The Risk

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               I pushed the doors open to the school letting myself out before the cold air hit me fast causing me to huddle my arms together for warmth. Quickly I quickened my pace out to my car noticing Spring was standing there as I got closer. She was waiting on me while leaning up against the passenger side door. Her face lit up once she saw me cracking her famous smile that drove me insane on the inside every time I saw it. "Hey, I almost thought you would've bailed on me". "And leave my car here?" I questioned. She chuckles turning red "That was stupid, I definitely did not think that through". Giggling "No you didn't" I say. Throwing my bags in The trunk I began to walk over to the drivers side of the door. Unlocking it I tell her to get in. She follows and gets in after me with a worried facial expression that made me crack a smile "Nervous?" I question.
"Yeah.. I mean I'm not nervous I'm just a little excited maybe".
"What's got you excited in that head of yours?" I question before turning on the warm air.
"Well I don't know.. I've never did something like this before, it's kind of a thrill". Chuckling I say "A thrill? You think us sneaking out of school is a thrill". Her face turns red almost immediately "Shit.. your right I'm sorry this is definitely not a thrill more like road kill".
"What?" I question before bursting out into laughter. "I'm embarrassing myself aren't I?" She questions nervously. "A little bit it's kind of cute".

"Where are we?" She questions while looking out the car window up at my house. "My house" I answer. "Your house?" She questions. "Yes, I thought since we can't go out in public that we could order pizza and watch some movies tonight then talk about wether or not if you still want to pursue this relationship" I explain to her. Those blue orbs found a way to stare back at me once again in that warm seductive way that drove me crazy into instant arousal. "I'm sorry.." she soon apologizes before snatching her eyes away from mines. Sorry for what? "Sorry for what?" I question out loud worried. "I don't know.. I just feel like sometimes I don't deserve you" she says while laying her head back on the seat. "What? You have got to be kidding me right ? Because I thought it was you who I don't deserve, look what your doing for me, do you not see it?". She doesn't meet my eyes "look at me.. Spring". She meets my eyes with a sad expression "Let's go inside please.. I want to show you something". I say before cutting the engine.

"This is sacred to me, no one else knows about it but me, but I want you to be the first person to see it.. please sit". She sits beside me on my bed before I hand her my diary. Taking it she opens the first few pages. While I lay back against my pillows watching her read it. After some time her expressions began change from okay to sad then her face started to burn up in bright red which meant she was on my sacred part. The part about me thinking of her in the classroom and doing unspeakable things to myself outside of work that I couldn't do in class. Biting her lip she continues on while the smile on my face wouldn't leave watching this beautiful girl read my most sacred possession. Suddenly she closes it before laying it down to run her hands throw her blonde strands pushing her hair back. Almost instantly she gets up to close the door before climbing onto my lap clashing her lips onto mines hungrily, I didn't know what to expect when she closed the door. Right now I was getting so turned on as the kiss deepened. Spring grinding into my core flipped all my switches on into deep throbbing arousal. Pulling against her shirt I wanted her more, deeper into my core "I want you more.." I spoke out slowly pleading before she slipped off her shirt. Kissing my neck and roaming my body drove me crazy.. more aroused than ever.. before she pulled down my bottom half clothing. The roaming continued heavily against my bare legs, exposing me to the cold air, her warm breath on my neck soon turned into sucking against my most sensitive spot driving me crazy into my moans. Removing her bottom half she began to grind helplessly into my throbbing core, while feeding into my neck. "Fucckk" I let out softly before digging my nails into her Bare back, loosing myself within our syncd humps and grinds. I wanted her to fuck me so bad right now... It was as if my prayers were answered when she started trailing kisses down my aching body, waiting for her to just attack my arousal quickly. Face to face with my arousal now arching up into her slight breathing against it set me off "Oh god please.. I can't wait no more" begged. Holding my legs down tight, she begins to lap over my lips spreading them apart accessing my opening. Sucking and lapping over faster caused me to gracefully grind against her mouth. I was burning up fast so I slipped my shirt over my head and snapped my bra right off. Feeding into me giving me everything I wanted drove me insane through constant moans. My eyes kept rolling back through rippling orgasms that I defiantly couldn't suppress. Suddenly she latched off after another strong orgasm and went through her backpack pulling out a dildo that was connected to a hassle. Pulling me close to her by my legs she begins to rub it against my soaked opening. She lays me back carefully fixing a pillow under my head before fixing it against my entrance. "I'm going to go slow then I'll speed up okay" she says. I nod guessing she sensed my nervousness. Slowly it slides in giving her the access to pump me. The pleasure hit me like a rock turning my moans into something more intense and long.. Holding my legs wide open she pumps me deeper in the same pace. My moans sang out more and more as I held onto her. Then her pounds turned into long hardcore pumps feeding into my soaking wet core "Oh shittt..." I moaned out aggressively loud as she sped up into her pace pumping me harder. "Oh god.. Spring.." I moaned out before she threw my hands above my head pounding me harder than before. Oh my god.... I was going insane.. I was loosing it, this pleasure she was giving me was so intense that I just couldn't think straight. Once she let my wrist go my arms found their way around her back. My core started to pulsate and contract all at once giving me the most intense sensation releasing all my contents against her dildo. Throwing my legs back on either side of my stomach gave her the energy to pump me deep into my core. "Oh my fucking god!!!" I screamed out taking it. My screams and moans frequently bounced off my walls echoing against the sound of my seeping juices kissing against her dildo. My nails dug into her back hard while she pumped me clean hard sending me screaming and shivering every single time she stroked out. As if it wasn't enough she falls into me taking ahold of my embrace pressing my legs down, pumping me faster than ever. My climax conjured up so fast that I just didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to pull or scratch, all that was coming out were moans and slight screams as she continued to feed into my core that was drenched making all kinds of air and creamy sounds. She was getting it out of me, driving me fucking crazy in my very intense arousal. Throwing my hands back above my head again she pounded... deep and long into my core..  feeding another building climax, my head was thrown back in eye rolls trying to keep control of myself that was quickly fading. Then she hit it.. my g-spot. I couldn't control nothing as I lost control. She held onto my hands pounding my greater than ever hearing sounds I thought I never had in me, moans I thought I could never reach, orgasms i thought I could never fulfill, it was all coming out like water like it's been apart of me this whole time. My climax was very near because I started shaking extremely hard before she let go of my hands letting me grip ahold of her once more again. "Fuckkk me...Yesss! I screamed out as my climax knocked right on my door. Pounding right into it I couldn't stop shaking as it released all over her dildo like a stream. Slowly she slowed down before I opened my eyes to kiss her. Holy hell.. that was fucking amazing.. her body fell into me right after before nuzzling her face up into my neck. We both were heaving like crazy trying to catch our breath. "That was.. amazing" I say through heavy breaths.

