Stenbrough: Stenbrough

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!

Stan's P.O.V:
I bounced up the steps in the dark theatre, praying that I wouldn't trip over my untied shoelace. I made a mental note to tie it, as the rest of the losers club came into view: Ben, with his arm draped over Beverlys shoulder, who was chatting with Mike, who was next to Eddie who was perched on Richies lap. Bill sped up, stepping in sync next to me. I noticed Mike seeing us, waving, before returning to his conversation with Beverly. Richie looked around Eddie's head, seeing us, and started laughing. Eddie nudged him hard in the ribs, and just waved at us. Bill and I made it to the top row in the movie theatre, where the rest of the losers were sitting.

" Well look who decided to show up." Richie said, to which Eddie, who was still perched on his lap, smacked him lightly on the head. I simply rolled my eyes, allowing Bill to walk down the row first. The only empty seats in the row were next to Eddie and Richie, unfortunately, so I decided to spare Bill and take the one directly next to him.

" Sorry. W-we got stuck in tr-the-traffic." Bill said, his adorable stutter prominent. Bill took the last seat in the row, while to took the one next to Richie. Richie whispered something into Eddies ear, to which Eddie gasped and smacked him again. I rolled my eyes, averting my eyes forwards to the big screen.

" Richard! Stop it!" Eddie hissed, to which I looked at them annoyedly. Will those two ever shut up?

" What? I'm just stating facts." Richie chuckled. Eddie rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his little chest and looking back at the screen. I heard Bill sit up in his seat beside me.

" What?" Bill asked, curious as to what Richie was obnoxiously whispering about to his boyfriend. I couldn't have cared less, but whatever.

" Nothinggg." Richie said, grinning mischievously. I cocked an eyebrow at him, his wide smile shinning in the dark theatre. I groaned, still having no interest in the matter. Still, Bill presses onwards.

" W-what?" He asked again, eager to know. I turned in my seat, looking at the screen again, where the opening credits had already started rolling. I tried to block out their conversation, but it still took over my brain.

" Oh, i was just saying to my Bubba here the real reason you two lovebirds were late." Richie said. I could hear the torturous smirk in his words. I turned to the side, looking at his magnified eyes through his Coke-bottle glasses. I stared him down, a look of no amusement painted on my face. This only made his smile grow, to which Eddie slapped him slightly again.

" and what might that be?" I asked, absolutely no curiosity or interest towards what he might've been suggesting. He chuckled furiously for a few seconds, before motioning with his finger for me to come closer. I sighed loudly, rolling my eyes, before leaning in closer to him. I heard Bill move in his seat, meaning he'd leant in closer too.

" Stenbrough." Richie whispered, before leaning back and laughing loudly. Eddie rolled his eyes, turning away from the conversation to watch the movie. I rolled my eyes, huffing dramatically.

" and what might that be?" I asked, already tired of it. I just wanted to watch a movie. I thought. That's all.

" Why, it's your ship name of course! Stan, plus Denbrough! S-t-e-n-b-r-o-u-g-h. Stenbrough." He said, smiling smugly. My heart began heavily thumping. I had like Bill for as long as I could remember. Nobody knew this of course, but any mention of us being more than friends still brought butterflies to my stomach. " Just picture it:" Richie said, looking upwards into nothingness. " Stan and Bill in the back of Stan's truck. Bill is straddling Stan, as they shove their tongues down each others-"

" Richie!" Eddie cried, spinning around on his lap and slapping him rather forcefully on the cheek. My cheeks were aflame, my heart pounding harder then healthy, my palms a shaky sweaty mess. Richie burst into a fit of loud giggles, which gave us some dirty stares by disturbed movie goers.

" What? Like I said, I'm just stating the facts." Richie said, leaning back in his chair with his hands crossed behind his head. I was a wreck, both emotionally and physically: my head was spinning, as well and sweating. My hands were shaky, and clammy. My heart was pounding, and sore from the embarrassment. I wanted more than anything to be out of the theatre.

Richie laugher, sliding his thick glasses further up the bridge of his nose. He caught sight of me, his eyes magnifying behind his huge glasses, as he let out a loud sound. Something that might belong to an asthmatic donkey. He cackled and howled, my cheeks by then aflame with utter humiliation.

" Oh my god. Look at you! You're cheeks are so red and-" he had to stop mid sentence to catch his breath. My hands trembled at my sides. " boy you've got yourself a keeper Billy Boy, that's for sure. A real softy. Why he's probably already completely hard-" and I had enough. I stood up, shimmied out of the tight aisle of seats, and bolted out of the theatre in record time.

I stepped into the cool air outside, taking in a deep shaky breath. My mind was a blur, the only thing thinkable being how embarrassing that was. Stenbrough? Like that'd ever happen. I thought, sitting down on the curb. I rested my elbow on my knee, holding my heavy head up. I was beyond embarrassed by that point, just imagining Bill's red face during the whole ordeal.

" St-stenbrough." A soft voice spoke from behind me, with that instantly recognizable stutter. I still spun around, where my eyes met that adorable boy. The tip of his nose was tinted red, just like his hair, from embarrassment and the bitter cold. His hands were stuffed deep into his connected sweater pocket, and I could tell he was cracking his knuckles. I gave him a half smile, which he returned with a full one. He walked over, sitting down next to me on the curb.

" Yah, crazy right?" I said, forcing an airy chuckle at the end of the short phrase. The short easy phrase, that was almost impossible to say. Anything denying my feelings for Bill was difficult to say. " Almost as crazy as Richie. Just imagine." I said, staring up into the darkening sky, acting as if I didn't imagine my life if I had the balls to ask Bill if he liked-

" Not th-th-that crazy." He muttered. My heart pounded against my rib cage, making me worry of a heart attack. Did... did he? I couldn't even think straight, my eyes widening as I tried to wrap my head around what he had just said.

" Well, like R-richies crazy I mean. B-b-but the other thing, like it... it's not as cr-crazy. Like, if you w-want.. I mean... if you k-know what I m-m-mean." He said, his words jumbled and stuttered. My lips turned upwards in a goofy smile, my heart a buttery messy. Without a second thought, I grabbed onto Bill's shoulders and pulled him towards me, kissing him more roughly then I meant to.

The kiss was sweet: tasting of literal sugar and natural sweetener. Like a bowl of fresh fruit. Like a whole cup of brown sugar.

But the feeling was short lived, because soon that asthmatic donkey sound was back and pounding against my eardrums. I pulled away, my head spinning around fast enough to give me whiplash. Richie stood there, clutching his stomach, as he let out cackles of uncontrollable laughter. Eddie stood beside him, shaking his head disapprovingly at his boyfriend rude nature.

" See Ed's? I told you, I fucking told-"

I stood up and chased Richie down the street.

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