The Talk

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Hayley and I have been putting off the "Talk" for some time now, more than I anticipated-but I was for sure now that today that would all change. We were both outside resting up against the the lounges in front of the beach. She kept asking me how was I able to get a place like this? And How their was a lot of things she didn't know about me. She was right.. their was a lot of things she didn't know about me.. "Well I have a secret account that only I can access through my grandparents inheritance" I explain to her. "So your rich? A rich student and no one else knows?" Cracking a bright smile i say "I'm not rich I just have enough money to live off of and afford a place like this".
"Have you brought anyone else here?"
"I haven't brought anyone, Well now except you". A smile warms up her face "Well.. this place is absolutely beautiful Spring..". "Thank you I got it after my grandfather died" I explain staring out at the beach after explaining trying to avoid talking about it more. "What happened?" She questions. Sighing I say "Major heart attack one Sunday morning" I wasn't ready to talk about it yet, she noticed and took the okay until I was ready to explain.

Cuddling up in front of the cozy fire I began to ask her "So I was wondering if you wanted to go out one of these days so we could have our talk". Her eyes reach mines "We can talk about it now". Woah.. she's ready just as I am ready? Sitting up I ask "Are you sure?" She chuckles "Are you sure?". Chuckling I get the hint that she's just as ready as I am. "Where does our relationship stand?".
"What do you mean?" She questions.
"Are we in a good position to say that we both have something going on for each other?"
"Of course, I'm just not sure if I'm at the stage of I'm ready to say that I accept this whole heartedly".
"I'm not either but I'm willing to give us a try from more than sex". She giggles "Yeah that's what scares me".
"Why?" I question suddenly worried that she is getting bored of me.
"Well I kind of feel like it's based off sex right now and we aren't really going out, we barely know anything about each other, I mean... you're closed off from me... sometimes it scares me that you'll leave me and I won't know a damn thing about you to prove how I can get you back". Am I pushing her away?.. I sure had a tendency to do that when I didn't want to.. it kinda just happened after.. my damaged past.... Slowly running my hands through my hair I apologize.
"For what? I have a past of my own.. I just want to be able to trust and know that you won't leave me.. like everyone else". Rubbing her face immediately I tell her "I could never leave such a beautiful woman, theirs just no way". Resting her hand I mines she caresses it against her cheek "When the time is right I will tell you everything, right now I want to grow into that time". "Grow old with me?" I question into a smile. She chuckles "Your a little ahead Ms. Rose but yes I would love to".

I knew the perfect place for us both to relax and have a fun time to feel like we could go out in public for once without people watching us as if we were student and teacher. Pulling into the space I park cutting the engine. "Where are we?" She questions while looking out at the restaurant we sat in front of. "Somewhere we both deserve to be" I answer before getting out to open her side of the door. "Thank you" She says before stepping out. Then I open the door to the restaurant.

The place was gorgeous, I was glad I made reservations today during school. The glass building stood out complimenting the dinning areas. People were enjoying them self's chatting and talking paying us no mind. It felt pretty damn good knowing we could finally be free to enjoy our time together.

After ordering and being served our food we began to eat "How did you set this up?". "Well I was sitting in Mr. Furthero's class and I just kept staring at the clock and he asked me was their something on that clock he didn't see and I said yeah the time and wondering why it wouldn't go any faster". "Wow" She says giggling before dipping her bread into her sauce. "No but seriously.. I planned it out before I got to school I thought that maybe we needed some time out together to feel free and not closed off from the world.. hiding". "This is amazing spring.. really thank you".
"Don't worry about it, I just wanted to do something special before hell starts again tomorrow. "Your right about that" she says before laughing.

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