Chapter 7

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Recap of last chapter's end:

"Hey Kitty?" Ladybug began and put a finger on her partners chest. "You know I wasn't kidding about that ice cream date, and now that we have the time... would you like to take me out?"

Current time:

Ladybug went through the most nerve wrecking moments one could possibly imagine in those approximately 18 seconds it took her partner, Chat Noir, to reply. He was simply too flustered to speak at that moment- the blood rushed to his cheeks, forming an all too visible blush, and his heart exploded with happiness as he was actually living the moment he dreamed of.

Oh geez no! Ladybug thought.  I did this all to soon, I'm such a dummy! I should've taken more time, Chat will definitely know somethings up- he's smart! Ugh I'm such a fool! 

The heroine's thought train came to a stop as Chat Noir spoke, finally regaining his confidence. 

"I'd love to M'lady." Chat said this in a hushed tone into Ladybugs ear, not trying to sound seductive (which he by the way did) but to try and hide his extreme excitement from coming out in a squeal. A wave of relief rushed over Ladybug as her partner, and now date as well, accepted her request. The girls lip formed a smile and hugged Chat Noir. 

I might be falling for him a little bit, a little, little bit. Ladybug came to a rather unsettling realization as her feelings had started to shift already, and started to shift fast.

"Where to, Bugaboo? You know there's many ice cream parlors in Paris... Geralds Gelato, Bask'n Robbins, Dairy Queen, Andre's, and a whole lot others!" Chat exclaimed. In Ladybugs minds, Andre's was definitely ruled out, heck, that's where her parents got engaged!  

"How about... the one in the park!" The spotted heroine answered. Trying to start the flow of a normal conversation with Chat as they walked to the park, Ladybug started to blab about todays akuma attack. "I can't believe how easy todays akuma was!"

"Yeah!" Chat Noir agreed easily.

"It's like Hawkmoth is getting lazier with his akumas..." 

"Or we're just becoming more unstoppable M'lady."

"Or... maybe both!" Ladybug said, winning their unsaid mini argument of the easiness of todays attack.

"You're right!" Chat knew just to let Ladybug have the final word in the topic, fore her stubbornness would not let him be 'right'.

"Aren't I always?" Ladybug said with a playfulness easily detected in her voice.

"Can you just imagine a fat Hawkmoth, sitting one a sofa is his den, eating potato chips watching people get angry like it's TV?" Chat's joke wasn't that funny, but the blue haired super heroine still laughed anyway. Or rather giggled. 

For Chat Noir, pride swelled in his chest for making his lady laugh, which happens only on occasion. "Ha! I knew you always loved my jokes and puns!" The blonde boi exclaimed excitedly.

"Nope! Your jokes aren't half bad- but your puns..,. major oof right there." 

...Major oof? That is so... old! Yet Ladybug still used the Roblox death sound in day to day conversation with Chat, that usually happened on patrols. Back to the story anyway---

The superhero duo reached the park where the ice cream parlor stood, and approached the ordering window. Thanks to Ladybugs luck (or just any luck really) there was no line for them to wait in. As Chat Noir was gawking at the different flavors, he wasn't the only one looking like a little kid in a toy store- the employee looked liked that as well. Only difference was that he was staring at Paris's saviors.

"Y-your Ladybug a-and Chat Noir! W-wow, uh thank you for saving Paris! Um... what would you like to order?" The employee was obviously nervous talking to the two 'legendary figures'.

"I'll take a mint chocolate chip and the lady will have------" Chat having no idea what Ladybug wanted, just let her decide, being the gentleman he was.

"I'll take the Nutella thank you!" Ladybugs chirped. The employee served the pair their ice cream as chat took out is wallet from his zipped pockets.

So that's why he has them! I wonder what else he keeps in them... eh, probably just his phone. Ladybug pondered.

"No need sir, this ones one the house!" The nameless employee exclaimed. But Chat Noir still wanted to give something, maybe a tip.

"Well at least take this tip, for being a day to day superhero! You know how many people I've seen you make happy just by giving ice cream? A lot, so here, for you." As the black suited hero finished his mini speech and gave his generous tip, the duo said their thanks and walked over to a near by bench.

"Aww Chat! That was so sweet! You're a good person, you know?" Ladybug stated.

"Actually, I do know, cause' then I wouldn't be a miraculous holder." Chat retorted.

This got a small giggle out of the spotted heroine. Finishing their ice cream, a decision was made to watch the sunset from the Eiffel tower. Thanks to the fact that their superheroes, they made it there in no time.

Landing, Chat sat down with his legs extended, and Ladybug chose to use one of his thighs as a pillow. Basically having no where else to look but upwards, Ladybug looked into his eyes, unable to look away. Not knowing the words to describe her current feelings, she just gave Chat Noir a hug.

A very long hug too. 


OMG! This book has really grown thanks to you guys! Sorry this came out a bit late... was going to post yesterday but Wattpad decided to malfunction last night. I'll probably have a new chapter up tomorrow unless something happens to the wattled server again... Thanks for reading!

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