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Ashton: You had left Ashton to look after your daughter for the day. Whilst Ashton had been on tour you had had to look after your daughter on your own and it had been quite difficult seeing as she was a happy, excited, hyper active child just like her dad. Throughout the day Ashton has send you numerous selfies of him and your daughter and in most of them the small girl had insisted that her dad wore a tiara, matching to her own. It was clear that the 2 had had a lovely day and although you were glad to get a way from the stress of the loudest child you had ever known you had missed them both. When you got back all the lights were turned out and lying across the carpet was a sleeping Ashton with his daugher asleep on his chest. The floor was a mess, various toys spread every where but you just laughed it off placing a blanket over the two and heading to the kitchen to make some food.

Calum: Calum would often take his 4 sons and 1 daughter to the park to play football (or soccer or footie what ever you wanna call it). His four sons were just as talented as him when it came to the game and although his daughter was a bit too young to understand the game she still had a very strong kick. Sometimes Calum would join in with his kids, helping out his daughter and other times he would stand by you at the side of the makeshift football pitch, arms around your waist and a proud smile spread across his face as he whispered to you how proud he was of your children.

Michael: Michael loved nothing more than to dress his two small children so they looked ‘so punk’. One day you, Michael and your son and daughter were shopping and already Michael had bought your children tiny skinny jeans and band t-shirts. Suddenly Michael rushed of some where round the corner. You rolled your eyes knowing that what ever he brought back would be something ridiculous and he would’t stop begging for you to let him have the thing until you gave in. Michael came round the corner a massive grin on his face as he held up fake tattoos, fake piercings and washout hair dye. You sighed “Are you serious Mikey? Don’t you think you’re taking it a but to far they’re basically babies” He shook his head at you, putting the items in the trolley and leading the way to checkout. 

Luke: Luke was sat on a stool, mindlessly strumming his guitar when the twins came running in. Luke placed the guitar on the stand and helped the 2 small children sit on his lap. “Daddy can i play your guitar?” Said one of the twins whilst the other nodded their head vigorously, clearly wanting to play too. “ok then” Luke said before reaching over to lift the guitar from the stand, the 2 children sill perched on his lap. He placed the guitar on the knees of both the children. He showed his daughter who was closest to the fret, how to make a D chord and told his son, sat closer to the other end of the guitar, which strings to strum and how. After a bit of practice they had almost perfected a D chord. Luke placed the guitar back on the stand pulling the 2 children into a tight embrace, muttering a ‘well done’ with a massive grin spread across his lips

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