Chapter 28

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Emma's Pov.

He pointed gun at me and we heard sirens. "We have you surrounded! Please come out with the girl and put your hands up." Thank God, someone is here. He untied me from the chair but kept the strings on my hands tied. Shit now I'm scared as fuck. He's really gonna kill me in front of all the cops. Fuck I won't be able to tell Cameron I love him! I won't be able to go to collage! I won't be able to get married! I won't be able to have kids! I won't be able to see my kids have kids! I won't get to do shit if I die. He made me walk. I was limping from the cut in my leg.

We were out side there were two helicopters in the air and Dozens of cop cars around and a couple ambulances around. All the cops had there guns pointed to us. Shit if he makes a move we are both dead. Shit! "Sir, please let the girl go and place your weapons on the ground." The head officer said. My father pointed the gun to my stomach.

I was crying now. I'm really gonna die. He was gonna kill me and I'm gonna be dead. I started having a panic attack. "Sir, please release the girl!" the officer said again. But instead of letting me go he shot me. Everything was slow-mo. I fell to the ground hard hitting my head. The cops shot my father a lot of times. The cops rushed to my aid. "You'll be ok" the paramedic said. She held a cloth to my stomach to add pressure. I was then put into a stretcher and carried into the car. " There are two more girls in there dead. Please save them." I said. They were about to leave until I said,"Wait, I want Cameron Dallas in here." I'm guessing they were at the crime seen because as soon as I said it he came running in. He held my hand. I smiled when I saw him. "I'll always love you Cameron Alexander Dallas." was the last thing I said before things went black.

***A couple of minutes before the crime***

Cameron's Pov.

We just got off the plane and we were heading to the house. We had called the cops to go over to the house and once we got there they were already there asking him to come out.

The police officer told us to wait inside one of the ambulance cars, since there were like a couple just in case. We were all watching praying that she was ok. He then came out with her. She had blood all over her. I cried at the sight of her. I was suppose to protect her but I decide popularity was more important. If she doesn't live I'm blaming myself. The officers were telling him to let her go and to surrender. He then shot the love of my life. I ran out of the car and over to her but only to be stopped my officers. I was screaming and pushing but they wouldn't let me go.

Trevor came over to me and pulled me away. We were both crying into each others chest. I saw her lying on the ground lifeless. Mahogany, was crying into Jacobs chest. All the girls came were with us. They were all crying into their boyfriends chest. I was crying too till a paramedic came "Emma has requested to have Cameron Dallas in the ambulance with her." I ran to the ambulance and got in. We needed to get to the hospital fast because she was losing a lot of blood. I held her hand and she smiled. "I will always love you Cameron Alexander Dallas." that was the last thing she said. I started panicking. I couldn't lose her not like this. We pulled up to the hospital a minute after she closed her eyes.

They took her into surgery. I hope she's ok.

Emma's Pov.

I was in a white room. There were doors everywhere and they all had labels on them.

-Mom memories

-Alexis memories

-Dad memories

-Middle school memories

-High school memories

-Magcon memories

-Our2ndlife memories

-Bully memories

And so much more but one caught my eye.

-Cameron Memories.

Hey guys, so tell me what do you think about this chapter. I know it long and I think it's longer than all the other ones. So we have 19k! I can't believe that I have 19k reads on this book. You guys are really the best. The book is not over yet so don't up away okay? okay. I love you guys so much~Cyan☢

Stay Clean~Cameron Dallas

I fell in love with my bully Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now