Throughout the rest of the day we sat in my home jacuzzi soaking and relaxing out problems and worries away. "Hold up my moms calling". She says before picking up the phone.
"Hey ma" silence "I'm a little busy right now mom" silence "Why can't he do it on his own?" Silence "I'm with someone right now" silence "What no hell no" silence "Sorry mom.." silence "I'm not ready to introduce her yet" silence "Mom please, ughhh" she runs her hands through her hair "Okay one day mom, I promise" silence "Okay love you bye", she hangs up before laying her phone back down and laying her head back. "You okay?" I ask suddenly watching her stressful face. "Y-Yeah I'm fine" She stutters. Cracking a smile I say "Your a terrible Ms. Rose". "Rose huh?" She questions with a devious smile. Uh oh.. Gathering my tile i hurry up and get out of the jacuzzi before she jumps out with one hop "Where you going Ms. Fall?" She questions sneakily fast.
"No where" I lie.
"Doesn't look like no where"
"I'm not going nowhere" I say backing up two more steps into my living room area.
"Why are you backing up?" She questions.
"I'm not backing up" I lie.
"You filthy liar" She proclaims before trying to catch me by tricking me to which side she's going to try and catch me from. "I'm not a liar" I say before running off full speed into the backyard. "Ms. Fall you better come back here right now" she screams coming after me. Giggling I hide behind a tree huffing a little out of breath. Watching through the cracks she searches for me "Ms. Fall I know your out here". Still searching after 3 minutes she disappears behind a tree giving me the opportunity to escape. Heading for the door I began to sprint for it then she caught me wrapping her arms around me "No no you tricked me!" I scream . Laughing she holds onto me "No Ms. Fall you failed".

The smell of tomato sauce and cooking meat filled my noise waking me slowly out of my nap. Yawning and stretching I got up and went to the kitchen. I couldn't believe my eyes at what I was seeing, Spring singing and dancing in the kitchen to some stereo music cooking. The biggest smile broke out on my face as I watched her in just boxers and bra. Half startled to death she gasp after seeing me "Holy fucking shit you scared me, I thought you was a god damn ghost I was about to bolt". "And leave me here?" I question still in a smile. "Well if the ghost was right there looking for his next victim then I would already think he or she ate you already". Chuckling I ask "What are you cooking Ms. I will only save myself. She chuckles "Uhmm my famous pasta with a salad on the side, you hungry?". "I was woken out of my sleep by the smell, what do you think?". She smirks "I wish it was something els instead of the food that could've woke you" she says with that lust filled look in her eyes. Blushing into a lip bite I respond "It could have been, but then I would've starved to death in pleasure". "At least we could've starved knowing we were both pleased". Looking at her with lust filled eyes I say "Maybe". Quickly she grabs two plates "Eat I wanna spend the remainder of time I have left with you". Kinda sad I ask "Why, are you leaving somewhere else?"
"Yeah home, I have to help my brother with some of his robotics homework since I'm the one with the good hands". "You do have good hands". I say with my eyes closed savoring the food I just slipped into my mouth. "Are they as good as the food that you just had an orgasm to?" She questions. Smiling I say "Even better".
You made it to the end of this chapter. Whooo!! Anyways thank you for reading once again and please leave some comments down below on what you think of it. Thank you!!

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