How You Meet

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Luke: It was a boring day for you, having nothing planned you decided to go and run some errands. You decided to stay comfortable and dress yourself in your favorite Blink-182 shirt, leggings and a light jacket. First on your list of stops was the pet store to go get your fish some food. When you walked in you saw the tanks full of colorful fish swimming around. You decided not to look at them because you knew of your track record with keeping certain fish alive. You proceeded to the back to get the food. When you got there you asked an employee if they had the brand you had been looking for. Unfortunately they were out of stock and you had to make a quick decision on which food to take. You looked at all of them reading their ingredients and just couldn’t decide which one to chose. Then you hear a not so familiar voice, “You know I like to use this brand for my fish, they seem to like it.” You look over and see the blonde haired, blue eyed lad with an accent. “Oh thank you.” You said with a loss of words because of his gorgeous looks. “So, you like the Blink-182, huh?” He said looking enthusiastic as ever. “Yea, they’re one of my favorites.” You two went back and forth talking about music and he formally introduced himself as Luke. “Hey, would you like to go out some time?” He said, sort of uncertain of himself. “Yes, I would love to.” You said with a smile on your face. “I’ll call you”, he said as he was about to exit the store. “Y/N”, you said. “You have a very nice name Y/N. I’ll talk to you soon.” He winked and exited the store. Wow. Your heart was feeling a million emotions. You were speechless, but you had a date to get ready for tonight.


Calum: You were on your way to your office when you left your apartment building in New York City. You tried hailing down a couple of cabs but none of them budged. Finally after five minutes you managed to get a cab. When he pulled over you jumped in and told him where your destination was. And at that same second you realized there was somebody else in the cab with you. You saw a gorgeous, tall, sexy guy. “Excuse me, but I believe that this is my cab.” You said. “Well, I’m pretty sure you don’t own it and I think I was here first.” You turned to the driver, “Excuse me, could you please tell us who was first?” He just sat there and got out his newspaper in hopes that one of you would make a decision. “I’m kind of in a hurry, so I think I’ll take this one” You said marking your territory. “Well I have to be somewhere too, so I think I’ll take it.” “Fine have it your way”, you said frustrated and exited the cab. He followed after you and said, “No, I’m sorry, you can take it.” Just as he said that, the cab sped away. “Great, now look what you’ve done.” You said angrily. you decided to just take the subway and not even bother trying to hail another cab. You noticed that this stranger was still following you. You turned around to face him. “I’m sorry, I was just thinking, maybe, we could go out later.” You rolled your eyes at him and then realized that you didn’t have anything planned after work. He gave you sort of sad puppy eyes. “Okay, fine.” You gave in. “Carmines. 7. Be there”, you said. He smiled and held his hand out, “Calum” You shook his hand, “Y/N” With that he winked. When you finally got to work you couldn’t stop thinking about this mysterious boy but you were excited for work to be over.

Ashton: Today you were volunteering at the children’s hospital in Central London. You were excited because you couldn’t wait to talk to the children. When you arrived the nurses informed you about all of the children. You wanted to make your rounds to all of the children and be able to talk to them. It seemed like the day for people to volunteer because there were so many people giving a helping hand and visiting the children. You were talking to one little girl in particular who had her whole room adorned with 5 Seconds of Summer posters and merchandise. “I’ll take it that you like 5 Seconds of Summer” You said to her. “Yes!” She said so excited and she went on about her love of the boys. Then she said, “Did you know Ashton is here? I want to see him so bad but he hasn’t come.” “Really?” That gave you an idea. “I’ll be right back”, you said to her. You went to find Ashton who was preoccupied by drawing batman portraits with a little boy. “Ashton?”, you said and he looked up to you, “Hi I was just talking to a little admirer of yours and if you could make your way over to room 307, that would mean a lot to me, especially her.” “Of course”, he said with a smile. You smiled, turned around and headed back to the little girls room. You two chatted for a little while more, until her face lit up. You turned around to see Ashton standing in the doorway. “I heard that you wanted me to come and meet you.”, he said and she looked at you, tears pooling in her eyes but coughing out a ‘thank you’. You let the two of them talk and you waited outside the room. Soon enough Ashton exited the room and approached you. “You do this often?”, he said. “Yea, I love coming here and talking to the children. It gives them something to take their mind off all of this”, you say waving you hand towards the hospital walls. “That’s very generous of you. What’s your name?” “Y/N”, you said shyly. “How about we get some coffee?” You could only imagine the look on your face, “Sure.” You two said your goodbyes to the children and went out out for your coffee date with THE Ashton Irwin. 

Michael:  It was early in the morning and you were getting prepared for daily morning run. You put your jacket and strapped your ipod onto your arm. You put on your favorite song and headed out the door. You walked to Regents Park and started your run. You had your ipod on shuffle and decided to change it to the next song. Whilst still running you grabbed your ipod and switched to the next song. Your attention was anywhere but in front of you. You crashed right into someone. You got up to apologize to the victim of your clumsiness. You helped him up and brushed off his jacket which was now covered in grass and dirt. Your eyes met with his beautiful eyes . These were eyes that you recognized, the eyes of Michael Clifford.  “Oh my god, I’m so so sorry.” “Don’t worry about it love, it’s just a little dirt, don’t sweat it.” “I just-“, you tried your best to form a sentence but nothing was coming out. He looked you right in the eyes, “Please don’t get caught up on it. Are you free this afternoon?” With a shocking look on your face you said, “Yes”. He smiled warmly at you and gave you his number. “Call me later and we can catch something to eat, yeah?” “Sounds good.” “I look forward to seeing you later…” He ended uncertain and looking for your name. “Y/N”, you said. “Great. Can’t wait, Y/N” You two departed and you went home to get ready. Butterflies in your stomach proved that this boy had an effect on you and couldn’t wait to see him.

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