Chapter 36

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Jin's POV

"Wait... What?!" Namjoon yelled.

I just rolled my eyes.

"So, Taebaby's location just changed, you don't have to scream for goodness sake!!" I just casually answered him.

Good thing I'd set a tracking app (or whatever it is cause I don't know how to call it) in each family member's phone.

"Wait... Does that mean my phone had this tracking thingy too?! How could I not know that?!" Jennie screamed.

"Yahh, stop screaming guys!!" I snapped back, giving them a glare.

"So... Does that mean I'd had to change the direction now?" Namjoon asked.

Haishh... This dork....

"You think?"


I just chuckled at him.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Jennie groaned.

"It's been forever we're in here!!" she complained.

"Yahh, don't you want your brother back?"

"Of course I do!! It's just that, it's quite tiring to seat in the car for like so long!!" she whined.

I sighed.

"Just go to sleep, Jen..." I said as I patted her head.

She let out her breath too, saying

"Alright, brother,"

With that, she cuddled up with the already sleeping Lisa.

Aishhhhh, these kids.

Then I looked at the backseat (their car has three rows of seat, don't ask) to see a sleeping mochi cuddling with the mint haired guy...


I just smiled.

It seemed... Peaceful...

I sighed, thinking about my brother....

Just then, I felt a hand placed on my leg.

I looked up to see a worried Namjoon.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

I just smiled, then answered

"It's nothing... It's just that... (sighs) it's about Tae..." I said as I felt tears started to fall.

Namjoon's gaze turned into a soft one.

"Hey... Don't cry," he tried comforting me.

He stopped the car by the roadside, deciding to rest for a while.

He then pulled me closer, letting my head resting on his shoulder.

I cried while he comforted me.

"I-It's just that... I'd missed him so, so much, Joon..." I cried out.

"Shhhh... It's okay... Just let it all out..."

And with that, I was a crying mess, making half of Namjoon's shirt wet...

Jungkook's POV

"Hoseok!! How did you even do that?!" I yelled in surprise.

Hoseok just chuckled.

"Well, they didn't call me genius for nothing,"

"That's incredible!! Hacking into Tae's phone to use as a tracking device?!" (Ermmm.. Don't ask...)

Both of us just laughed.

"Hey, Hoseok..."


"Sorry about earlier..."




"Wait... Did you just apologized?!?!" he yelled.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, duhh,"

I could see him trying to hold his laugh.

"What's so funny?!" I huffed out.

"N-Nothing... It's just that... You'd NEVER apologize to anyone!!!" he said out aloud then busted into laughters.

"Aishhhh, just shut up, horse face!!"

"Haha... Sorry,"

I sighed.

He just looked at me, then said.

"Are you sure you're not in your little space again?" (before Taehyung, it was only Hoseok who know Jungkook had D.I.D cause he's the only one who Jungkook ever trusted)

I just glared at him.

"Of course I'm not!! What makes you think of that?!"

He just laughed.

"Well, looks like the adorable Queen of yours had finally tamed the King, never know that the Jeon Jungkook would turned soft just for his lover,"

I glared at him again.

"How dare you use my whole name?!"

"First of all, I'm older than you, that makes me hyung to you!!"

I groaned.


I sighed, then chuckled.

"Hey, horse face..."

"I told you not to call me that you ungrateful brat!!" he said while trying to hit me which I'd dodged it successfully.

"Haha, sorry. It's just that... Thanks for everything..." I said.

"Nahhh, it's okay. Plus it's my job," he replied.

I smiled, then become serious again.

"Okay, let's find my Tae now,"


I'm coming....

For you and our child...

All you had to do is...

Stay strong...

For me...

And our unborn child...

Hey guyssssss, just a little namjin fluff and the friendship between Jungkook and Hoseok. Bye guyssssss!!!!!❤

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