Emotionless: Stenbrough

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!

Third Persons P.O.V:
" I can't believe you dragged me into this." Stan grumbled as Mike pushed open the library door. Stan let out one last breath, watching the hot air in front of him, before stepping inside. It was cold enough outside that they're breath was visible.

" C'mon, man. You come study here almost every day. Why's doing it in a group any different?" Mike suggested, lowering his voice when they entered a near to silent room. Mike and Stan made their way to the back of the big library, where their study group was taking place. Well, Mikes study group. He forced Stan to come, saying " If you're gonna study, may aswell make some friends while doing it." Mike sat down in a small oak chair, forcing Stan down next to him. Stan scanned the group, seeing nobody he could recognize. He sighed, wishing wishing could've done this by myself in the peace and quiet of his apartment. He shedded out of his heavy winter jacket before he grabbed his backpack, taking out his notebook and pencil. He set it down on the table before grabbing his copy of War And Peace by Leo Tolstoy. He was writing a report on it, since he was majoring in English. He set it down, before opening his notebook to a fresh page. He glanced up for a second, something catching his eye.

A boy sat in front of him, reading a book. The book was To Kill A Mockingbird, Stans absolutely favourite piece of English literature. Stan had read it exactly 15 times from front to back. He thought it was exquisite, being the huge reader he was. He also was a fan of birds, and even though that had nothing to do with the book, the title still got him excited.

Although Stan had been reeled in by the book, he found his attention drifting elsewhere. The boy that was reading it, to be exact. He had a soft auburn coloured hair: not a overwhelming fire like colour, but more subtle like a dying ember. His eyes were a piercing blue-green, bright enough to set the whole world alight. His roundish cheeks were creased in the corners as his mouth was pulled down into a tight frown, his piercing eyes scanning something troublesome on the page. Stan felt his heart flutter just from the sight, something it didn't do much.

Stan hadn't realized that he had been staring, more ajar and eyes wide, right at the boy. That was, until Mike elbowed him right in the ribs. Stan groaned, looking away from the flattering boy and at his friend. Stan's heart pounded in his chest as he looked at Mike, annoyance, embarrassment and fear evident in his look.

" What?" Stan said, surprised by the slight coax in his tone. Mike just chuckled, his dimples evident on his smooth chocolatey skin. He reached his arm over, patting Stan on the back.

" Want me to introduce you?" He said, his words laced with amusement. Stan's eyes darted back over to the boy, who's mouth had moved from a frown into a pressed line. Stan looked back at Mike, shaking his head.

" Nope. No way." Stan said. Mike, having paid little to no attention to Stans answer, leant over the table and tapped the boy on the arm. He looked up, looking at Mike first. His eyes then drifted to Stan's honeycomb-like eyes, making Stan's heart beat faster then he thought healthy.

" Bill, this Stanley Uris." Mike said, gesturing between Stan and Bill. " Stan, this is Billiam Denbrough." With Stan's heart still racing, he lifted a shaky hand and extended it towards Bill. Bill looked down at Stan's hand for a second, before looking back up into Stan's warm eyes. Stan gulped, a crooked smile spreading across his face. Bill felt his cheeks glow, so he raised his hand and took it in Stan's. They seemed to fit perfectly into eachother, like that missing puzzle piece that you finally found after months of being missing from its box.

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