Roman (Ch.4)

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"Greetings, young prince." I glanced up to find King Logan looking back. He had changed into a more regal attire and I had to hold back a grin. He looked more like a teacher than a king.

"Hello there, your highness." I glanced around the room and frowned. "Where's Virgil?"

"He's... still getting ready." He looked off to the side and wrung his hands.

"What's wrong?" He dropped his gaze and I got this sinking feeling. "Is he not coming?"

"Honestly, I never know."

"That sucks. I was hoping to get to know him better." Logan began to smile but as soon as he did he stopped.

"Please do, but be patient with him." I gave him a look of confusion, and he just sighed. "Virgil... is a sweet but... troubled kid."


"Not like that... He's just been through a lot and can be hard to handle... but if you're up for the challenge..."

"Challenge?!" I grinned devilishly and Logan scoffed.

"You remind me so much of my two sons. If I may be so bold as to say, Don't let your ego be the reason you fall." Wait? Two sons? Virgil isn't their only child? Logan just tipped his head and walked away.

I stood there thinking about everything he said, which wasn't really anything. I was so lost in thought I missed the change in the air. I don't really know what it was that made me look up, but I did, and my breath caught up in my chest.

"What are you staring at?" There he was, dressed up in a black suit. His dark purple buttoned up shirt slightly unbuttoned, as he stood there with his hands in his pockets. His black hair was slicked back messily and his eyeliner was on fleek. He ran a hand through his hair and my heart skipped a beat. How is this the same person I saw sporting a lazily put on hoodie and black jeans? "Seriously, why are you staring?"

He snapped his fingers in my face and I jumped a bit, startled. I awkwardly smiled and laughed a bit in embarrassment.

"Oh, uh, sorry. I zoned out."

"Right..." He sighed as he looked to the side, obviously a bit uncomfortable. I was at a lost for words. He looked about ready to run. I wanted to say something. I wanted to do something, anything to make it easier for him. I truly wanted to get to know him better, to be friends.

"Nice to see you've made it. Dad was starting to get worried." A pair of arms wrapped around my neck, and I tensed up. They were positioned loosely but the message was clear as day. He moved in close, his breath hot against my ear, and I cringed. He always made me uncomfortable. "And look, you even dressed up. How... unlike you."

"Fuck off, D!" Virgil practically growled. Laughter burst through the room and rang through my ear. He finally moved his arms from being around my neck. My ear was still ringing as Deceit went over and pulled Virgil into a hug. Virgil struggled to get out of his grasp until finally getting free and punching his arm.

"What was that for?" Deceit said faining pain before laughing.

"You're such an ass!"

"How can you say that to me? Your own brother." I stood there in complete shock. Deceit was Virgil's brother? So he was the other son Logan mentioned. That would explain why was so protective of him. Even if it was ridiculous, and all I wanted to do was say hi. I still can't believe that jerk is the son of that sweet hearted King Patton. Deceit stopped short and stared at me. His eyes burned with rage as they started to glow again. "Happy birthday loser. Now get lost!"

He bared his fangs and patches of his skin began to turn scaly. I glanced at Virgil, who honestly just looked extremely uncomfortable. I immediately got this chill down my back. Deceit's eyes went wide and Virgil spun around. It was the type of feeling that made you shiver. You were cold right to your bones. It was like death had just entered the room.

"King Thomas Sanders of the human race!" The crowd dispersed to reveal three darkly cloaked figures standing in the middle of the room. The one in the middle stepped forward while the others turned towards the door. They both held their arms out and the door slammed shut. The windows closed. The blinds fell and you could hear everything lock. The crowd backed away even more as the guards tried desperately to enter the room but couldn't. "Today you pay for the crimes committed by your Grandfather."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now