First Kiss

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Luke: Well I bet with Luke he would know it was your first kiss ever, so he’s probably have a big plan, thinking “I’ll kiss her at this time at the right moment.” Except when the two of you would be sitting on his roof in the moonlight, he would know it was the right time. He would probably be more nervous than you, wanting to make sure he made your first kiss perfect. There would be a moment where neither of you would have anything to say, so he would get all nervous because he would get the gut feeling that it was the perfect moment. His palms would get really sweaty and his heart would be beating really fast, and he would really flustered. He wouldn’t particularly give you a “warning”, he would just lean in real slowly and gently turn your head to his, softly kissing you, making his heart beat even faster.

Calum: Calum would be totally spontaneous about it, having no plan whatsoever. He would probably decide one day to take you out to the zoo, or a soccer game, anything like that. You guys would go to look at the bird exhibit, and you would be giggling and fascinated by the birds, not noticing Calum staring, and at that moment it was that feeling you get where you’re in love with someone, but you don’t realize. But he knew he wanted to kiss you. So it wouldn’t be the most romantic thing, or the sweetest cutest planned out thing, but he would totally just quickly turn you around in front of everyone, leaning in and kissing you gently.

Michael: He would be the type of guy to kiss you every chance he got, on the first date especially. But you nudge him away, telling him not to kiss you yet, making him whine and pout, despite the fact you guys weren’t even officially dating yet. Every date he would take you on, he would try to kiss you, only to be rejected, either by you stepping away quickly, or turning your head so he only kissed your cheek. Then, one day after and random date, it would start pouring so you would both rush to his car, laughing as you both got soaked, climbing in his car and shivering slightly. You would smile at him from the passenger seat, waiting for him to start the car, but of course he wouldn’t. He would stare back at you, smiling widely because of how beautiful he thought you were. He would decide to try again, leaning in slowly and cupping your cheeks, stopping when he noticed you didn’t move back. He would smile, whispering, “Can I kiss you?” leaving you to smile back, biting you lip and nodding. He would grin, leaning in and kissing you.

Ashton: I bet Ashton wouldn’t even need to be dating you to kiss you, for all he cared, you might already have a different boyfriend. But sadly, your boyfriend didn’t always treat you right, so time after time you’d go crying to Ashton, looking for comfort from your best friend. One night, you’d come to his house, crying about how your boyfriend broke up with you. Ashton would be very mad of course, but he would bite his tongue and lead you to the couch, sitting you next to him, letting you rest your head on his chest and cry, petting your hair comfortingly. Once he would notice that your breathing has slowed, and that you were tired and half asleep, he would mumble, "I would treat you so much better you know". But you were awake enough to hear it, so you would lift your head off his chest, confused, asking what he meant. He would probably swallow, not answering and looking away. Yet, you wouldn’t give up, asking him what he meant, and he would sigh, knowing there was no way to avoid your question. So instead of answering with words, Ashton would just reach down, tilting your chin up and kissing you gently, pulling back after a while and murmuring, "that’s what I meant."

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