Mum Part Two

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"How was court?" Mum asks, as I push open the front door.

It is dark in the house, only a living room light on. I figure it's maybe 8, possibly 9 o'clock. I realise I haven't been able to say goodnight to Ruby in a while. I try to remember that I'm doing this for her.

"The custody is going to be decided next Friday." I shrug. I don't want to think about it right now.

I walk over to mum, who is on the couch, and sit down next to her.

"You ok?" She asks quietly.

"Tired." I try to smile.

Mum says nothing but purses her lips together.

"Are you ready to tell me what's going on?" I say suddenly. I look at her and I know there is an abundance of things she hasn't said.

"What do you mean?" She asks, acting surprised but also avoiding my gaze.

"I'm not an idiot. Like, sometimes I know I do stupid stuff but I can tell when something's wrong." I say quickly.

"Nothing's wrong." She chuckles.

I raise my eyebrows at her in disbelief.

"Don't worry about me." She says quickly, standing up. I hear her move to the kitchen and put on the kettle.

I'm about to respond to her when I notice a large yellow envelope on the coffee table, half concealed under a magazine.

I look back to the kitchen, where mum is busily preparing her tea, and quietly slip the envelope from beneath the pile.

I carefully peel back the already opened tab, and hold it out so a piece of paper slips out.

It's addressed to mum, and I quickly scan through the letter, when my eyes catch on a few words.

'Please refer to the included pamphlets about your treatment for Stage 2b breast cancer.'

I look at the page in disbelief. I quickly pull out the rest of the things in the envelope, and a brochure and another pamphlet fall into my lap.

'Breast cancer and treatment; What you need to know.'

No. No, this wasn't for mum. Mum would of told me about something like this.

I look up to find mum looking at me, tea in her hand and a guilty look on her face.

"Do you.." I trail off, not wanting to ask the question, afraid of the answer.

Mum looks like she could cry any moment. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." She says, sitting down next to me.

"God, no, don't be sorry." I say shakily, grabbing mum tightly into a hug. This can't be real. I'm so shocked, I don't even know what to think.

"Is it serious?" I ask, pulling back.

Mum shakes her head. "It's looking like I might need chemo if the surgery doesn't work." I notice her eyes are glistening and she turns away from me to wipe them.

Chemo? Surgery? No.

"Is it terminal?" I whisper. I can't lose her.

Mum chuckles at me and I worry that she's lost the plot. "No, probably not. The doctor told me it should be ok."

"It will be ok." I tell her. But honestly, it's more to myself.

"I'll quit work." I say suddenly. "You should be using your time to get better, not looking after my child."

Mum shakes her head. "No. No, this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you."

I struggle not to roll my eyes in frustration. "You don't have to be the strong one all the time." I tell her.

"I just don't want you to worry. This is my problem, like this court stuff is yours. We are here to support each other." She tells me, resting her hand in mine.

Why the hell is she trying to comfort me? I know she is the one that needs it right now.

I lean forward and pull her in for another hug, which she smiles slightly at. I can tell she is crying again.

"We will figure this out." I say quietly, still hugging mum. I don't want to cry. I don't want to let her see how scared I am.

For the first time that I can remember, I have to be the strong one.

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