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         Suddenly I was in the spotlight waiting on Hayley to walk down the isle. I was so ready for her to be my wife. Just as I proposed 6 months ago to her. My family was here smiling while the hired pianist played on through with slow romantic songs. I was nervous which was normal but I was happy and excited to see her in this beautiful dress. Ready to call her my wife and continue on our lives as we have together expanding. Just as she wanted kids I wanted kids also. I was ready to become a mother I was so in love with her. I knew we wouldn't have to rush and I knew I still wanted to progress higher in life before that time came around but I was ready. Suddenly the music began to play as everyone stood up watching Hayley show up right at the end of the hall with a bouquet of roses in her hands and her father on her side. Slowly she made her way down to me with him. The closer she got the more happier I was to grab ahold of her hands and speak my vows. Just 2 feet away now then 1 and soon she was in front of me before her father threw the satin cover up back. Holy.. hell she looked so beautiful as always I could just make love to her right now. With a big smile on my face the ceremony began.

"Now we will ask Spring Rose for her vows". Suddenly I took a deep breath and begin to speak "Hayley Fall.. my beautiful admirer I have loved you since the day I shut the door in your face... the day I made love to you and the day I had to explain my love for you... I have loved you when you cried, was angry and the most happiest person in front me.. when you helped me when I had a bad day at work.. and played the beautiful piano to make my day much better.. I have loved you before I even know I was in love with you.. and all the love I had for you just gave me the energy to make this day we are presenting so much more profound and the reason why I love you..". Chuckling I wipe her tears away. "Now for Hayley Fall please go on". "Spring Rose.. when I first met you I thought you was just someone that wanted to steal my heart and crush it.. but as time progressed on you just made me realized what i never had in life... what I always wanted since the day I wanted it... love.. you showed me what love is... what it was and what it has always been... and that day when you shut the door in my face... was the day I knew I loved you.. I knew I loved you when you held me when I cried... when you tickled me until I cried... when you made love to me in the light.. I knew I loved you when you told me you would do anything for me.. and I believed you through your kindness for others... I want to grow old and expand with you.. because I know what we have is love and it's real.. and I wouldn't want it with no one else..." She explains. Tears begin to fall down my cheeks before she wipes them away. "Now we present the rings". Suddenly she rings are given to us by my brother. Grabbing them both the man goes on. "Do you Hayley Fall take Spring Rose to be your wife in sickness, health, through tough and easy times?". "Yes" she says before I slip the band onto her finger. "Do you Spring Rose take Hayley Fall to be your wife in sickness, health, through tough and easy times?". "Yes" I say before she slides the band onto my finger. "Now in the blessing of me and  the state I pronounce you wife and wife, you may now kiss your bride" he tells me. Softly I bring her lips onto mines lapping over them softly. Screams broke out before everyone started throwing flowers as we walked down the isle covered in pedals. "Finally you are a Ms. Rose now. "Hayley Rose" she repeats. "Kinda sexy huh?" I ask. "Yes way better than fall I love the Rose better my beautiful wife".
____________2 Years Later__________
"Baby are you almost done in there?" Hayley ask. "Yes I'm almost done baby" I say before laying the pregnancy test down. Getting up I become nervous. "What does it say baby?" She ask. "What does yours say?" I ask. "Now What fairness would that be if I don't know yours?". Chuckling I run my hands through my hair. Picking up the test I swing the door open "Did you already look at yours?". "No I'm scared" She admits. "Me to" I admit also. "Okay on 3 we will hand each other our test and turn them over" I explain. She nods before handing me hers "Okay 1, 2, 3" Quickly I turn it over reading the words pregnant. "Baby your pregnant!" She exclaims. "So are you" I answer shakily. "Oh my god baby!" She exclaims. Oh my god we're pregnant..! Oh my god..! I couldn't believe it our life together expanding was about to start..! This is where the line ends from an old life into a new one!!
Well guys that's the end!! CHECK OUT MY SECOND BOOK!! What did y'all think honestly I know it was a bit short but if I get enough reads I'll make a part two I promise about their marriage and their life being parents!! Can you believe it pregnant at the same time? What do y'all think?? After this book I'll be continuing on with new stories!! Thank you once again for taking interest into my story it really meant a lot to me continuing on this journey! Really! Thank you! As always leave some suggestions down below and don't be afraid to comment!!

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