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Michael: You’d been spending the evening on the couch together. You started out playing video games, but when you beat Michael, he wasn’t having it anymore and moped until you put in a movie. Two movies later, darkness had fallen around you and midnight had passed, which meant it was time for you to head home. You pried yourself out of his grip, since you’d been cuddled against his chest with his arms locked around you, and sighed. “I should go home,” you muttered, even though you really didn’t want to. His arms had been warm and inviting and outside wasn’t looking nearly as appealing. Apart from that, you were tired and you didn’t feel like getting up. “But I don’t really want to,” you whined to him, while you reached for your shoes, when his voice sounded. “Then don’t go.” You looked up. “Don’t go,” he repeated. “Just stay. You can sleep here. We can watch another movie and you can fall asleep on the couch and I’ll carry you up to bed. Or not, if I’m too lazy,” he chuckled, “then we’ll just stay here.” You thought about it for a second. It sounded like the best idea you’d ever heard, and you were sure your parents wouldn’t mind… too much. “Okay,” you smiled, and you plopped back down again, the familiar warmth filling your body with content. 

Luke: You couldn’t even remember what you were fighting about. It had started with something silly, and now suddenly, you were blaming each other for everything that went wrong in your lives and you were yelling and he was screaming and it was all wrong. “You know what, fuck you!” you cried out, tears rolling down your cheeks. “If all I am is a burden maybe I should just fucking leave.” You stormed out, slamming the door behind you. You were already halfway down the garden path when you felt a hand lock around your wrist. “Y/N…” You turned around, ready to yell at him to just let you go, when you noticed the look in his eyes. “Stay,” he said softly, his eyes rimming with tears as well. “Don’t walk away from what we have. Please. Don’t go. Stay with me.” He was pleading, afraid that if he let you walk out now, you might not come back. When you didn’t answer, panic started rushing through him. “Please baby. Please stay. I’m sorry. I love you, and I’m an idiot and please for fuck’s sake, don’t leave me.” You didn’t answer, but instead threw yourself against his chest, burying your face in his neck. “I’m sorry too,” you whispered. “Will you stay?” he asked, still unsure. “I’m not going anywhere.” 

Calum: “I’m just going to miss you,” you said simply. You were lying in bed, on your back, completely clothed and packed, ready to go home again. He was leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed, a frown on his face. You’d flown out to visit him on tour, but the one downside that visits had was that they ended and every time you said goodbye it hurt a little bit more, it seemed. “I wish we could go back to the start of this week,” you continued. “Time goes so slowly when you’re gone and then when I’m here it flies and it’s not fair. I really hate….” “Stay with me,” he interrupted you, and you sat up, your eyes wide. “What did you say?” He walked up to you, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Don’t leave,” he said clearly, his eyes shifting, telling you he was nervous. “I know this is stupid and I can’t ask you this because you’ve got a life back at home and it’s not fair for me to ask you to leave it all behind for me but I don’t want to miss you. It’s selfish, but I can’t stand it. I don’t want you so far away from me, I want you right here. I want you to stay.” “Cal,” you started softly, and he sighed. “I know, I know. You can’t. I shouldn’t have asked. I just miss you a lot when you’re not with me.” You giggled, wrapping your arms around him. “I was gonna say that I’d love to stay with you.” 

Ashton: “No, stop, I swear to God, Ash…” You gasped for air, trying frantically to get a grip on his hands, but he was too quick and too strong and it just wasn’t a very fair fight. “Swear what?” he teased, continuing to tickle your sides while you squirmed under his touch. Your tickle fight had started on the couch but halfway through you’d rolled onto the ground, where you still were. “I will…” you brought out, trying to catch your breath, “kill you.” He giggled, grabbing your hands with his. “Stop fussing,” he ordered with a smirk, “you’re not going to escape.” He was straddling you, and with him being a lot taller and heavier then you, the odds of you escaping were indeed small. But he had a weakness and you knew exactly what it was. You leaned up and pressed your lips to his. As always, his body immediately relaxed under your touch, his grip on you loosening for just a second; and a second was all you needed. With a swift movement you were standing on your feet, on your way to the door, when his voice called behind you. “No, stay!” You turned around, seeing him sitting on the floor pouting, and you giggled. “What do I get if I stay?” He puckered his lips and you shook your head. “I’m not feeling this deal,” you teased, and he growled, jumping up and running after you into the hallway as you squealed and started running; knowing the tickle fight wasn’t over yet.

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