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                I was almost certain that all of the teachers were breaking down in tears knowing their students of this year were all leaving. "I'm not ready to say goodbye" One of the senior teachers say in tears hugging one of her students that he made his way across the stage. I felt like I was going to break down too.. I would miss all of my talented students. As soon as the next name was mentioned it just narrowed down closer and closer to springs name. I knew the project presentations were coming up after soon and that just made me even more nervous wondering what all my students had planned. I was even more nervous wanting to know what Spring had planned, not only have we been going out a lot but we have been coming more public to society on our relationship. At first people despised us but now that everyone is over it no one really cares in-fact they couldn't be any more happier knowing a girl that use to walk their neighborhood was now the smile on everyone's faces. Spring was so giving and kind it just made me love her even more everyday I woke up next to her peaceful presence. Over this whole year I was so grateful that I met her and took my chance being in love with her because if I hadn't I don't think I would be where I am right now. A better and understanding me. "Hey honey, Did spring go up yet?" Tom ask before slipping into my row of chairs. "No not yet but I'm very anxious for this ending, all of my students decided to do power-points which is making me have a bit of anxiety". Tom chuckles "I'm sure it's going to be amazing". "Yeah I know it will" I agree with him.

"Spring Rose!" The principal calls out as she gets up walking up to the stage. She looked amazing in a red tux. "Wow.. she looks amazing wonder what's the occasion?" Tom ask. I mean everyone looked amazing tonight. Honestly I didn't think much of it as her family clapped and screamed in the back with mines. I was still confused on how my family and Springs family were bonding so quickly together. I knew my family wanted to congratulate Spring just as much as her own family wanted to. Over time I finally forgave them for the commotion they caused us both back home and lovingly i accepted their sincere apology. Once she finally made her way to me I gave her a warm hug and whispered into her ear how much I loved her before she got off the stage with her diploma and sat back down in the chair with the other seniors. Hugging 178 more shoulders and backs couldn't have brought more tears to my eyes knowing they were all going to move on to something better in their lives. Finally I made me way back over to Tom before the principal started explaining that my class had presentations to present. My heart was beating so fast knowing this was about to start right now, right here the time was here so fast already.

