shot: reddie

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richie's p.o.v:

" hey eds? will we be needing these?" i asked, a cocky smirk prominent on my face. i watched as eddie quietly hummed in response, putting a pack of cinnamon chewing gum back on the shelf before turning to face me. his eyes travelled from the look on my scrawny face down to the package in my hand, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he scoffed and turned back to the items on the shelves ahead of us.

" i swear on my life richard, i thought us moving in together would make you more mature." he said sourly, although i could see the blush rise on his cheeks. i chuckled quietly, my quiet snickers the only sounds in the otherwise silent convenience store, as i set the extra large condom package back on the shelf.

" well you thought wrong." i grinned mischievously, digging my hands into my skinny black jeans front pockets and waltzing over to him. eddie sighed quietly, shaking his head in disapproval, as he picked up a small bag of fizzy cola bottle candies.

" just help me get candy richie." he whined, looking up at me with pleading eyes, as if begging me to stop annoying him. i sucked my lips into a fine line, feeling guilty for burdening him, as i nodded slowly and looked away. eddie sensed my guilt immediately, of course, and snuck his hand into mine. as we grew older we began to care less and less about what other's thought about our relationship, even if we were two guys. we didn't give a fuck.

eddie and i had moved in together two months prior. it'd been his idea, because of one simple reason: my anxiety got bad when i was alone. i'd often disturb him with calls in the middle of the night, sometimes right after having worked myself through a panic attack, or even whilst i was enduring one. he'd always have to drive ten miles to get to me, or have to talk me through it over the phone. but we'd been together for over four years by that point, and we both finally decided it was best just to move in together. although, i did feel like a burden occasionally.

eddie gently squeezed my lanky hand in his, reminding me that he was there and that we wasn't mad and that i had nothing to feel guilty about. he gently guided me to the small chip isle in the boxy store. i swung our arms the smallest bit, marvelling at the cute giggle he emitted because of it, as i snatched up a bag of sour cream and onion chips in my free hand.

" ooo yay my favourite." eddie giggled softly again. to be completely honest, i knew that sour cream and onion was his favourite. so every of week, when it was my turn to pick chips and his to pick candy ( because we alternated every week ) i'd pick it. despite my dislike towards the flavour. eddie and i had adopted movie night monday's, just a nice way to unwind after the first day back in the harsh working environment. and of course, what's a movie without snacks?

i grinned, tugging eddie back over to the cashier. it was an older asian man, who always had his thick newspaper in his hands every week when we'd come in for food. he peered over the top of the inky pages when we approached him, before setting the newspaper down on a small stool somewhere behind the counter. he sighed quietly, most likely thinking let's get this over with.

" hands in the air! now!" someone bellowed just as eddie was setting our items down on the table. i looked to the side, and my heart stopped in my chest. two figures, most likely men based on the depth of their voices and extremely muscled shape, although i couldn't be sure with the ski masks on their faces. they stood near the shut front door. one of them had a black run, and pistol by the looks of it, and was shakily aiming it in our direction.

immediately, our food was discarded on the counter and eddie was in front of me. over the years eddie had gotten taller, but i could still just see over the top of his dark waves of hair. the two men were slowly approaching the cashier, who had a look or terror on his face, and i felt eddie trying to gently push me back and away from them. however, i didn't move. i was frozen.

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