Chapter 12

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I'm back. Sorry for the long wait!


Chapter 12

'Ohmygod!' Jenna grabbed Esther's wrist and shook it violently. 'Ohmygod!'

Esther shrieked and pulled her hand away from her.

'Don't touch my wrist!' Esther's left hand went to her right wrist.

'Seriously?' Jenna raised an eyebrow. 'You're scared of people touching your wrists?'

Tammie looked at her three friends in amusement. It has been a couple of days since Esther and Melvin made their appearance in school, but she felt like the four of them have been friends for a long time.

'We all know you're excited for this trip, Jenna,' Mihi replied, resting his head on his palm.

'I'm not just excited,' Jenna was bouncing in her seat. 'I'm nerve-cited!'

'Ms Rodriguez,' Mr Spencer, their homeroom teacher, called on Jenna. 'Do you have something to say?'

Startled, Jenna swung her chair to the front. 'A-ah no, sir,' she cleared her throat and put up a thumbs-up sign. 'I'm good.'

Even though Jenna had calmed down, Tammie saw that she couldn't stay still.

Mr Spencer nodded slowly, and turned to the rest of the class. 'As I was saying, we are going to a beach resort as part of the graduation package after your major examinations.'

A couple of weeks back, their teacher had told them that they were going on a field trip, but they didn't know where they were going yet. The last batch wasn't as fortunate--they went to the woods and they had to learn survival techniques.

Now that they knew where they were going, Tammie could see the utter excitement in Jenna's face.

She seems really happy these days, Tammie thought. Jenna was happier than normal, and her eyes sparkled more than they usually do, especially when she looks at her phone.

'I have informed your parents,' Mr Spencer continued,'and I assume that most of you have packed up for this trip. For those of you who haven't, you have two weeks left to get ready.'

A hand shot up. 'Yes, Mr Nicholson?' Mr Spencer asked.

The girls turned their heads towards Melvin as he stood up.

'Um, if I'm correct,' he put one hand on his belt buckle and pointed to the dates of the beach resort trip written on the whiteboard. 'We're also having our Dinner and Dance on the second last day.'

The class erupted in raucous whispers. Tammie and Jenna turned to each other. Dinner and Dance at the beach?

'Precisely,' the teacher grinned. 'By popular demand, the college dean has decided to bring Prom Night to the coast. We believe that by doing this, you guys can enjoy to the fullest.'

A thunderous applause ensued from the class, and the boys hollered and cheered.

Amidst the excitement, the bell rang. 'Well, I guess that's my cue,' Mr Spencer adjusted his tie,'Good luck for your major examinations.'

As he walked out of the classroom, Tammie turned to the window. Throngs of students were passing by, hurriedly making their way to their examination venues.

Then, a familiar figure passed by her window.

'Kevin!' she called out.

Kevin turned to the window, blinking his eyes. 'Oh, hey,' Kevin smiled at her, and she suddenly felt all warm inside.

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