dream: reddie

449 13 17

requested by richietoizerishawt
i haven't had much motivation to work on my other bigger drafts lately, but, here's a small something

eddie had never much liked the heat. when he was a kid he would much rather head to the cinemas or down to the quarry, where he could hide from the blistering sun and boiling air in either a dark room with powerful ac blasting all around it or submerged amongst icy cold water.

 the only person that eddie ever made acceptions for when it came to any kind of overwhelming heat, was richie tozier himself. if richie called eddie up when the sun was smack dab in the middle of the sky, practically burning the entire town to a crisp, and told eddie that he wanted to go for a bike ride with him? eddie would pack a couple bottles of water and two summer caps, since richie never seemed to bring either, slip his knee and elbow pads on, and would get going with nothing more than a heaving sigh. he wouldn't complain. how could eddie complain when it was the richie tozier? eddie simply couldn't. 

nothing changed as they got older, either. not even when eddie discovered that richie was a serious cuddler. when richie would tangle his pale arms and legs around eddie and practically suffocate him, leaving absolutely no room for anything other than the heat between them, eddie would feel a halfhearted cry for some space crawling up his throat. richie was just so damn warm. however the cry would never quite make it out, because even if the heat was close to unbearable, it wasn't quite there yet. he could take it. especially if the heat came along with the most gentle of cuddles from the sweetest man in the whole wide world. 

one morning, though, instead of awakening to a glaring sun streaming through their bedroom window (richie always woke eddie up by opening the blinds, saying that the sun made the bittersweet pill of coming back from a wonderful land of dreams a bit easier to swallow) eddie awoke to a dark room. eddie shivered, for possibly the first time since he had moved in with richie, blinking the darkness from his eyes as he squinted to try and see through the shadows that had completely overthrown their bedroom. " rich?" eddie croaked, coughing quietly after he spoke. he watched his breath appear in front of him, watched it float up into the air, before disappearing from sight. why the hell was it so damn cold?

eddie shifted in bed, feeling as if his body should be audibly creaking from how frozen and stiff he felt in that moment. he looked down, his eyes widening when he saw the snow and frost forming a new blanket above their old one. eddie raised his arms, realizing that they were alarmingly blue. his jaw shattered as he shakily wiped the snow and frost away, his heart beginning to pound in his chest. he didn't understand. he once again found himself wondering why the hell it was so damn cold...

until. he saw it.

the ghostly white body laying beside him, still as a statue, covered by a sheet of ice. but even with the ice overtop, blurring the body ever so slightly, eddie could easily tell who it was. " r-richie? rich?" eddie choked out, his voice beginning to shake from more than the cold as he desperately lunged forwards, ignoring the way his body wanted to freeze up and break. eddie could feel the saliva in his throat freezing as he began to breathe heavily, his violently shaky hands reaching and forming round fists, before beginning to pound on the ice encasing richie's blue body. 

it seemed as if with every smack of his fists, though, eddie became weaker and weaker. like his muscles were freezing up. his sobs got caught in his throat as he desperately slammed his fists down on the thick ice again and again and again, which only seemed to thicken every time he hit it, instead of weakening and/ or cracking. eddie's tears couldn't even make it half way down his cheeks before they would freeze, and land on their snow-covered bedsheets with a loud thump. " p-please rich! rich g-g-g-get up! g-g-get u-up!" eddie sobbed out desperately, his voice shaking violently as he said so and as the unbearable cold entered his lungs, freezing the air inside of them and causing them to tighten and crack. eddie wheezed loudly through his sobs, his body eventually collapsing on top of richie's ice-covered one, and eddie felt a fresh flurry of snow beginning to incase his body on top of richie's. 

eddie let his eyes flutter shut, thinking with a brain that he could feel freezing over, that at least his and richie's bodies would be melded together forever by thick layers of snow and ice.

then, just as eddie felt his heart make its final beat, before a sheet of ice settled around it, a bright light began to stream into his eyes. maybe it was heaven. maybe if he followed it, eddie would find himself with richie once more. eddie leaned into it, as the light seemed to be melting the snow and ice that was trapping him, leaving behind nothing more than a warm puddle of sapphire blue water. eddie leaned towards the light, feeling as if he were so close to it, so close he could touch it. 

until, all at once, he felt like he was falling. 




before it stopped.

eddie let out a loud gasp, his bambi eyes shooting wide open, as his heart began to pound rapidly again. light immediately streamed down on him, nearly blinding the poor man, but he simply did not care. where was he? and most importantly, where was richie?

" eddie?" eddie heard the unforgettable man utter from their window, where he had undoubtedly just drawn the curtains. " hey hey hey, eddie, eddie you're crying. what's wrong bubba?" eddie watched richie cooed with a frown, before richie's figure (which was blurred by eddie's tears which were, much to eddie's relief, not freezing on their way down his icy cold cheeks.) begin to move towards him. " shhh i'm right here. oh eds, it's okay. i've got you. it'll be okay," richie said softly, and eddie watched, as he blubbered as cried, richie slip under the toasty covers with him again and pull him into his loving arms. eddie let out a trembling sob as richie entwined his long lanky arms and legs around eddie again, and he felt himself immediately melting into richie's loving arms. eddie's cries quickly slowed to a stop, as the addictive warmth immediately spread from richie's body to eddie's. 

eddie would never complain about the heat again. 

don't take what you have for granted ♡ 
in all honesty i completely forgot what the original prompt for this was and i didn't write it down cause we dumb, but i hope you enjoyed this anyways (: a happier oneshot will come soon, i promise!

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