Nightmare: Byler

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!

Mikes P.O.V:
I sighed blissfully, pulling my black T-shirt over my head. I pulled off my jeans and slipped into some comfortable sweatpants. I groaned, stretching my back. Sitting in an office chair for 10 hours wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing in the world. I sighed again, sitting down on our bed and sighing happily. I rubbed my tired eyes, looking around the room for Wills fuzzy sleeping socks. I knew he'd be coming in soon, and he always spent forever looking for them, so I thought I'd do him a favour and find them beforehand. I looked through his drawer, where they weren't. I looked under our thick duvet, before flopping onto my chest and looking under the bed. I saw them in a little ball, so I extended my hand and grabbed them. I was about to get back up, when something caught my eye. There was a thick brown leather book under our bed. I didn't recognize it, so I reached under our bed and pulled it out. I sat down, my back against the dresser next to our bed, before turning to the first page. Property of William Byers. DO NOT READ. I smirked, open to the first page. A secret diary? I thought , reading the curly writing on the first page:

Dream Log: Entry #1

I stood in the doorway at the front of my old house, back in Hawkins, where I grew up. I gasped, horror swallowing me whole, as I stared up into the night sky. It was nothing near a normal night sky. Red and blue flashes were scattered across it, illuminating my sweaty face with their eerie glows. Lightning struck, making me jump out of my skin. Suddenly, a huge black creature appeared in the sky, casting a cold shadow over me. I shivered dramatically, knowing immediately what it was: The Shadow Monster. My breathing became uneven and heavy as it got closer and closer, until it was floating directly infront of me. It stayed still for a few moments, as I stared into the dark void that was its body. It suddenly lunged at me, pouring itself into my trembling body. I gasped and gagged for air, it taking its place in my lungs. I breathed it in, feeling it become me: I was The Shadow Monster.

I slammed the book shut, my heart beating out of my chest. I stared at the front of the leather book sitting on my legs, my hands over my rapid heart, as I tried to process what I'd just read. The bedroom door suddenly opened and Will walked inside. He was holding two glasses of water, one for him and one for me. He smiled at me, and shrieked when he saw the book on my lap. He lost his grip on the glasses, leading to them smashing all over to wooden floor bellow us. I was baffled.
" Will what... what is... why..." I chocked on my words, not really sure how to communicate this. Will was shaking, and I immediately felt worried for the small boy. I got off the floor, sitting down on our bed. I opened my arms, inviting him to sit on my lap. He sighed, his back to me so I couldn't see the fear in his eyes.
" It's... my dream log. I've been... having-" he voice cracked and I knew he was close to tears. " I've been having nightmares." He said, speaking at the end as he began to cry. I hadn't seen Will cry in ages, and I immediately felt awful.
" Oh my god baby." I wrapped my arms around his shivering torso, pulling his head down to rest above my speeding heart. I felt my shirt dampen, but I couldn't care less. Will shook badly, his small frail arms clinging out the back of my shirt as terrified sobs left his lips. " Will... why didn't you tell me?" I asked, resting one hand on his head where I stroked his hair, and the other on his back where I rubbed small circles. He shivered, chattering his jaw.
" I... I... I didn't want to w-w-worry you." He cried, letting out another chocked sob, I tightened my grip on him as much as I could without hurting him.
" I am worried Will. You have to tell me when this kind of stuff happens." He let out more sobs, so I pulled his head away from my chest to cup his face. " Will... look at me when I say this okay?" His eyes were red and swollen, but he nodded and looked into my eyes. I gulped at the faded hazel staring back at me. " I won't let anything happen to you, Alright? These nightmares... they're no more then in your dreams. But, you have to promise me, that you'll tell me when this kind of stuff happens. Okay?" I said, rubbing the pad of my thumb over his tears. He gulped, blinking at me a few times. He nodded slowly, leaning back into my chest.
" Come here baby." I said, rubbing his back and kissing his head gently as he cried into my chest. " You're gonna be alright, okay baby? I promise." Will nodded, fisting the back of my shirt in his small fists.
" Stay up with me tonight?" He asked in a shaky voice, as loud as a whisper. " I don't think I'll be able to sleep." I nodded, kissing his head gingerly.
" Of course Baby." I whispered, stroking his soft hair. " I'll stay up for eternity to make sure you're okay." I said, feeling his small smile against my chest. After that, Will got up to quickly turn off the light before coming back over. I lay down in the middle of our big bed, Will getting on top of me, quite literally. He lay down and I instantly rewrapped my arms around his calmed torso. He whispered about various things for awhile, before the room fell silent. I fought my exhaustion, knowing I had to stay awake for Will. To make sure he was alright. I cursed myself silently for being such a deep sleeper and not noticing what was happening while I slept peacefully. So, I stayed awake, just pecking the top of his head and whispered sweet nothing in his ear. I didn't occur to me that Will might've accidentally fallen asleep, until he whimpered. My eyes immediately widened, and I shifted to look at his face. His lips were quivering and his brows were knitted together, a tear slipping down his nose.
"Shit." I whispered, pulling Will up so that his face was next to mine. He shook, more tears slipping past his closed eyes.
" Please..." he whimpered out, making my heart shatter. I tightened my grip around his frail torso, resting my head atop of his. I rubbed his back, moving my mouth to rest above his ear.
" Will... I'm right here. I've got you." I whispered, and his whimpered stopped. I continued whisper sweet nothings into his ear all night long, making sure his nightmares didn't return. Because I was there. To protect him.


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