Chapter 25: Distantly Lost

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Some things were not yet finished, the truth has not yet been revealed. I have to save those first, who's hearts are connected to mine. Those who are still suffering in the blind cold darkness. Those who gave up hope, who think that there is no light left to save them. But I'm still here, and I'm going to get every last one of them back...

Sora entered the darkness, into the realm were no light ever touched. Deep within the depths of the unknown. So much time has passed, yet so much still needed to be done.

I too was almost lost to the darkness, but luckily Riku was there to save me. He became a Keyblade master, I was so proud of him. But he's the only one who knows how to unlock hearts. I came here to look for him. I didn't find Riku in our meeting spot, and Kairi told me he went to go look for those who were lost to the darkness.

The only way to end the pain and suffering, is to end the war that will bring darkness. One of my friends told me about some old Keyblade wielders that he used to know, but it was far too dangerous to try and get them back. Just like Hikari, she's been gone for so long. Her friends are at Destiny Island, along with Axel- I mean Lea... Or whatever he goes by now. And it's great that he's a new Keyblade wielder, along with Kairi. They're both training together, trying to be the best.

I looked around the sorrowful world, the realm that stole the worlds of light.

How could anyone be stuck in here, for such a long time?

I walked further in. The darkened sand crunched under my feet. I could see the waves in the distance, with the dark horizon looming over. There were rock structures around, arching over the sea.

I wonder where Riku could have gone, it's not fair that he got to leave without me. Only because I was busy at the time.

I continued on walking until I got close enough to the water. It was slowly rising up and down, washing some of the sand away with it.

This place is sad, and eerie. Everything's so quiet, and lonely.

I gazed at the water a little longer, but then I saw a dark figure moving further down the shore. They were coming towards me. I stood in place, a little stunned, that someone could actually be here.

Could it be Riku?

Then they got closer. It looked like a girl, but something wasn't right. She was surrounded by darkness, purple like flames emitted from her. She slowly strode closer to me, until she was a few feet away. She had short white hair with golden eyes, her outfit was dark and torn at the ends. Even the darkness covered parts of her skin. She looked angry, but sad at the same time.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" She snapped at me.

I was a little taken back by her questioning me. "I'm Sora. My friend came here to find you, but I came to look for him... We're here to help you."

She looked even more upset. Her eyebrows furrowed. "You? You came here for me!? But what about my friends?! Did they all but forget about me?" She threw her hands out to her side.

I shook my head. "No, of course they didn't forget you. We're here now... It was too dangerous for us to come here before."

She looked shocked. "My friends..." Her expression turned to sorrow.

"Why are they not back to normal?"

This must be Aqua.

I looked her in the eyes. "Have you seen anyone else here? They were supposed to be here to get you out."

Aqua glared at me. "Someone was supposed to save me a very long time ago. But it's too late, the darkness has already taken over me... Everyone else can enter this place and leave as they please. But not me, or my friends. And neither will you."

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