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I stood there watching as Roman left and I couldn't help but get confused. Did I do something to upset him? He's been... I don't know. I frowned and sighed and I followed Roman out.  He was already saddling up and I started to get upset.

"What has gotten into you Roman?" He glanced back at me with this neutral expression and I flinched slightly, remembering all the time Logan gave me the same look. "Roman..."

"We need to get back on course but I should grab a few things before we leave town for good." He looked up at the sky and frowned. "No, actually that can wait. we're good for at least a few more nights at least." Nights... That's what I'm afraid of. Last night was terrible. I blacked out after the phone died but the pain I felt before... The nights surrounding a new moon are always the worst. God forbid Roman ever find out... We just have to get the fairy kingdom. Once we do that we can head for the ruins. Then it's over. It's...

My arm tensed up and I bent over breathing hard as pain wrapped around it. I looked over at Deceit and he nodded. He took off with Roman as I struggled to get on my horse. I looked down at my arm and cringed. This is never a good sign. Tonights going to be rough too. I just... I just have to...

"Virgil." I looked up to see Roman there with that blank expression still. I narrowed my eyes and looked around. I thought Deceit was leading him off, so I could focus on getting my pain down. I didn't want him to worry. Roman just sighed and smiled sadly. "Deceit's scouting ahead. He told me to wait so I came back instead."

"Oh, why is he..." His smile dropped immediately and he looked away. 

"He said he just wanted to find a good spot." He shook his head and turned his horse around as I moved up beside him. "To be honest I think the best course of action we can take is to sell our horses and buy an RV."

"Where the hell did that come from?" He laughed at my confused and dumbfounded expression and I smiled. Its the first time he actually showed some true emotion. That was until he stopped and just stared at the sky. His smile slowly fading as he looked away sadly. "Roman, what is wrong?"

"Nothing. I just think an Rv would be best." 

"That wasn't what I was talking about and you know it." 

"After all we can still be moving at night even with Deceit out cold like he is. Or even if we don't there would be actual beds and we don't have to pay for rooms all the time." His eyes scrunched up and he stopped his horse making us both stop. "There would be constant electricity if we can snag a generator. We wouldn't have to worry about our things dying." My eyes went wide and I looked down. Now that he's explaining it... It does sound better. Besides, I knew that these horses were never going to last. They are an inefficient means of travel. It's just modern things are hard to come by and some just prefer the old way of doing things. I'm just concerned. He doesn't seem well at all. "Virgil, if..." He stopped and ran a hand through his hair before sighing and looking over at me. "Do you trust me?"

"What with this all of a sudden?" He just smiled and looked away. I just frowned and grew more confused.

"We don't actually know each other. I mean we met the other day." I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. "What?"

"That isn't true. We've met before. You were just too small to remember." I took off leaving ROman there stunned. When I finally reached Deceit he was just standing in the rood with this look of loss. "Hey Dee, the fuck?"

"Virgil?" He spun around and smiled wide. "Sorry, it was a false alarm. I thought I smelt something off but its gone now. We should be safe here tonight. Hey..." He looked around and frowned. "Where's Prince Pathetic?"

"I'm right here." Roman jumped off his horse and walked over to me, holding his arm out. I gave him a look of confusion and he shot me a stern one. "Your hurt. Let me help." I looked away and nodded as he helped me get down. My arm tensed up again and I walked over and just sat in the grass. "Now I feel like an ass. Maybe we should have stopped somewhere to your arm checked out." I just waved him off.

"Nah, I'm fine. It's been hurting all day. Not really sure why though."

"Well, you did fall." I sat up and he was fidgeting with his hands. 

"What do you mean Roman? I fell? When?"

"L-Last night." He started scratching the back of his head thinking about the right worlds to say while we just stared at him. What did he mean last night? I don't understand. "Y-You fell out of bed. O-On to ou back. I wouldn't be surprised if you pulled or twisted something or..."

"WHen did I do that?!" I was starting to get a little scared. I blacked out most of the night and woke up his bed. I don't know how I got there. I don't even know why. I thought I left. I didn't what him to see what happens to me at night but... 

"It happened when I got back after getting coffee."

"I thought you couldn't remember getting..." Roman shotDeceit this look that sent shiver down my own back. His eyes went wide and he startd nodding furiously. "Y-Yep, totally happened. Just as he said it. You fell out of bed. I was up so I know see. Ok lets just set up camp please. I'm starting to get tired."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now