Just A Little Too Late

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My mind was spinning as I let Spring roam my body a little longer than I anticipated. My heart was pounding hard against my chest ringing in my ears, blocking out any signs that I should be stopping this right now. Then she was back onto my neck as if it didn't drive me fucking crazy because it did and I think she knew. "Spring..." I moaned out softly into her ear. She was driving me insane literally, I just couldn't keep my hands off of her. As if trying to imply something she pinned my wrist against the wall giving me the most intense kiss of a lifetime. The way she kissed me was already leaking my arousal to its high which was making me want her even more. Her hand unexpectedly slipped in between my legs causing my breathing to hitch nervously. She knows what I feel like... She can feel how wet I am "Your wet for me?" She whispers into my ear, flipping the switch to my most intimate core. Nodding I say "Yes". I don't know what the hell took over me in that moment but I was for certain I wasn't me anymore. All I wanted at this very moment was her to touch me. I didn't want to think about her being my student and me being her teacher, I was so fucking aroused I could almost feel it in my back. "Don't stop please.." I begged of her before she slipped her two fingers into my wet beating core. More soft moans released before I could even control the intense feeling I was given while I was throbbing on her fingers in-between my legs. Which failed to stop me from moaning any louder. Her strong pounding became more visible and deep before my eyes, leaving nothing but rugged breathing and moans to spill over as I was trying so hard to suppress. At this point she lost it too, Her fingers became so intense that I had no choice but let them all out, I forgot where I was, I was loosing it, fading into the view of her fucking my soaking core with every force she could give.
"Oh god..." was my common repetition as she fed into my core over and over. When she went deeper with the most pounding sensation, I fell off the edge. I was screaming, moaning and shaking in her embrace climaxing to my release. "Come on my fucking fingers Hayley" she whispered into my ear. Right when I snapped back to reality that I was still very in fact in school but it was all just a little too late before I exploded all onto her fingers.
Quickly my phone rang right after before she backed away sucking my come off her coated fingers.
It was Tom calling just fucking great Hayley.. you broke the damn rule.
Picking up I answer "Hello?"
"Hey Hayley I was wondering if me and Adam could come over today and have a little lunch dinner".
"Yeah.. yeah, sure t-that's fine" I stutter before brushing my strands out of my face.
"You okay honey? You sound a little nervous are you alright? Did you see that girl today?"
Taking the biggest sigh I don't answer.
"Hayley... honey oh god.. give me strength, okay this is what we're going to do. Me and Adam are coming there right now, is she there right now? If so we need to have a little chat before this gets out of hand".
"Yes she's here" I breath out nervously. My eyes met springs and once again I couldn't steal them away from her lust filled gaze.
"Can you stay here after class?" I ask her.
"Yes, but why?" She ask a little angrily.
Hanging up I get back up and walk back over to her keeping my gaze on her eyes. "My friend is coming over and he wants to have a talk about "us" I explain.
"Is he against us?" She ask in a little sharp tone.
"He just wants to help us" I explain.
"Then I'm leaving if you think we need help then maybe what we fucking have you don't deserve". Ouch... grabbing her things she throws her backpack over her shoulder and begins to walk to the door. "Wait.. please Spring.. I don't think we need help I just don't know what I'm doing I might loose my job here.. your a minor". She chuckles "I'm 19" ohhh.. maybe this can work... but your still a teacher Hayley. What you going to do quit for some girl? You just met her we don't know what she's like back home. We don't know shit... She walks back over to me quickly before crashing her lips back onto mines "I can't get enough of you Hayley". "Me either" I embarrassingly admit. I felt so vulnerable right now and I've never felt this vulnerable in my entire life, but somehow spring changed that aspect of me when I was around her presence. Her thumb slowly rubbed against my bottom lip as she looked down on me while I leaned against my desk. Her lips met mines once again, sensual this time and slow. My arms found their way around her waist before the kiss got deeper and more passionate. My core was beating with seeping arousal once again giving her the indication I was liking what she was doing to me, very much. Slowly she made her way down my neck kissing my very spot softly before sucking down on it. Moans came singing out once again keeping me away from the fact that Tom and Adam could very so bust through these doors any minute. I don't think they're even on the way, we have time.. I don't want her to stop not now.. Quickly moving my bra down she begins to latch onto one of my erect nipples before pulling on the other, arching into her almost immediately I began to moan much more intensely. I was so fucking turned on. I just wanted her to reach my core quickly because it was aching so bad for her touch.
