Chapter 19

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Marinette transformed and swung off into the Parisian night sky. It was a beautiful thing, really. And the clear skies and warm weather made it the perfect scene, especially for the evening of her birthday. She had promised Chat Noir, her partner, boyfriend, that she would meet up with him at 10:00 p.m. sharp. It was now 9:58 p.m. but when the spotted super heroine neared the Eiffel Tower she saw that Chat was already there waiting for her. She noticed a gift lying upon his lap. Of course he would get me something for my birthday! He's so sweet...

"Good evening, Kitty!" Ladybug exclaimed. Although she's one to tire easily, on her birthday she could stay up until the sun of the next day arose. 

"Good evening to you too, LB. And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Chat quickly picked up Ladybug and spun her around. A few giggles later, he presented her with his birthday gift to her. It was wrapped neatly with a red ribbon. The box was relatively small. "Here," Chat placed the box in Ladybug's hands, "fur  you!"

"Thanks Chatton." She then proceeded to open the gift, careful to completely destroy the neat packaging. Opening the box, she found a divider in the middle, separating two shining gifts. She took out the first one, and it was a stained glass figure of the two of them.  "Chat... I love it! Thank you!"

"Take out the other one!" The cat themed hero was very excited, almost to the point of bursting.

"Ok, ok!" Ladybug said while laughing. She took out the other object, and it was in fact, two objects. There were two bedazzled hair ties.

"So," Said Chat Noir, "you can take these, and put them in your pigtails, to, you know, add a little more pizazz!" He took the hair ties and put them in her hair over the already existing hair ties. 

"Thanks, I love them!" Ladybug said. The two heroes spent the rest of the evening on the edge of the tower, talking. And laughing. And just being happy. It was the best birthday Marinette could ever ask for. It was getting late, but they didn't care. Together they were happy, spending a beautiful night together looking over the beautiful city of Paris. 

"Hey Ladybug?" Chat asked.

"Yes?" She replied.

"I have a question."

"Well then go ahead and speak already!" Ladybug wasn't at all annoyed, she was just pretending  to be, and they both knew that.

"How old did you turn this birthday?" Chat wanted to ask that the whole night, but he knew that she didn't really like to talk about personal details so much. 

"I turned seventeen." Ladybug responded simply, without much thought. "How old are you?"

"I turned seventeen a few months ago, actually.  I guess we have more in common than we think we do, huh?" Chat was smiling, happy to know that his lady wasn't in her late twenties while he was still seventeen.

"Yeah..." Ladybug said. Still in the thoughtless tone, even though she was thinking about every single word between them.  Everything right now seemed just perfect, nothing getting in the way. There was her, him, together, loving.  Things were even going good in her civilian life! She managed to get Alya off her back with the help of her good friend Adrien, and all of her friends had given her a birthday celebration! But most of all, mask on or mask off, she was happy, and that to her was probably the best birthday gift of all. Everyone around her (especially Chat), made her happy. So, so happy. "I hate to say this, but it is almost 2 o'clock in the morning. We should probably head off to bed soon..." Ladybug yawned.

"I hate to agree with you, but, I agree." Chat said. They both stood up from the spot they were sitting to say their goodbyes. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Chat kissed her on the cheek, and Ladybug swung her yo-yo away with a smile and a slight blush too. A wordless exchange. 

But hey, who need words when they're in love, anyways?

Authors Note:

Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in forever, sorry about that. I think I'll have the epilogue to this book and then have it finished.  Because I don't plan on making my Epilogue too reveling as in what happens with the rest of their lives/identities, if you guys really want me too, I'll make a second, probably shorter book. Once I'm done with this book, I plan on doing a few more chapters of my other book, first chance, and then finish that off. After, of maybe even in the process, I'll probably make a one shot book dedicated to Ladynoir. I don't really know.

Anyway, thanks for reading! 

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