Ω Chapter 28

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Serena's POV

Connor laughed as Troye told us a story. I was just going to drop off Troye and go back to Matt's place, but I know if I do... things will happen and I'm not ready okay! That just doesn't happen no nope.

"I'm parched," Connor stood up laughing at his words, "tea?" he asked both of us. I shrugged and looked at Troye.

"We'll take some Franta tea." he nodded his head. Connor gave us a thumbs up and walked off. I looked at Troye and smiled while he just stared at me.

"Okay whats up?" he asked. I gave him a weird look, "it's a brotherly instict also I grew up with another sister." he laughed.

"Right... um nothing?"

"You're lying you better stop." he pushed my shoulder.

"I don't think you want to hear this." I shook my head.

"It's my duty." he laughed. I could tell he was getting impatient. One thing we both share is sass.

"So Matt and I are getting to you know that point in our relationship." I coughed. Troye started laughing and Connor walked in.

"What did I miss?" he set two cups in front of the both of us. I gave Troye a pleading look to not tell him.

"Serena is it that you still have a huge crush on me? Cause if so you're going to need to magically turn into a guy." he laughed.

"No no not that." Troye rolled his eyes still laughing. We both looked at each other back and forth and I just kinda shrugged picking up my tea. It's good really minty and sweet, "are you a virgin?" Troye asked.

"Well uhh no." Connor laughed kind of uncomfortably.

"Zero to hundred real quick." I half way quoted Drakes song. Mostly cause the other word is offensive and I don't like to say it.

"Girl or guy?" Troye asked taking a sip from the tea.

"Girl..." Connor scratched the back of his neck, "college was an interesting time." I snickered at couldn't picture Connor having sex. 

"Gee thanks." I smiled sarcastically, "I thought you always knew you were gay?"

"Ha you thot!" Troye pointed at me laughing. After a minute of him laughing and Connor and I just staring at him. Troye cleared his throat and mumbled a sorry.

Connor turned to me and spoke up, "I did, but I didn't admit it to myself yet. Blah blah long story." he chuckled.

"You see Serena everyone's first time is weird!" Troye said. I spit my tea out and just looked at him.

"So I'm going to go..." Connor looked around his house, "organize my shoes. Call me when your conversation is over." Connor laughed and walked away.

"Serena you should do it with Matt when you're ready." Troye said, "there shouldn't be pressure and if he does do that!" he cleared his throat, "I'll get Nash because I can not win in a fight." he laughed.

"What if I get ... pregnant... or an STD. I don't even know if he's a virgin. And it would be really weird to ask." I shook my head.

"Well condoms, birth control." he laughed.

"I'm just scared and I really don't want to talk about it anymore." I laughed. The thought of penis scares yet excites me. 

"You need to one day." Troye sang, "anyway Connor!"

"does it mean I have to talk about this with Matt?" I asked in that time Connor walked in.

"I would. Guys are clueless and would never know unless you speak up." Connor said kind of glancing at Troye. It was silently awkward until I decided to speak up about me leaving. I said bye and headed back to Matt's


Matt and I are on his bed making out really close to all of our clothes being off.

You see funny story. I was going to go to Nash's because he needed girl help, but then he called again saying not to go over because both Jacks are there and apparently they know more about females then I. So I called Matt and we went on a really cute and small date. We went out for food and then we went window shopping. And we actually looked at houses. When we got back I was going to go back home, but Matt told me to sleep over of course I said yes because the other night was so cute.

One think led to another and bam no clothes!


Matt moaned at my touch. It only made me want to keep going, but I need to stop. Damn hormones. Matt tugged at my bra pulling a strap down and kissed my shoulder. I ignored how great it feels and pushed him up.

"Are you hungry? I am." I stood up and pulled his shirt on. He sighed and I quickly walked out and into the kitchen. I opened his fridge and decided to make the only think I do know how to make. Pancakes. Matt walked back in a few minutes later.

"Are you really making food?" he laughed. He stood behind me and hugged me.

"Yup." I said.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked and I started mixing.

"Nah." I said. I felt the vibration of his chest laughing. He breathed close to my ear and lightly bite my earlobe.

"So you don't mind I if I do this?" he whispered as he bit it lightly then kissed down my neck. His hands trailed lower and lower. I spun out of his grip and made a quick excuse.

"We don't have milk l-o-l be right back!" I waved but he grabbed my arm. He opened the fridge and showed me a new gallon.

"We need sugar?" I said. He rolled his eyes and let go of me.

"We need to talk about it Serena." he said. We both knew what he meant. I just continued to mix.


this sssuuuuucks I'm sorry, but I'm more excited for my new one yall should be too.

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