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I was like a kid on Christmas. We had sold our horses and we're currently looking at a bunch of RV's. It was heaven. No more Saddle soreness and renting motels or sleeping on the floor. Virgil can take the bedroom so he doesn't have to go out and hide during the night and that way I can he... that way I can...

"Roman are you ok?" I looked back to see Virgil standing there looking bored as ever and a small smile formed on my lips. "What?"

"Nothing. I was just thinking about what we should get and who gets what."

"I CALL THE MASTER BEDROOM!" I shot Deceit a cold look and he clammed up. "Uh... Or not."

"Virgil should get the bedroom. Don't you think so?" I was forcing the last words through my teeth and Deceit's eyes went wide. "Besides if it's big enough there will be plenty of beds. Who needs the master anyway."

"Wait... I'm lost. Why am I getting the master?" I shrugged and walked on ahead ignoring the stares as I passed. Why did I want him near so badly? Why did I want to help him? He's the enemy. Literally! He fought against my great grandfather in the war. 

I felt my chest seize up remembering the pain in his eyes the night I found out. I gipped my hair and yelled out in frustration scaring the shit out of everyone around me. It's like my head is torn in fucking two! I don't trust him. He's a dark elf. Dark elves are evil creatures. I should leave him to rot I shouldn't care. I only need his help with reversing the curse that it all. 


I can't...

I can't get him out of my head.

His smile...

His laugh...

His tears...

What's going on with me?!

I screamed out again this time falling to my knees and rolling over to just staring at the sky. Here I was in a fucking RV dealership screaming at nothing and laying in the mud and gravel. I seriously lost it. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up, wincing as something cut into my hand, making it bleed.

I sat back with a look of shook, horror, and confusion. The cut started to glow gold as it slowly vanished leaving behind the splash of red from when it had bled. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as they pulled me up to stand. 

"Hey, Ro. You ok, man?" They let go and I looked behind me to see a very concerned Deceit standing there. "You're as white as a..." My stomach seized up on me and I doubled over throwing up pretty much nothing since I haven't actually eaten in a while. Deceit jumped out of the way as to not get anything on him and started rubbing circles on my back. I thought the guy hated me. 

"Roman?" I just held my hand up waving  Virgil off as another wave of nausea overcame me and I was throwing up again. 

"Did you get one?"

"Yeah but..."

"He just needs to rest, Virgil. He might've just eaten something bad." Except I haven't eaten anything. I groaned as I choked back another wave of nausea and followed the others to our new home for god knows how long. Virgil started leading me down when I stopped.

"Roman, you need to rest." He opened the bedroom door and I narrowed my eyes. I shook my head and sat down on a couch like thing. Virgil frowned. "Roman..."

"Y-Your... room." I forced out still trying to hold back the waves of nausea that crashed into me repeatedly threatening to pull me under till I drowned. "S-Sa...fe... j-just yours-s..."

"Roman, I don't..." The Rv started moving causing us to lurch forward and Virgil fell hitting his head on the table. He pulled himself back up and I my breath hitched. His eyes were bright red reacting to the pain from the cut he had across his forehead. He was bleeding and he was pissed. "DECEIT!"

"What? Oh, shit. Sorry, Virge." Deceit yelled back from the driver's seat and I frowned. Virgil winced as he reached up and gingerly touched the cut. His eyes flashed brighter and I looked away. My chest hurt. 

I noticed Virgil walk past me as he sat down in one of the chairs. He had this wet cloth in his hand and he was trying to clean his cut. But every time he tried, the pain would get to him and he would have to stop. My chest started to hurt again and I frowned. He needed help, but... Damn it, Roman. Just do what you want!

I found myself standing over him holding the cloth carefully over his cut as to not hurt him. My face was neutral but I glanced down to see his face red and I smiled. He winced slightly and I apologized. He just shook his head and looked down at his hands. I took a deep breath and let my thoughts wander. 

Why does he scare the shit out of me but at the same time seem so fragile? I want to hate him? I want to run and tell him to get lost but...

He glanced up at me again with this small smile and breathing nearly stopped. I couldn't help but smile seeing his eyes light up. I let my hand brush against his forehead without realizing it and suddenly the nausea was back. I looked up to see my hand glowing slightly and Virgil shot mee this confused look. I pulled my hand away and just stared in shock at the cut... or lack there of. I had somehow healed Virgil. I actuall helped...

"Roman?" I ran right for the bathroom and locked the door before thowing up for the third time today. What the hell is going on with me?

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now