Unexpected Meeting

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Above is a picture of how I imagine Spring Rose would look like.
The cold September morning hit me like a ton of bricks before I could even slip out of bed to start this unwanted morning I so desperately didn't want to start. The cold wooden floor stung my heels immediately before I could make my way over to the shower while the smell of last night-sweat and Booze burned my nostrils heavily. - Is that me smelling like that ? - I thought to myself.

The dinner table was already addressed with food like every other morning before my mom went to work, leaving just me and my brother to attend the table every morning just before school. Taking a seat beside my brother, I began to eat.
"Hey, did you have a good night sleep?" He ask with a mouthful of toast. I was Confused as hell to the sudden question so I asked "Why are you asking?". He scoffs.
"So now I can't ask my baby sister about her sleep?"
Chuckling I say "You know, now that I think about it-it does sound a bit creepy that your asking me about my sleep". His face turns upside down suddenly after I state my comment.
"Forget I asked since you wanna be a asshole about it" Without letting me respond telling him it was good, he leaves. - Wow.. what a great way to start the day Spring.. Round of applause everyone!! fucking asshole! - .

The school was packed as expected roaming with freshmen to seniors. Happily for me I was a senior and was so ready to get this damn day over with already. Walking in through Carson academy doors was the easiest part, but, the hard part was not knowing what to expect when I made my way through. I took in one long exaggerated breath then made my way inside. All eyes were focused on me like bright knives in the dark. A few whispers broke out as I made my way through the crowd. Everyone was just fucking staring at this point, how ironic? When can I ever have a normal year ? - uhhhh maybe never Spring, you've never had one, so why would it start now? - Finally I made it-to this far ass locker they gave me which I wasn't to pleased about because it was right across the hall from Mr. Batman's class. - Your probably like what the fuck, your mad over a teacher? - Wait now... I'm not mad over a teacher, I'm mad that I'm next to my last class period teacher which means he has the authority to keep me on hold during class because he would know that after his class my locker would be right across the hallway. - You would be fucking mad to, especially if you don't wanna be in this shit hole - Finally I punched in the right code to my locker before I stuffed my books inside. Freshmen and sophomore girls gave me looks as they walked to their lockers. A few of them were seniors, just watching me across the hallway as if I was some type of prize they could win. - defiantly not, if they only knew -.

My first period was Economics with Mr. Furthero which I knew of before I even got to the class because I had the same class last year, but failed it so I had retake it. Then It's English Lit for second and of course Mr. Batman's was last. I never had English lit or even knew who was teaching, but some talk has been going around that the last teacher was fired for child endangerment. Some sort of news that he tried to kill one of his fellow students. Anyways supposedly she was the new teacher and some sort of gorgeous model that everyone seems to be drooling over. To be honest majority of the female teachers here are all hot so even if she was some hot model I'm almost for certain she's just like all these other teachers, working, grading and keeping their jobs from being labeled as a child molester.
"Hey Spring" Catherine says all too seductively, aggressive.
"Hey" I responded hoping that she would just get the memo that I didn't want her. Drunk and high one night with Catherine lead to sex and now here she was thinking I was her guardian angel. - Yeah.. more like abandoning parent - I wasn't here for no relationship and I intended to keep it that way. There's nothing wrong with a little fun, but when your fun turns into a stalker that's also obsessed with you then that's when it becomes a problem.
"So are you coming to my party tonight?" She ask with the most brightest the smile.
"I can't tonight cath" I lie making up the first excuse I could come up with without blurting out anything to hurt her feelings.
"Are you busy tonight?" She proceeds on asking. - Why me? Why do I have to be the one that all the girls in school get to pressurize into doing unwanted shit -.
"Yes I'm busy tonight" I lie again hoping she won't ask no more god damn questions I so didn't want to answer, because i swear if she ask another fucking question i swear I'm going to throw me and my nice self out of the schools classroom window. Thankfully I was saved by Mr. Furthero stepping in to start the assignment for today. - Thank you, Thank you -.

I have never walked so fast out of class as I sprinted out of first period once it ended. Catherine was just one problem while the rest of the school was a problem unsolved. At all times I felt like a damn celebrity, I always asked myself how? Everyone knew my reputation, I was a heartbreaker so why do everyone still burn their unwanted energy for me. Second period was beyond packed as if everyone was waiting on some type of catastrophic disaster to happen. Honestly it was freaking me the fuck out until I realized why, the new teacher that everyone's been rambling on about is suppose to show up this period. - Just... fucking.. great - . The front row was packed which was a first I'd ever seen because usually no one sits in the front row of any class unless their blind that is. I took a seat in the second row which to my surprise had an empty seat. Everyone was rambling on as usual or staring at me which I had grown to accept over the years because let's face it I can't control if they like what they see. Just as the tardy bell rang the door shut with a slight slam. The click of heels walking their way closer to the desk that was in front of the class shut everyone the fuck up quickly.
"Hello, welcome to English lit" She rung out softly. - Cute voice - I thought to myself before taking out my phone to go over unseen messages.
"My name is Hayley Fall but you will address me as Ms. Fall" She continued on. - Not married and she has a sexy name, must be rich then - . As soon as I was done with replying back to all my messages I put my phone up. Her back was turned to me so all I could see was her nice flowing blond hair that fell down her back. - Damn.. she's got a sexy frame - I thought to myself.
"Alright today we will start with poetry and then work our way into completing a full book at the end of the year". Once she turned around her eyes immediately met mines causing my heart to drop instantly. Her blue eyes locked onto mines for a good 15 seconds before she snatched them away continuing the lesson. My heart was beating so fast against my chest, I couldn't and didn't want to understand why. Ms. Fall was significantly gorgeous, the talk was a bare minimum compared to what I was seeing right now. She looked at me one more time again during the lesson, then probably came to the conclusion to never look at me again.
This is the end of the first chapter starting off with Spring Rose. Leave some comments down below about the story !! Thank you !

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