"Please give it to me... i can't wait no more.." was I really about to do this? Is Hayley fall really about to get her Pussy ate out right here on this school desk ? Following my command immediately she pulls off my panties with one swipe down. Then she opened my legs spreading them far apart from each other exposing myself before she went right in at it. Immediately she found the spot on my pearl that was tingling this whole time in between my legs and began to suck on it, pulling ahold of my wet lips along with it. "Holllyyy shitttt!!" I screamed out louder than I anticipated. Faster she licked and the more I moaned, I was getting so close, so fast. As bad as I wanted to shut my legs closed from this very intense pleasure I couldn't because she held my legs down. My hips pumped my core into her mouth harder as she fed into me getting me closer to my fast building climax. "Oh fuckkk.... I'm about to c-come" I moaned out so loud it echoed through the room. I just couldn't take it anymore as she held me down tighter sucking a few more times before I released right onto her lips and tongue. Holy hell that was fucking amazing. No one has ever ate my pussy like that much less made me come that fucking fast.. She smirks "You taste amazing". Helping me off the desk I began to pick my panties back up and started laughing.
"What's funny?" She questions.
"I can't even wear these anymore, they went through 2 seeping processes" I admit holding them up.
"I can keep them" She suddenly blurts.
"No of course not, you know how creepy that sounds" Chuckling she runs her hands through her blond strands. "So when are your friends going to show up?" Before I could answer the door swings open. "Look who's here Tom and Adam, make some room!" Tom comes in blurting out happily with Adam following in after. "Hold up is this Spring?" He questions giving her a look down. "Yes that's my name who wants to know?". "Ohhh.. smart mouth and sexy, your sure do know how to pick them Hayley". She chuckles before I say "So can we talk so that I can get home, I have a bunch of papers to grade".
"Have y'all had sex?" He ask right to the point.
"Woah baby, that's a bit much". Adam protest.
"Define sex, does that include us both giving each other what we want or one person getting what they need?" Ask Spring. Tom chuckles "You fucking my best friend is sex to me". For a few minutes we stood in silence before i blurted out "Yes we had sex".
"What!" He screams out so loud i could almost believe the freshmen and sophomores could probably hear on the other side of the building.
"Jesus Tom! Do you want the whole school to come running over here to figure out why my gay best friend and one of my students are all in the same class? as if we don't already look obvious and unprofessional" I state stressfully running my hands through my hair.
"I'm sorry but I thought we made a deal that you wouldn't fuck her Hayley; this is your job baby and you could very well loose it over some student" he states honestly. "I know that Tom but it looks harder than saying it or even trying to fulfill it" Did I just confess to spring that I have feelings for her? "Baby your 26 years old you don't need some student to fulfill your sexual desires I'm pretty sure you can find that somewhere else". "It isn't about sex, well at least not all of it" i finally say.
"It doesn't even look like it could be about anything else Hayley, ever since you met her it's been about the undeniable force-fill to sexual connection". Maybe he's right.. maybe it is all about sex and nothing else... I mean am I really attracted to anything else besides thinking about fucking her every second I see her?
"You know for a gay dude that clearly has a pet sure has a lot to say about some sexual connection.. yes all we have been doing is sneaking around in a god damn classroom having fucking sex, I'm a god damn student we can't go out in public which I'm trying to prevent from happening I don't want her to loose her fucking job.. but you fail to realize that I was already in fucking love with her before we laid our hands on each other unlike your fucking pet over there, You are so against our relationship because you don't understand what it feels like to not have something you want. Seams to me your shit is on silver plater when for once in my fucking life after so many fucking years I finally take a jump for something and your gay fucking ass comes in with this preaching ass bullshit and ruins it. So ask your fucking self if you were in my fucking shoes In love with a boy at this school and he had to hide to protect your reputation and your job just to be with you, what the fuck would you do?". Before I could say anything she storms out with her things. "Woah.. that was intense Tom" Adam says.
"Baby can you step out right quick I need to have a word with my best friend please".
"Sure baby anything I'll be right outside if you need me" Adam gave Tom a kiss on the lips before he stepped out leaving me and Tom alone.
"I see it now" he says , looking up at him I ask "what?"
"The way she looks at you, the way she talks about you, it explains it all to why your inlove with her" he begins "I don't know how and why and I can't believe I'm saying this but.. it feels like you've been needing each other this whole time, you have your battles of not wanting to let anyone in and she clearly has a few battles herself to.. He sighs "I just want you to be careful and.. please don't let this love ruin your career" he says. Suddenly before I could say anything I broke down into tears "thank you for understanding" I said within sobs. I knew what was coming for me and I was ready to face it.
Well you made it to the ending, what did you think? Please leave comments down below, and thank you again for choosing to read my story!!

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