Chapter 10

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Marinette heard her late morning Sunday wake up call, also know as a song picked at random from her country music playlist. Who on earth would want to set an alarm for Sunday? It's the one day your supposed to wake up late, right? Well, for this girl with double identities had to, for Sunday was the day of the week that Ladybug and Chat Noir patrolled in the afternoon, so the people of Paris could see them. Some Parisians even went outside just to see them! Marinette walked down to the breakfast table, taking the hour and a half before Sunday patrol easy.

"Morning Maman, morning Papa!" Marinette greeted her parents with a hug.

"Morning sweetie! How'd you sleep?" Sabine looked up briefly from the eggs in the pan to say good morning to her daughter.

"Good. Are you making bacon and eggs?" The teen asked her mother a simple question, thought it wasn't answered- with words at least. Seconds later there was intact bacon and eggs on Marinette's plate.

"Thanks Maman!" Tom and Sabine sat down for the familial breakfast. Holding normal conversation with her parents, Marinette realized she didn't have much time left until the public expected Ladybug to show up. Ergo, Marinette told her parents some lame excuse she didn't even remember, and headed back up to the safety of her room to transform.

"Tikki, Spots On! Ha!" After the transformation lit up the room, Ladybug checked if the coast was clear to jump out the window, and was off. As she swung over to the Eiffel Tower, Ladybug felt a presence along side her. And yup! That presence was no one other than 'the one and only Chat Noir'.

"Hey Kitty! Let's just land on the rooftop over there." Ladybug half said half yelled into the wind, the cat-themed hero somehow hearing. Landing almost perfectly, the spotted heroine looked over at her partner...

"Your wearing that?!" Ladybug exclaimed in disbelief. She wasn't mad. In fact, she was actually pretty pleased that he was actually using the hoodie she spent hours on rather than tossing it in a closet never to be seen again.

"Yeah! I love it so much but, I know how important identities are to you, and well, I thought that earring it as a civilian would give me away a bit, right?" Chat was a little nervous, even though he shouldn't have been at all.

"Great thinking Chat! Plus, now you can show off to all of Paris that you have a new garment." Ladybug said, once again feeling proud of her work.

"Well then we ought to be off then!" Chat Noir said in an old fashioned manner. "Ladies first." The superhero duo went about Paris, waving to kids and fans. Landing on an rather empty sidewalk, to take a breather, a crazed fangirl with a phone on record came up to them.

"Hey Ladyblog! Freak out! I'm here with Ladybug and Chat Noir as they take a break from their patrol!" Alya said towards her phone but now talking to Paris's saviors. "Mind if I ask a few questions?" Chat, clearly fine with it, looked at his parter for approval, who gave a nod in return.

"Go ahead! Alya, right?" Chat asked. Even though he knew her name very well due to his alter ego Adrien, he didn't want to give clues to the worlds best teen detective.

"Thanks Chat Noir! For my first question, I'm dying to know where you got that hoodie from! So, could you tell me from where or who that hoodie is from?" Alya asked the question on every viewers mind at the moment. I mean, that hoodie is cute.

"I actually got it last night from your very own Ladybug! Right M'lady?" Chat Noir replied while looking at Ladybug. Dang it! Why does he have to be so darn sweet! Wait... did I just... oh. Oh. Oh! Master Fu was right about the whole viewing people in another way thing!

"Yup just a little present for my Kitty." Ladybug responded and flicked Chat's bell. Alya was trying so hard not to let loose a massive fan girl scream. Ladybug never flirted with Chat Noir on camera, or at all for all she knew. Trying to ask the age old 'Are you dating?' question without being too direct.

"So... you guys seem.... closer now?" Alya asked yet stated at the same time.

"Actually yeah. When you spend a lot of time with someone, of course your connection grows stronger! Well Alya, I think it's about time we head off- thanks for having us!" Ladybug respond to the question and noted that the interview time was up.

"Thank you for saving Paris! Bye!" Alya waved to the two heroes as they started to patrol again.


I'm so sorry that this is a day late! I had a huge test that I had to to study for yesterday day so... moving on! Happy Hanukkah if you celebrate it!

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