Chapter 16

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Thursday went by in a snap. Literally.

Thursday morning only lasted until about 7:30 a.m. until an akuma struck, and magically moved the earth along so that it became Friday with a snap if his fingers. From when Ladybug was fighting the akuma, she was informed by him that his (ex) girlfriend broke up with him the previous Thursday, hence he hated Thursdays. Unfortunately, the miraculous magic cure only worked on Paris for the time being, so after the attack it was still Friday. On the positive side it meant that it was one day closer to Marinette's 17th birthday! But, that meant that Marinette had one less day to get a fake boyfriend *cough cough* Adrien *cough cough* because she can't just say that she's with Chat Noir after it was made very public that he was with Ladybug!

Either people would call me crazy, a liar, or Ladybug... Conclusion: the only way I can be truthful about my relationship with Chat would be an identity reveal- which will so not happen. I guess. getting Adrien to be my fake boyfriend is the only option! (If you're confused about why the fake boyfriend has to be Adrien I'll put a little explainer at the end of the chapter) 

Due to the fact that today was now Friday, and there was no school on Saturday, which also happens to be her birthday, Marinette had to ask Adrien to be her fake boyfriend today. She approached the school, actually early today, a looked for Adrien. Somewhat luckily, she found him, but being hug tackled by Chloe. 

"Adrikans!" Chloe screeched so that everybody in a half a mile range could hear. 

"Oh hey Chloe." Adrien was trying to shimmy away from the plastic girl. "I would love to talk but I just realized that I had to talk to one of my teachers about a question I had so.... uh, gotta go bye!" And Adrien made like a jacket and zipped away before the blonde girl could reply to him. 

Great. Now I'll just have to find him- again.

Marinette nimbly made her way into the high school and darted her eyes around. Her hunt stopped when she found her target, Adrien. Quickly, she approached him and tapped him on the shoulder. Now that she loved someone else, it would be easy to talk to him, but asking anyone to be your fake boyfriend was embarrassing.

"Hey Adrien... I let my mouth spill too much and got into a bit of a... situation." Marinette said, trying to choose her words carefully.

"Hi Mari! What's up?" Adrien asked.

"So... I have a boyfriend, and I told Alya that. Problem is, she wants to know who, but he- he really doesn't want anyone to know he's in a relationship, and for a good reason too! But stupid me told Alya I'd tell her who it was after my birthday, which is Saturday, so I have to tell her something on Sunday." Marinette vaguely told the situation to her former crush.

"That's tough. Is their anything I can do to help?" The nice blonde boy always tried to help his friends.

"Well, you could either pretend to be my b-boyfriend in front of Alya, or just give me some advice if that's too much." The blue headed girl cringed as the words left her mouth and awaited his response.

"I'll give you both I guess. Try to get your boyfriend to be okay with people knowing. I totally understand where he's coming from- like maybe he has super strict parents or might be super, super famous and doesn't want his privacy spilled everywhere. But still, maybe try to do a little convincing. But if that really doesn't work, I'm fine with pretending to be in a relationship with you, as long as you make it clear to Alya that she can't tell anyone else cause' I can't risk the press getting into this. Kay?" Adrien actually didn't really mind pretending to be more than friends with Marinette if it meant that some guy's privacy was protected, but he just believes that if possible, the truth should always come out.

"Oh my gosh really Adrien?! Thank you so so so so so so much! I'll try to convince him- but I gotta go to class now. See you around!" Of course Marinette wasn't going to try and convince anybody, because, well there was nobody to convince of anything. If Alya were to get the real truth, then someone would have to convince Marinette of an identity reveal with Chat Noir.

Next thing on Marinette's to do list? Tell Chat Noir she loves him that night on patrol.


Hey! Sorry I haven't been updating this book more than once a week. Heck, I haven't even updated my other book for over a week! Oops. I've just been really busy with midterms coming up and my extra circular activities. 

Here's the explanation I promised (btw you can find all this scattered around in previous chapters):

So, Marinette needs a fake boyfriend because she yelled out as an excuse to Alya for why she didn't like Adrien anymore was that she had a boyfriend. After she said that, she actually got a boyfriend, Chat Noir. Mari can't tell Alya that because that means a public identity reveal that she's LB. So, she said that the guy didn't want anyone to know who he was, but Mari would tell Alya after Mari's birthday which is on Saturday, so the next day in this book, so she would tell Alya on the Sunday. As you can tell, the only way Mari can not loose her trust with Alya while not revealing her identity and Ladybug would be to get someone to be her fake boyfriend. Mari decided that it would be easiest to get someone in her class to do it because of the short notice. Because every other boy in her class was with a girl aside from Adrien, he was the only option. So, that's why Mari needs Adrien to fake be in a relationship with her.

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