2 more students were in front of spring and somehow spring wanted to go last. Now I knew she did have something up her sleeve and it was making me more nervous not knowing what it was. Suddenly Tom took my hand squeezing it telling me it was going to be ok already noticing my anxiousness. Finally it came down to Spring as she made her way up to the stage taking the microphone. "Hey everyone.. sorry I'm nervous this is my first time doing this but.. I made a very special PowerPoint for a very special person and I decided to present it and then sing.. right after if that's okay with everyone. Suddenly chatter broke out from the crowd immediately before she started the video. Once it started I saw before my eyes remembering the exact time and places all these events occurred.
Hayley Fall.. I love with all my heart and theirs no words in this world that will fully describe the way I feel about you.. The video starts showing the events when we first started and I couldn't get my eyes off of her. How did she capture that? The next video was a little bit more loving we were for the first time laying together in bed and I was sleep and she video recorded her caressing my face. As it progressed on it showed us in in London as we watched movies together... as if it wasn't last a video of me playing the piano... progressing on a video of me grading students papers then of course me catching her before she started attacking me with tickles.. As our relationship progressed on into love and bloomed with love we became more intimate with each other.. then their was a video of us.. dancing in my living room to my favorite song before she kissed me leaving me heated and lost within her... "'s getting hot in here". Tom says fanning hisself. Blushing into a full chuckle their inserted was a video I made of her fixing my bathroom sink just 20 days ago.. looking hot remembering that conversation right away with ease. "One day we're going to have kids... and they're going to bust that sink playing tag and I'm going to enjoy fixing this sink if you look at me just like that on the day it happens". "Kids?" I question. "Yeah kids... I can't believe I'm saying this but I want kids.. maybe if we get married a couple of years from now?". "Yes a couple of years I'll be 31 and you will be 24" I explain in the video. She chuckles "I'm sure if I had a penis you would've been pregnant I long time ago..". Chuckling in the video I ask "Oh really". Getting up she walks over to me "Yes but I want our peanuts running around here, I want kids to". "Oh really?" I question with the biggest smile on my face that day. "Yes like 10". "10!" I almost scream out "Who's going to take care of 10 kids?". "Obviously me and their beautiful mommy". "Oh gosh your going to drive me crazy". "Don't I already" she says being smart... rolling my eyes I walk away. "Damn.." turning back around quickly I question her what?". "Nothing you're just going to look banging hot pregnant! Banging body". "Oh shut up!" I say before walking back into the room. That day I couldn't have been more happier knowing she wanted kids just as much as me and finally the last video was a video of me sitting on the couch watching her with the video recorded. I should've known she was up to something. "Ms. Fall would you like to go on a cruise?". "Your joking right?" I ask. "Hell no I'm not". "Language!" Her mom exclaims out to the video leaving us all in laughter in our tears. "A cruise to Italy baby.. the hometown of me!" She explains. I hoped up so fast "Are you serious baby? Or are you just joking?" I asked almost freaking out. "I'm serious baby the plane leaves tomorrow". I was so happy that I jumped into her arms crying. "Baby you okay?". Crying on her shoulder I lie "Yes". Still holding the camera she sits back down on the couch recording me still "You know I love you right and I would do anything for you" She explains. "Yes I know". Rubbing my back she ask for me to give her kisses that quickly led to something else ending the video before people saw to much which I was thankful for now. "Steamy" Tom says. Now the video started about the cruise that I had such a blast on. "Wait baby! Okay okay I'm sorry..." picking me up and climbing on the deck holding me she jumps into the water leaving me screaming. That day I spanked her wide awake in her sleep on the boat. The next part showed when I got all dressed up as she held the camera up to her face before seeing me and her face was speechless. A few whistles broke out in the place from graduates "Oww!". Cracking a blush I still couldn't believe this was happening. "Gosh guys look at this dress, woah.... she's looking fucking amazing!". Chuckling out from the video clearly in tears and blushing I was one emotion woman right now. Springs eyes met mines clearly in tears also mouthing I love you. As soon as the video ended the grabbed the mic and sat down in front of a piano clearing her throat. The whole place sat quiet as they listened on hearing the song that was about to play out of springs mouth. I was just as nervous as everyone else to what else she had up her sleeve because this was all too over whelming.
             I found love... in you.. and I've learned to love.. meee too.. Never have I felt that I could be all that you see.. it's like our hearts have intertwined into the perfect harmony... This is why I love you.. oooo.. this is why I love you... because you love me... you love mee... you love meeee.. this is why I love you... ooo.. this is why I love you because you love me... you love me... I found love in you.. and no other love... will do.. every moment that you smile chases all the pain away... forever and a while in my heart is where you'll stay... this is why I love you.. ooo this is why I love you.. because you love meee.... you love me... this is why I love you.. this is why I love you... because you love me ... you love me... the stars have aligned and right now it's the perfect time to say.. I love you I love you I love I love you.. I dooooo!! This is why I love you... because you love me..!! You love me!!!!!! This is why I love you... !! This is why I love you because you love me.. me.... I found love in you.. and no other love will do.. that's why I love you.... suddenly the song ends on that note leaving the whole place stand still shocked to her performance that still shocked me and brought me to tears. "Please Ms. Fall can you make your way up here for me". Clearly in tears I made my way up to her as she grabbed ahold of my hands explaining her love for me. "Ms. Fall I love you.. and nothing in this world would ever change that.. I loved you from the day I met you and I knew that I wanted you to be my forever.. always... the moment I said those 3 words you made it clear to me that you loved me also.. just as much as I did.. which is why I made my project about you. "I love you to baby" I say through sobs. "I've been thinking a lot of about my future with you and how I want you in it with me when I get out here so.. I'm going to do this". Kneeling down on one knee she pulls out a small box. Gasping loud covering up my mouth immediately from over whelming. Chatter breaks out as a few screams of joy. "Yes!!" My dad screams out. "Holy shit!". Just as the box open my eyes widened to the rock of a diamond. "Holy shit look at that!" One of the teachers exclaim staring down at ring. "Ms. Fall will you do me the honor of being my wife?". Oh my god.. is this really happening right now!! Oh my god!! "Yes!, yes yes" I kept repeating before she slipped the diamond onto my finger. Suddenly the video of it was on the screen. "Oh my god! My mother screams on. "Yes oh my god is the word" Spring mother says right after her. swinging my arms around Spring I couldn't have been more happy in my life... I was engaged! A fiancé! I was going to be a wife! I was going to get married! Married ! Oh my god I can't believe I'm going to get married! Finally my dream came true.. finally.. I was thankful. Quickly her family came running up to the stage with mines hugging us and getting a good look at the ring. "Damn that's a rock on your finger" Tom exclaims excited. I was washed away in emotion. So much happened within the day sadness broke through in the begging going to now what I felt was happiness and gratefulness.
I was so happy that I waited on this love.. happy that it all happened out the way it was suppose to... happy to be in love and so proud and very grateful to have Spring Rose in my life.. Now soon who was going to be my wife!
Sadly this book is coming to a end :( But what did y'all think? Seriously wow! I was amazed at my self for even writing this part it almost felt real like I was getting proposed to! As always leave suggestions or comments down below! Thank you for taking interest into my story. 

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