Make Me Understand

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              "Spring baby? come on honey get up" my mom spoke out as I stuffed myself under the covers more. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" She ask. "Nothing mom" I respond back. "Honey you're never like this, is it a girl?" She ask unexpectedly right like all the time. I groan rolling over on my bed "Oh honey who is it?"
"No damn body" I respond back.
"Language Spring" She scowls
"Sorry.. I just don't wanna talk about it mom" I apologize. "Well your dads at one of his offices from his business trip today so we're going to go and see him before he goes back out on his next business trip, so I hope you got something up in that tired-up closet of yours". She states before leaving my room. Just great now my dad will be asking me questions.. ughhh.. someone please put me out of my misery before I do it myself...

I brush out my hair one more time before I gave myself the ok that I looked my best and if it didn't meet his damn requirements well, oh well fuck it. "Woah.. how the fuck do you look better than me?" Jared ask suddenly before brushing his slick light brown hair back. "Maybe because I dress better and you dress like a normal old man" I mention before spraying on my cologne. "Whatever, moms waiting on us you done in here?".
"Yeah let's get the fuck out of here".

My dads office was still the same when we arrived, still plain as fuck and still glass material. Him and this damn glass is going to drive me insane. "Hey Lauryn are you here for your husband?" His assistant ask my mom. Nah we're here to see Santa Claus and his 12 dwarfs.. what kind of question is that? "Y-Yes can you please let him know that I'm here with his kids" mom portrays out nervously. "Sure that won't be a problem" His assistant says before picking up the phone to dial him. After 5 very long stressful minutes my dad came strolling out like everything was just fine. "Hey baby" He hugs my mom first before giving her a kiss on the lips then he hugged us. "So are y'all ready to get up and meet my boss?" He ask like we were a bunch of 5 years olds. Looking at him for 15 seconds with a deadpanned face I began walk past him.

Women kept entering and leaving the meeting the whole time interrupting our limited family time we had together. One of them blonde bitches came in here giving my dad the look and surprisingly he gave it back, I was the only one that saw thankfully, because if my mom had saw it I don't think I would live to see a day my mom threw some bitch out this glass windowed 5 story building. "So you have 2 sons?" The woman asked while serving us all tea. I chuckle "I'm a girl, nice to meet you; name is Spring Rose". I say before holding out my hand out. Surprisingly she shakes it with a bright smile "Nice to meet you spring I'm Brooklyn".
"Nice to meet you Brooklyn" I respond back with a smile before my dad cleared his throat snapping us out of our sudden greet.

"Oh fucking shit... Ahh!... Fuck me yes..." Brooklyn moaned out loudly clinging onto bathroom door hook as I pounded my strap inside of her. No I didn't have this planned out, wether you believe this or not but I always have it on me.. at school it would just be in my backpack ;) Smacking her ass once more again before grabbing her waist I began to pound her faster and harder. "Ohh fuck your gonna make me come, your gonna make me come!!" She screamed out right before I began to pound her deeper gripping ahold of her waistline tighter. Letting out the loudest moan she comes shivering against my strap "Oh god.. holy shit that was fucking amazing spring..".
"Your welcome" I say cracking a smile before turning her back around to kiss her. "I better head back before your family knows I'm missing" she mentions before handing me her number.
"Call me"

Over the weekend I was so stuck on Hayley I couldn't get her out of my damn head. No matter how many girls I fucked she just kept creeping in. It was clear that she would rather listen to her fucking friends then make her own damn decisions. She made that clear on Friday when I had to explain myself once again to make her understand some shit she seemed to never know the damn answer too. "Hey man you wanna come a party?" Jared ask suddenly leaning on my door.
"Why?" I ask
"Shit man I don't know, you've been down lately and I thought maybe you should go out and make some friends" he says before stuffing his face more with Frosted Flakes. "Yeah I'll go, thanks I guess".
"Don't thank me yet because we might get pretty fucked up tonight". Of course knowing my brother and his crazy ass party's Tended to get out of hand so I was bound to be fucked up tonight.

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