Ω Chapter 3

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Serena's POV

"I'll make out with you for 5 bucks."

"No Matthew," I glared at him, "and besides shouldn't you be the one paying me?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

I'm currently in my room curling my hair getting ready for school. It's already 6am almost 7am. Matthew insisted on being here, maybe to be here to bug the shit out of me like he is right now.

"Wait..." he paused, "I will give you 40 bucks to make out with me." he offered.

"I'm not a prostitute." I glared at him. I let a loose curl down, "this curl is more fab then you." I told him.

"Yeah, but you can't make out with a curl," he stated.

"I could." I picked out another stand of hair.

"Yeah you could, but why when I'm right here."

"You have a point." I laughed.

"So we will?"

"Nope." he joked aorund by fake crying, "Are you here to bug the shit our of me?" I asked him.

"No... I'm here to one attempt to make out with you-" I stopped him from talking.

"Which you are going to fail at," I said.

"I'll keep trying, and also to take away your nerves about of school." he chuckled.

"Well I am not nervous. It's just school." I shrugged.

I quickly did the rest of my hair, and put on my shoes. I looked at the time. I need to be out of here in ten minuets.

"You leaving soon?" he asked sitting up all the way next to me.

"Yup," I smiled, "okay I lied I'm nervous." I stood shaking my hands.

"How much time do you have?" he asked standing also. I looked at the clock.

"Eight minutes, and 45 seconds." I answered.

"Good enough." he spun me putting his lips to mine.

He propped my body on top of the desk. He moved his hand up and down my skirt lightly at the touch.

Ugh you tell this boy once you don't like him, and he does this. What will get it through his head?!

On the other hand he is an insanely amazing kisser.

"You got better at this." he mumbled pulling me closer. He grabbed my lip with he teeth sucking on it lightly. I groaned in response. This is fun... no wonder this kid loves making out. I wonder who else he makes out with...

I pulled away, I still have 3 minutes.

"I better go," I said grabbing my bag.

"You have like two minutes." he whined.

"Better early then late." I chuckled looking down, "bye Matt."


"How was your first couple of classes?" David ran up to me.

"Perfect," I laughed, "what time is your lunch?" I asked.

"12:30 you?" he asked. We walked to the next building together.

"Same!" I smiled, "to be honest I'm really happy I have at least two friends here, and it's amazing how no one here knows who I am, and just don't care." I smiled.

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