Doctor: Reddie

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!

I'm like 10 reads away from 3K holy.

Richies P.O.V:
Being a pediatrician was never easy, no: you were dealing with crying, sneezing, vomiting, Sicily children all day long. Then, I mean, obviously the medical side of it. I had to sit through eight extra years of school for this job. And it was still pretty fucking difficult.

However, there was one thing that I learnt did make it easier. One person, who would make the whole day worth it. It all started one day when I was exhausted after an extra long day of work. I guess I had been so sleepy that day that I'd kinda scrawled my prescription of what my past patient had needed. I usually forced a kinda neat and tidy writing to make the pharmacists job easier, but I guess I'd been too exhausted to notice.

I was sitting at my desk in my office, packing up my things in hopes of heading home soon, when my phone rung. I groaned, having just been almost out the door. However, being the professional doctor I am, I put down my briefcase and grabbed the phone. I cleared my throat, placing the cold plastic to my warm ear.

" Hello?"

" Is this dr. Tozier?" A sweet voice spoke on the other end of the line, to which my heart beat a little faster. I cleared my throat again, suddenly finding myself a little nervous.

" Um... yes?" I said, although there was unintentional question in my voice. I could feel this mystery man raise his eyebrow, questioning my question. " I mean yes. This is he." I said, trying to sound more professional then I usually did.

" Good. I just had a question, about what you wrote on your last prescription. I can't read the writing." I blinked a few times, trying to actually understand what this sweet voice was saying.

"... what?" Was all I could manage.

" Oh! How rude of me! I'm Edward Kaspbrak. I'm the pharmacist at the pharmacy next door." He said. I could feel a smile creep up his little lips, which I could feel he'd have. I blinked a few times.

"... cool." Was all I said. I'd never been so speechless, and I hadn't even seen this guy before. And I knew I was in for it when he giggled, he giggled, straight into the phone. My heart thumped dramatically in my chest, and I knew it was over. " Sorry." I said, snapping out of my trance, although my voice was still horse and coaxed. " What did you need again?"

" You're prescription. I can't read it." He said, a smile evident in his words. I gulped again, shaking my head out of it.

" Oh right. It... it's Acetaminophen." I croaked, practically punching myself in the face over how stupid I sounded. He gasped, my heart fluttering unwillingly.

" Ooooh... I see it now." He said, stretching out the Oh. My mouth formed an uncontrollable half smile, my heart continuously thumping in my chest. " Thanks dr. Tozier." I smiled fully.

"Please. Call me Rich."

I knew I was in trouble. Since then, my writing seemed to get a lot worse. I'd scrawl it out, in hopes he wouldn't understand. In hopes of him calling me. In hopes of us talking again. I missed that sickly sweet voice. It was sweeter then any lollipop I'd ever given out.

And some may say I had a major sweet tooth.

One afternoon, the phone in my office rung. As expected, after having spelt my last prescription so horrendously. I dashed into my office, snatching up the phone and smiling instantly.

" Dr. Tozier speaking." I said. As if I didn't know who was calling.

" Hey Rich! It's Eddie!" He exclaimed, my heart immediately pounding at the familiar sweet voice. I tugged on the collar of my dress shirt, trying to calm my raging nerves.

" Hey Ed's! What can I do for you?" I asked. As if I didn't know why he called.

" Dont call me that." He said harshly, although I could hear the smile he said it with. " I had a quick question, about what you prescribed. What is eklciden?" He asked, laughing slightly. I grinned, happy that I'd worked.

" Oxycodone Ed's." I said, laughing lightly at the end. He gasped quietly on the other line, as if he might've been able to figure it out on his own. He hummed softly, indicating that he understood.

" Alrighty then. Thank you Richie." He said, preparing to end the call. I leant on the counter, holding myself up with one hand.

" No problem Ed's. Talk to you later." I gave him a second to hang up, which he did, before I set the phone back down. I sighed, standing up straight and fixing my messy shirt. I stepped back in my patient room, preparing to make my next prescription. Alprazolam is what I needed, which is why I proceeded to scrawl out in the messiest writing I could muster eplarzalem. I looked down at my work, knowing well that he wouldn't be able to decipher it. Still, I scrawled one last thing across the bottom, in neat writing. It was a little risky, but I had to give it my best shot. I handed the slip on paper to the patients mother, since he was only a small boy, before heading back into my office. I knew he wouldn't be able to figure this one, meaning I'd be expecting a call very very soon.

Sure enough, the phone buzzed moments later. On the first ring, I'd already clicked the button and brought it to my ear. My heart was already racing, nervous as to what would happen next.

" Dr. Tozier speak-"

" Okay cut the crap." His sweet voice said. " What the hell is eplarzalem?" He spat, trying to pronounce the random jumble of letters id scrawled together. I chuckled, him sighing on the other end of the receiver. Although I could tell he was smiling too.

" Alprazolam Bubba." I said, using his nickname which I'd just adapted to him. He sighed and I could hear him fumbling with the prescription paper on the other line.

" Alrighty then. Thanks Richie." He said, making my heart stop. Had he not seen my other message. " Wait, one last question." He said, my heart continuing with its normal pounding. " Who's number is this?" He asked, referring the number id written neatly on the bottom of the page. I gulped, not knowing what to expect next.

" Um... mine." I said. Silence. It spoke louder then words, when someone was completely silent. I gulped, a thick bead of sweat already forming on my forehead. Silence. Then, the silence was interrupted, by a beep.

Eddie hung up on me.

My hands shaking, I slowly placed the phone back down. I immediately raised them, running them through my knotted hair. I let out a shaky breath, trying to control the flood of emotion I wanted to let lose. I walked over to my desk, legs wobbling like jello, and sat down. I put my head on my desk, letting out another uneven breath. It stung, it really did: I'd ruined a perfectly good friendship.

And that's when I heard it. Quieter at first, I thought I had imagined it. But soon, the ringing was loud, filling my ears. But mostly filling my heart.

My cellphone was ringing.

Hey everyone! I reached 3K while writing this, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! These OneShots mean so much to me and it really makes it better knowing I have so many people enjoying them too. ❤️

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