He Comforts You

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Calum: Tears flooded your vision; the knot in your stomach becoming more evident, as you sprawled out across the floor. You were just enjoying dinner with Calum, when you got a call revealing that your grandmother had just passed away. You loved her to pieces; you two were very close and the thought of never seeing her again made your heart break. Now here you are, locked in your bedroom, sobbing your heart out, in hope that the pain would go away.
“[Y/N] open the door,” Calum spoke from the other side. You didn’t reply, your crying just increased, making your boyfriend worry even more then he already was. “[Y/N]! What’s happened? Please just let me in!” His voice shook; frantically knocking on the door. You stayed silent, pulling your knees up to your chest. You slowly rocked yourself as tears washed over you once again, as you started to break down. “Fine if you won’t open the door…” Calum spoke once more, before there was a moment of silence. Suddenly the door shook violently, making you jump to your feet as the realisation hit you, that Calum was trying to break down the door. Immediately your shaky hands began to turn the lock, before it burst open to reveal a distressed Calum. He took one glance at you with worried eyes, before dragging you into a comforting embrace, not bothering to ask what was wrong as he knew you was in too much of a state to respond. Your tense muscles relaxed; welcoming the long awaited hug that was sure as hell needed. You felt his hands slowly stroke your hair, in attempt to calm you down; you tried to keep your hiccups and sobs to a minimum as fresh tears pricked your eyes, soaking Calum’s shirt. “Just let it out [Y/N],” his accent was thick with concern. Tears started to reproduce; crying in your boyfriends arms, as he tried to soothe your distressed state.

Michael: You frantically knocked on your best friends door, on the verge of tears. You never really had a strong relationship with either of your parents; always arguing, which always resulted in you being the disappointment of the family. This just drove you over the edge, and you needed to get away, you needed space, and more importantly you needed the comfort of you best friend: Michael. The door swiftly swung open, you barging in, not even waiting for permission to enter; leaving Michael stood there a little oblivious to what was happening.
“You know, it’s polite to wait to be welcomed in before you break into my home [Y/N]” his voice spoke calmly as he faced your back. “Anyway, I was going to call you, see if you wanted to go to this par-”
“Mikey, I’m not really in the mood,” you interrupted; not letting him finish.
“Why? Don’t be such a spoil sport, it’ll b-“, you cut him off, again.
“You know I don’t like parties, so can we drop it?” You huffed, before slouching down onto his sofa; your mood was foul, even you’d admit that, but at the moment, you didn’t really care. “Sorry, my parents have just been chewing on my nerves lately, and I’m just frustrated,” you sighed, feeling the couch dip beside you, were Michael decided to sit.
“What’s happened this time?” The argument played over in your head as you spilled everything, from the complaint about your grades, to them comparing you to your oh so perfect brother; everything you did was just a big disappointment in their eyes.
“I just feel like no matter what I do, I’ll never be good enough, and I know they don’t love me even half as much as they love him,” your voice cracked; referring to your brother.
“That’s ridiculous [Y/N], you know that’s not true!” Michael spoke reassuringly, as he slung his arm over your shoulders, in an attempt to make you feel the slightest bit better.
“Really?! Well how come he gets praised for nothing, and I get blamed for everything?” You croaked, Michael knew you was upset. He pulled you closer into him, before resting his forehead against your temple, while rubbing your arm comfortingly.
“I don’t know, babe, but everything will turn out okay, I promise. I mean they still love you despite what you think, and you’ve always got me, right?”
“Right.” You smiled.
“So, how about we order a pizza, and watch a movie to take your mind off of things?” Michael suggested, causing your smile to become more evident.
“What about that party you wanted to go to?” You questioned, suddenly feeling guilty of keeping him here, when he could be out having fun.
“Nah, I’d rather spend the night cheering you up,” he replied simply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Ashton: It was midday, the summer breeze gently caressed your hair as you sat, your phone in your lap, with your legs dangling off the edge of the tree house. You usually came here when you wanted to be alone, and now was one of those times. Being Ashton Irwin’s girlfriend did have its perks, it made you the happiest girl in the world, but at the same time it was completely destroying you on the inside. Hate. It wasn’t much of a big deal at first, you learned to ignore it, however, hurtful words turned into death threats and that was something you was uncomfortable with - anyone would be. Of course Ashton had no idea; you didn’t want to worry him with something you thought you could deal with.
“[Y/N] are you up here?” You heard Ashton call; taking you out of your self absorption, as he emerged up from the ladders, taking a seat next to your stressed frame. “Hey, are you okay? You only come up here when something is bothering you,” your boyfriend questioned, a little concerned.
“No, everything is fine, I just wanted to clear my head.” You smiled convincingly, causing him to nod, before resting his hand on your knee; drawing circles with his fingers. Suddenly, your phone lit up, revealing notifications of the hate messages you frequently received. You quickly fumbled with your phone; trying to lock it before Ashton saw. Looking up, you reluctantly turned to face Ashton, who was staring at your phone suspiciously.
“[Y/N], what was that?” He carefully asked.
“Nothing!” You replied a little too quickly, making his suspicions rise. His eyes darted to yours, as if he was searching for an answer; he was going to find out eventually. Sighing, defeated, you hesitantly handed him your phone; holding your breath as he began to read through all the hurtful messages you was sent daily. His expression was hard; changing from confused, to furious, then to sympathy as he looked up at you, setting your phone down.
“Come here,” he opened his arms beckoning you into a warm embrace; an invitation you gladly accepted, as you snuggled deep into his side. “I’m so sorry [Y/N], I didn’t know it was that bad,” he sighed, running his finger delicately through your hair.
“It’s okay, seriously Ash,” you gave him a small smile, before his arms tightened around your waist, making you feel safe.
“You shouldn’t listen to them [Y/N], their words mean nothing, I love you and that’s all that matters,” he whispered, before planting a kiss on your temple; reassuring you that everything was going to be okay.

