Fade to black.

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I'm breathing heavily. Ruby is staring at the door, even though I have told her multiple times not too.

"Scared." I manage to hear Ruby say.

"There's nothing to be scared of, it's ok." I whisper, stroking her hair. I can hear my breathing tremble on her. I can't feel anything, I'm too afraid.

Ruby and I sit in silence, pressed against the door.

Ruby lurches back as we both a hear small thud from the other side of the door.

I know it's Michael walking up the stairs. Everything else is silent except for his footsteps.

As the footsteps get closer, I scramble to the other side of the room.

Ruby is leaning into my chest, and has finally got her eyes closed tight.

I hug her, sitting in a ball next to her cot.

The footsteps are right out the front now. And then they stop.

And the large smash into the door happens.

Michael hasn't even checked to see if it's unlocked.

The door doesn't break, but I can tell it will soon.


Another large thud in the door causes Ruby to jump in my arms.


Ruby whimpers.


The door is thrown forwards, and Michael tumbles in after it.

I don't think it is possible for anyone to hold a child as tight as I am with Ruby.

Michael makes eye contact with me, and starts slowly making his way across the room.

"Michael, not in front of Ruby." I plead.

He doesn't even acknowledge he hears me, he just towers over me, walking slowly towards us.

"Michael, please." I beg. I pull Ruby's head into me, and I close my eyes, sobbing into her.

I don't think I'm breathing anymore, but I can hear my heart thundering in my ears.

I know Michael has stopped in front of us. I'm waiting for him to say something, to do something. All I can do is silently pray he doesn't hurt Ruby.

I dare to open my eyes, and am greeted by his face, inches away from mine. His eyes are no longer the sparkling colour they were, but a dull black.

His face is all I can see. A dark rage has twisted his face so that it is barely recognisable.

And then, nothing. The blackness takes over, and I fall and surrender to it.


Sorry that this is so short, just a little update! Thanks for all the votes and views. Xx

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