. First of all, Jungkook did raped Taehyung before in the last chapters, but then later on chapter 21,it was quite different as Taehyung himself asked for it. So, makes sense, right? So you'll probably understand more as why Taehyung got pregnant that early is not because the day before Taehyung asked him for it, it was the day when Jungkook raped Taehyung, it's just not really specific. So, yeah, I'm sorry cause I'm a bad writer!!! 😣😣 and thanks for 46.7k reads!!!!! I love you guyssssss!!!!

And this is for you, Rabivkook15

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