Luke: “[Y/N], don’t you think you’ve had enough?” Your best friend: Luke, asked cautiously as you threw back yet another shot. You were currently drowning the sorrows of your recent break up in alcohol; the number of shots consumed was unknown, although you did definitely feel the effect, as your vision started to blur.
“Lukey… Don’t be such a… downer!” You giggled; Luke only rolled his eyes in return, before standing.
“I’m taking you home,” he announced, ignoring your feeble protests, as he effortlessly began to lead you out the bar - you being too drunk to object. You really shouldn’t have let yourself get in such a state, but at the time, it seemed like the only solution that would make you forget your heart ache, temporarily. The winter air struck you like a ton of bricks, causing you to gasp as you began to stagger down a deserted street. You leaned heavily into Luke; his arm wrapped around your waist, as he supported your drunken self, in an attempt to get you home safely. However, you soon got bored of walking, as you stopped; leaning against a brick wall for support, you slowly slid down before planting yourself on the pavement.
“Luke, y- you shouldn’t be taking care of me,” you slurred, looking down at your hands, ashamed.
“Yes, I should” he simply replied, towering over you with a concerned expression written across his face.
“Look at me, I’m a mess!” You felt your hair all tangled and knotted in the back, and your make-up was probably all smudged; a rash started to make its way onto your skin due to your drunken state. “No wonder he left me,” you mumbled in a small voice. Luke just sighed, slouching down next to you.
“[Y/N], don’t say that, he was a fool to leave you, he’s an idiot!” Your eyes hesitantly looked up, before meeting his gaze.
“But, I gave him everything,” your eyes began to water, mostly because your emotions were all over the place at the moment. Luke took a deep breath, as he gently tucked a stray piece of hair behind you ear, before wrapping his arm reassuringly around your waist, while you rested your head on his shoulder. His fingers started to trace up and down your spine, as you nuzzled further into the crook of his neck; your eye lids began to droop, as fatigue got the best of you. All that was audible was Luke’s deep breathing; just as you was about to welcome sleep, he moved from underneath you. Dusting himself off, before helping you up to your feet.
“Come on [Y/N], lets get you to bed.”

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