Ugly: Byler

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!

Wills P.O.V:
" You got this one?" Max asked, handing me her dustpan and broom. I knew there were already dustpans and brooms in the theatre, but I knew she just wanted an excuse not to clean. Classic Max.
" Yah yah I got it." I said, waving her off and walking down the hall. " You have fun with that boyfriend of yours." I said, turning around so I didn't see her gaping face. She scoffed, my back still to her.
" Lucas and I are just friends!" She said, al flustered. I could practically see her glowing face. I laughed, walking with my back still to her.
" Yah, just friends that love shoving their tongues down eachothers throats!" I said. She laughed dryly, with no humour.
" William Byers! Get back here!" She called from the other end of the long hallway. I leant against the closed doors of theatre number 9, smirking at her.
" Sorry, gotta clean." I said, waving her dustpan at her as I entered the theatre, silently laughing to myself as I approached the big screen. The credits were about halfway through, exactly what it's like when I want to come in: everyone had left the theatre already, meaning I had it to myself, and the credits were still going, meaning I'd have some music while I worked. Sweeping floors and wiping unknown substances off of seats wasn't exactly the funnest job in the world, ya know? I would've brought my Walkman, but unfortunately I wasn't aloud that while I worked. I begin sweeping, whistling to the familiar tune playing from the credits. I finished sweeping up all the discarded popcorn and candy pieces from the first row of seas, before grabbing my broom and dustpan and heading up to the second row. I stopped mid-step, when I realized I wasn't alone. A few rows up, right in the middle of the theatre, sat this boy. The boy was in tears, sobbing uncontrollably. One of his hands was racking through his mass of unruly dark curls, while the other was gripping his shirt tightly. He had a popcorn bag on his lap, and it was shaking with every sob that shook his whole body. He let out a particularly loud sob, drawing me out of my trance-like state. I shook my head, trying to look away from his cute crying face. I dropped my dustpan down on the steps and walked up, two steps at a time, until I reached his row. I sidestepped over to him, sitting down in the empty seat next to him.
" Hey... are you okay?" I asked, cracking my knuckles nervously. The boy jumped, his bag of popcorn spilling onto the floor. I knew I had to clean that up later, but I pushed that thought to the back of my mind, focusing on the boy. His dark orbs locked onto mine, making me squirm uncontrollably in my seat.
" Oh... sorry." He said, laughing through the tears streaming down his flushed cheeks. I shook my head, frowning at the mess of a boy beside me. I hesitantly reaches out, patting his warm back. He smiled, showing me his glistening white teeth in the dark theatre.
" Don't be sorry," I said, rubbing my thumb up and down his shoulder. " what's wrong?" I asked. He laughed again, wiping his ongoing tears from his flushed cheeks.
" Oh, nothing really. Just... just..." more tears fell down his cheeks as he let out a choked sob. I felt my heartbeat quicken, worrying about this boy that I hardly knew. I couldn't help but pull him into my arms, resting his head on my shoulder. I patted his back, holding him tightly.
" There there. Everything will be okay." I said, rubbing small circles in his back with the pad of my thumb. He shook his head, mumbling against my shoulder.
" No. He's dead." He said, sitting back at wiping his tears off his cheeks. I shook my head, letting go of his back.
" Who's dead?" I asked, concerned for this mystery man.
" The guy in the movie." He said. I almost laughed out loud, realizing he was sobbing uncontrollably over a fictional character.
" Hey, don't cry. It's just a story." I said, patting him on the shoulder. He sniffed loudly, his tears having stopped.
" Yah. You're right. I'm sitting here, ugly crying over this, fake guy. Ugh, I probably look so ugly right now." He said, wiping the last of his tears from his flushed cheeks. I shook my head, smiling reassuringly.
" No, you don't look ugly." I felt the tip of my ears glow. " You actually look, pretty cute." I said, mumbling the last part. He looked up, his dark orbs locking onto mine. I gulped as his lips turned upwards into a grin.
" Thank you." He said. We sat there, staring at eachother, before he looked around the theatre. " Say, you're the cleaning guy, right?" He said, to which I nodded. " Need a hand?" I smiled, standing up and brushing off my pants. He did the same.
" Yah, Thank you. I'd like that." I said, smiling brightly. His eyes twinkled in the darkness of the theatre.
" No problem cutie." He said, grinning as we walked down the steps. I stopped.
" Cutie?" I asked, feeling my cheeks go red. He beamed at me, the streaks of tears on his cheeks glistening in the dark.
" Yah. Cutie."

Hehe cuties ❤️

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