Chapter 4

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Ladybug swung from her yo-yo off her balcony and to the Eiffel Tower, her and her parter Chat Noir's meeting place for patrol. Seeing as Chat was already there, the spotted heroine decided on surprising him from behind. Safely landed, Ladybug silently walked over to Chat, whom still hasn't noticed her,

"Hey Chat!" Ladybug said all of a sudden.

"WAhhh- Hey M'lady, you look Purrrrrfect." The feline superhero recovered from his reaction with a flirt, hoping that 'The love of his life' wouldn't notice.

"Looks like someones a scardy-cat!" Shoot- I made a pun. Please don't let Chat notice please don't let Chat notice please don't- 

"Awwhhh! My Bugaboo made a pun! Your speaking my language of love M'lady." Chat Noir got a sudden ego boost from nowhere and decided to continue his flirts just for the fun of it. "Maybe sometime it can be me, you and ice cream, date- just imagine it. What do you say." Chat spoke not just with words but with his hands as he painted the picture with his finger tips in the sky. Little did he know, because of Ladybug's situation with fate, another one of his many attempts to get her to go on a date with him was going to be more complex than just the simple 'no'.

Why why why why!  Ladybug thought. Usually she would straight up reject him, but she remembered her promise to Tikki, that she'll accept his flirts. Issue was, one of Chat's forms of flirting was asking her on dates, which she wasn't sure how serious he was about. 

Maybe I should accept his date? No- that would for sure seem that theres something up with me, Master said not to go to fast into things or suspicion will be raised. Call him 'Silly Kitty"? No, that's basically saying no and calling him not serious which he may be... Oh, I know! I'll just tell him another day, that's it!  As Ladybug's thought stream finished she cleared her thought preparing to speak.

"Maybe another day when we don't have patrol to deal with, Kitty." And that Chat Noir was not expecting. the blood rushed up to his checks and his mind was suddenly blank for things to respond.

"Y-yeah, can't wait!" Chat stuttered his line, still in a partial state of shock. Instead of responding, Ladybug took to her half of Paris to patrol.

After patrolling the moonlit city, the superhero duo met up again at the Eiffel Tower. Luckily for both of them, they both didn't bring up the ice cream date again.

"I'll see you around Chat, I gotta bug out." Ladybug stated.

"Oh ok, I'll see you tomorrow for patrol unless Hawkmoth says otherwise!" Chat Noir said with a two finger salute to Ladybug as the pair parted ways.

After Ladybug was safely in her room and let her transformation go, she started to panic to Tikki.

"Oh god Tikki I really messed that up! Was he serious about the date? Did I legit just accept him asking me out? Oh no he'll think something is up! What it-" Marinette was cut short.

"Calm down Mari! It's not like you said yes and went on the date! I bet he's happy about not being flat out rejected for once though.  You have nothing to worry about!" Tikki said matter of factly. This seemed to calm Marinette down a bit, but little did she know that somewhere else in Paris a teenage boy was absolutely freaking out.

"Plagg can you believe it!" Adrien was feeling a mixture of confusion, excitement, and happiness. His parter Ladybug, Adrien's long time mega crush, just accepted his date offer. Unfortunately,  he didn't know if she was serious  or not, but on the bright side a joke is better than a flat out no! 

"Believe what kid?" Plagg asked, but not really caring.

"I think I'm making progress with Ladybug!" Adrien said dreamily.

"Sure, whatever lets you sleep at night!" Plagg teased.

"... Gee thanks Plagg..."

Authors Note:

Sorry I couldn't do a double update this weekend, but at least it's one! Thanks for reading!!!!

Forced by Fate - Miraculous Ladybug - LadynoirWhere stories live. Discover now