Court Part 2

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I wake up far too early on Friday morning. The week has gone so fast, work getting better everyday, and finally starting to feel like a family. The promise of Luke and Sophie coming to the court as well eases my mind. I actually feel like I can do this.

Court. I can't believe it was happening this quickly. Now I think about it, I'm not actually too scared. In fact, I'm waiting for my body to kick into panic mode. It hasn't yet.

I've taken the day off work so I can really focus on everything today. But really, all I feel like doing is laying in bed, savouring the calm. It was going to be a long day, and I don't know how much longer the feeling of content will last.

But eventually, I'm dragged out of bed, crying children and smells of breakfast too good to resist. I shuffle down the hall, half getting dressed as I lazily walk.

Ruby is wide awake and in a good mood, smiling happily as she munches down on her toast.

"Mummy!" She calls out to me, handing me a piece of toast with Vegemite.

I'm not a fan of Vegemite, but I take a bite to not disappoint her. I try to hide my look of disgust as I sit down at the table next to her and mum.

Mum chuckles at my expression, sipping quietly on her tea.

Her hair has already fallen out even more so, in just the past week. But it doesn't stop her been beautiful. Or looking happy. Which makes me happy.

"So what are you two getting up to today?" I ask them both.

"Well we were thinking we could drop you off, then go to the park. Wear out the little one." Mum says. We had already worked out she could drop me off at the courthouse, but this is the first time I have heard about her going outside. I know she has been hesitant about leaving the house lately, overly self conscious about her appearance.

"That sounds really good." I smile at her.

She rolls her eyes but smiles slightly. She knows I'm proud of her. At least, I hope she does.

Ruby looks over to me, and I notice her watching me intently. So much so, she's forgotten about her food. A first, I'm sure.
"What's wrong, princess?" I ask her, stroking her hair back.
"Daddy's." She points down to the toast.
I can see mum stiffen beside me, unsure of how I'm going to react.
But I'm determined to act like a mum. Not an ex-wife.
"Yeah." I smile at her. "Daddy loved vegemite. That's what made him big and strong." I flex my small amount of arm muscles at her, which makes Ruby giggle and do the same. She stretches out her arm, pretending to show us all her strength. Mum and I respond in many 'oohs' and 'aahs' of amazement. Ruby, content with herself now, goes back to munching on her food.
"You're getting better." Mum whispers in my ear, clearing away the plates.
God, I hope so.

Before long I'm hauling Ruby into the car, and climbing into the passenger seat.

The drive is quick and I still wait for the panic to settle in. But with Ruby content in the back and Mum looking more positive and not at all worried, it's hard to worry myself.

Mum pulls up in front of the courthouse, and I promise I will call her as soon as it's over.

I walk around to Ruby's side of the car, and give her a quick kiss.

"Love you." I whisper.

Her giant smile reminds me why I'm here, and I get a small jolt of panic. But I remind myself that no matter what happens, it's Ruby's happiness that matters the most.

"Good luck!" Mum calls out of the car as I wave them off. I watch them turn out of the car park, sighing slightly.

I can do this.
I'm starting to notice a gathering of paparazzi and photographers gathering outside. They aren't allowed in the lobby, where both Michael and I are, but it will still be a case that's in the news, even if it isn't a completely high profile one. People will still be wanting to know what is happening in the land of washed up musicians. Well, I could tell them first hand, it isn't pretty.

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