Ω Chapter 27

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Serena's POV

That is what happens just about every time we hang out. We get close to doing something more than just making out. It would be fine only if I wasn't this unexperienced. The worst thing I have no one to talk about it with.

"Hey," David nudged my arm as we walked to class together.

"Hey," I smiled.

"You look tired." he laughed.

"Go you," I said sarcastically. He shook his head and it got quiet, "sorry just have a lot on my mind."

"It's fine," he laughed. We both walked into class and sat in our normal spots next to one another, "you know you can trust me." he nudged my arm multiple times.

"I don't think I want to talk to you about this." I laughed.

"I'm a 19 year old man I'm sure I'll understand," he shrugged, "did I add in that I'm a genius."

"Have you ever had sex?" I asked quietly not making eye contact.

"Well..." he cleared his throat, "uh yeah why you ask." the air was awkward and I can't deal.

"Never mind I don't want to talk about this anymore." I said.

"Well I mean I understad. You can't talk about this with your brothers, or Andrea because her first time was probably Kian. You don't have Kian anymore that you cheated on him, and then Matt. Well Matt is the one you want to bang." he said.

"Are you like in my mind or?" I laughed.

"Well it's really obvious, and that I know everything."

"You do it when you're ready and be safe." was all he could say before class started.

The whole period I thought about it. Yeah I want to do .... things it's just weird. How can I want to do that. I'm sure Matt has done it a lot. What if he doesn't like how ... I do it? What if I get it wrong? I'm not stupid I know how it works, but I never thought I would do it.

Well one day.

That one day is today. Well hopefully not today I'm not ready. I've never had a sex drive which is weird to think, but nothing ever made my hormones go crazy. Until now.


When I got back to Matts place, and I still couldn't get the thought out of my head. He picked me up and spun me around.

"We're so cute." he kissed my nose. Even so I still thought about what we could've done earlier.

"I'm really tired." I smiled. I jumped off of him but he still had me in an embrace.

"Well you can sleep and I can hold you while I finish up my work." he kissed my forehead.

"Can I sleep in your shirt?" I asked smiling. He kissed my lips quickly and took off his shirt handing it to me.

"Tell me when you're done changing." he smiled and I walked into his room. I heard the door shut. This wasn't supposed to happen. I looked down at what I was wearing to see if anything he could help me take off.

It's worth a try.

I took off my pants and turned to call Matt.

"Matt come here for a second." I called. He walked in the door looking surprised but he still came in, "Can you help me take off my shirt? I know it's weird, but I have back problems." I lied. He didn't question it thought. When he took it off he moved my hair to the side and kissed my shoulder. I turned and his eyes went wide. He scanned my body with his eyes and cleared his throat.

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