Chapter 24

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Copyright © 2018 Nicole Mckoy

Jasmine P.O.V.

I stepped off the elevator and headed down the hallway.

I was headed to my sister's place when I got a call from Evan's father. He wanted me to come down to the office asap but didn't say why.

I had to put my little vent session with Claudette on hold for now.

I turned the corner and entered the boardroom.

There were men sitting around the table. I saw Evan's father at the head of the table.

"Here she is now," Mr. Sharp said once I entered the room.

"No way!" one man said.

"You're kidding me!" another man added.

"You've got to be out of your mind Sharp!" a third man chimed in.

"Does anyone want to tell me what's going on?" I asked confused why I was even here.

"Jasmine these are the shareholders of the company. We all just had a vote and they have decided to have my son replaced as head of this company effective immediately," Mr. Sharp began to explain.

So not only is Evan in jail due to being accused of rape. Now he's lost his job. The one thing he valued as much as his family.

"With that being said. You understand that we need a replacement to step in temporarily as my son is under investigation. I have all the faith that he will be cleared of all charges and can come back and resume his position. But until then I must have someone in his place. Now there are so many seasoned well known men in this business that could easily take my son's spot. But I want to change things up. I want to shock the press when they report this news and I also want my son proud of my decision," Mr. Sharp said.

"Ok... so who is replacing Evan?" I asked.

"That would be you Jasmine," Mr. Sharp said.

"What!" I said shocked.

"Seriously Sharp! What the hell have you been sipping on in your retirement!" one man said.

"All of you men shut it! You heard my husband," I heard a familiar female voice.

I turned around and saw Mrs. Sharp walk in.

"This is a family company and I will be damned if someone who isn't family is sitting in that head seat! My son will be back and better than ever in due time. But until then my husband and I have all the faith in our future daughter in law," Mrs. Sharp said as she came up beside me.

"She has no background working in a corporate job!" one shareholder argued.

"Has she even worked a day in her life. No disrespect Ava but just because she birthed your grandkids doesn't make her fit to run this company," another shareholder added.

"Gentleman in the society we live in today you under value the power and knowledge of a woman. Jasmine is very smart and my son thinks highly of her aside from their romantic connection. My husband and I also have all the faith that she is capable of running this company just as smoothly as our son has since taking over three years ago. Now as my husband said this is just a temporary replacement because our son will be cleared of the bogus charges against him and back here working in no time," Mrs. Sharp said.

All the men were silent but had looks of confusion and disbelief on their faces.

"Now we can vote on this but I think you all should know when we took this company public we allowed the opportunity for each of you to be sitting in those seats today. Remember that and believe in our decision about this like you believed in our company back then," Mrs. Sharp said.

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