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Hey, I'm sorry it's been a while since my last update, To my shock and horror I've actually had a social life lately. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has started reading and voting, and getting this to over 1k views, you're all amazing. An extra extra special thanks to hemmoemma who is currently translating this into Italian, which is the coolest thing ever. So please go check her account out and follow, she's amazing :)


The car is quiet as Paul drives me to my car. Now that I am sober I'm much more grateful that he looked after me last night. I'm also grateful he didn't try anything. When I had awoken we had not said much but pleasantries to each other. Both of us were far too tired.
Paul parks his car behind mine, and turns to me while I take my seat belt off.
"I know this is going to sound selfish, but I'm actually glad you got too drunk last night." He says shyly.
"Why's that?" I ask.
"I've really missed you." Paul avoids my eye contact.
I'm starting to realise how many people I had pushed away during my marriage. And how many people I wanted back in my life.
"I missed you too." I say quietly.
Both of us grin sheepishly.
"Thank you for everything last night though."
Paul shrugs. "My pleasure."
"Do you reckon we could do this again sometime?" He says quickly. "I mean, maybe without the borderline dangerous drinking."
I playfully nudge him at his joke, but I smile.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
"Here." He says, pulling out a business card. "It has my number on it."
I take the card, and look back to his eyes. He has a warm chocolate brown colour that made it hard for him to ever seem angry.
"Thank you." I whisper.
Paul just smiles as I step out of his car.
I think he's watching me while I get in my car. I silently hope he is.

I am so much more optimistic then I believed I could of been. Thank god for Paul and work, I might not of had the strength to deal with Michael today.
Nevertheless, I'm nervous. I never know how he is going to react.
Standing in Karens door step, nervous again, I knock and wait patiently until she answers the door.
Karen opens up the door and let's me inside, after a brief hug.
"Michael's in the living room." She smiles.
"Thanks." I smile back.
See, this isn't too hard.
Michael is sitting on the couch, watching TV.
"Hey." I call out happily, walking over to him.
Michael stares at me, but turns back to the TV. There is something murderous in his eyes.
"What's the matter?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest.
"Why don't you tell me?" He frowns. He looks furious.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"You really have no idea?" He scoffs, not believing me.
"No, I don't." I say impatiently.
"Really?" He spits. He is looking past me, at something behind my back.
I turn to see what he's glaring at.
And am greeted with my own face. On the TV. With Paul.
I watch as Paul puts his hand on my back and leads me inside. I remembered that. I didn't remember anybody watching.
I feel a lump in my throat.
"Michael." I say quickly, turning back to him. "I can explain."
"Explain?" He scoffs, standing up in front of me. "When did you ever let me explain?"
"He's a friend, Michael. Our friend, remember?"
"He's not anymore. Not when he's having little sleepovers with my wife!"
"Ex-wife." I mumble under my breath.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing. And nothing happened. I was drunk-"
"Oh, great." He interrupts me.
I ignore him and continue.
"I was drunk and couldn't drive home, I needed someone to look after me. He didn't even sleep in the bed, he slept on the couch."
"Look, I know how it goes. He's just gotten divorced, you're about to, you're both lonely."
"I am not lonely." I say through gritted teeth.
"Where's Ruby, I'm taking her home." I sat, wanting to change the subject.
"No." Michael says fiercely.
"Excuse me?" I say, rising to my full height.
"I have barely seen her this past week."
He says through gritted teeth.
"I just want her to come home." I try to reason with him.
"Haven't you done enough?" He yells, pointing to the TV.
I stop then. I feel guilty, even though something is telling me not to. He is still Ruby's father, and maybe I did stuff up last night.
"Ok." I say quietly. "One more night. I'll come pick her up tomorrow."
I avoid his gaze as he doesn't say anything. He is trying to catch my eye but I won't let him. After a small silence, he walks into Ruby's room.
Feeling defeated, I stand in the living room, feeling as incompetent as ever.
Karen pokes her head around the corner.
"Is everything alright?" She asks, walking into the room.
I just nod.
"I heard about Paul." There is something in her voice that is stern, and it makes me break with guilt.
"I'm sorry." I say quietly.
Karen shakes her head lightly.
"It's none of my business." She says, putting her arm around me. I can feel tears spring to my eyes and it takes all I am to keep them down.
"I should go." I say, pulling away from her.
Karen swallows hard, but agrees.
I walk out of the house and down the drive. The sun, that had seemed so beautiful earlier, was glaring at me and felt like it was taunting me.
I know Michael had to be a father, but did that mean I had to stop being a mother?

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