Roman (Ch.25)

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I sat there in the RV feeling more than a little restless. Virgil was sitting there staring out of the window. I could see the fear in him as he watched the darkening sky. Deceit had talked Virgil into letting us leave but that didn't mean the elf was happy. In fact, I could sense his fear. He was petrified. He didn't want what happened last time to happen again. But the thing is, we are in an RV. We wouldn't be stuck outside when night hit. Speaking of which.

"Hey, Dee..." I looked over to see Deceit glance back through the rearview and I frowned. His eyes were starting to get glossy. "I think it's time to switch out." He nodded as he yawned a bit slowly bringing us to a stop. I just laughed as I slowly got up off the couch. Virgil frowned as I made my way to the wheel and Deceit wasted no time in crashing on the couch.

"Do you kn-no..." His breath hitched slightly as he held his arm tightly and I frowned. Virgil glanced up with glowing red eyes with a frown. "... know where we're... going?" I rolled my eyes as I sat down in the driver seat. I looked back at him through the mirror and I could see how his skin was darkening. I could see the pain on his face. Why does he try so hard to fight his magic? It hurts him... I sighed as I buckled up pretending I never noticed a thing and laughed lightly. 

"We're going to the elven ruins. If I need to I'll stop somewhere, Virgil, don't worry." His glowing red eyes narrowed as I smiled back at him. "Why don't you get some sleep? The moon'll be up soon." He jumped and quickly ran into the back bedroom the moment the realization hit him. The moment I heard the door lock the mask fell hard. I slammed my head against the wheel cringing at how the horn blared. Virgil didn't bother to come out again. I knew why. I was glad. I didn't want him to see this. 

I glanced up at the mirror to see my eyes glowing so brightly the skin around them glittered like it was covered with diamonds. The tears that fell glowed themselves... I looked like a leaking glowstick. The energy I had built up in me since the castle finally tore through me lighting the Rv up like I was some kind of sun. I could see Deceit stir a bit as he opened his eyes slightly and I froze up just gripping the wheel tightly. I... I thought he couldn't wake up at night.

"R-Ro..." I looked back to see the concerned look on his face and I smiled at him. "W-What..."

"Shh... Dee. You're dreaming." I laughed a bit at the smile that grew on his face. The light slowly died around me and Deceit's eyes began to flutter.

"Yeah... s-sure I am... bud." He chuckled a bit before the laugh turned into a snore. I just let out a deep breath. So... that happened. Remind me to ask Deceit just what exactly happens to him at night. I started off on the road again shaking slightly. It wasn't long before something started to happen. The massive amount of energy ripped through the back of the RV and it took everything in me to ignore. It's just Virgil... This happens every night. I know I wasn't able to feel the energy the other times but somehow I still knew this was nothing compared to a new moon. The first time I ever saw his true form. 

That being said the energy still dug into my skin making it painfully obvious that Virgil was hurting. So I took a deep breath and blasted some music. Made it so loud there was no way in hell any normal person could sleep through it. I had a reason. And no... it was not to ignore the tiny whimpers that would reach my ears. I knew if I blasted music... 1, it would help him depending on if he had his earbuds in... and 2, he would feel safe to let it out. If the music was loud enough then I wouldn't be able to hear him right.

Right... the only thing was. I made it so it was loud in the back. So when the moon hit its highest mark and the energy blasted through again, I clearly hurt the screams that erupted through. I clenched my hands tightly feeling the pain through my skin. His voice was warped and dripping with agony. It made my skin crawl. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I moved to change the music. I plugged my phone in and clicked a playlist I knew Virgil would like before returning to the road. 

It wasn't long before I made it to a town... And needless to say, I had to make a stop. The energy Virgil was letting off was not good for me right now. So I pulled myself into a gas station and frowned. I left the RV on so that the music was blasting still as I left. The moment I got out the cool air hit me and I took a deep breath already feeling myself relax. I closed the door letting my hand linger over the handle only slightly registering how the RV locked itself up tight, before heading inside. 

The shady looking station did nothing to hinder my attempts at detoxing. I walked around the dimly lit aisles letting my eyes skim through the items before I ended up grabbing a monster and a thing of barbeque chips. I would have gotten something for the others but they're both busy and shit. Besides, we'll just stop for breakfast in the morning anyway. I made my way over to the cashier only now noticing the odd buzz of nervousness around me. I wasn't nervous. So it couldn't have been me. 

I just shook myself from my thoughts as I set them to things on the counter. The man slowly rang them up ever subtly glancing about him and I froze. I could feel anger in the air and I froze up noticing the fear in the cashier's eyes. The nervousness was his. I took a deep breath taking in the scent of earthen magic and I frowned. Wood elves... Like Maya. I spun around just in time to catch a blade to the chest... the heart. The elf that held the knife watched with curious eyes as I fell to my knees. 

"How the hell did he know I was there?" My head hit the floor with a sickening crack as the energy around me buried itself into me desperately trying to warm my icy body up. 

"Does it mater, Faean? It didn't save him." A spotted another elf jump over the counter and I frowned. I wasn't dead. I... I wasn't dead, yet there was a knife lodged in my chest. I could feel the immense pain rip through my weak body as my heart strained to keep beating against the metal that invaded it. The elf that stabbed me just leaned over with this look of horror as he ripped the blade out of me.

"He's still alive, Dre." I could feel the pull of the black as the two elves just stared at me. 

"Well shit, would you look at that?" The one that was over the counter just laughed as he jumped back over. "The prince isn't as easy to kill as his father. Guess we're going to have to take him with us."

"What why?" Faean looked utterly shocked as things started to blur. My body was pulling me under just as fast as black was pulling me in. I knew I wasn't dying. I was painfully aware of every beat my heart made. Even still sleep called, and I had no choice but to answer as Dre smiled deviously kneeling down beside me.

"The solar eclipse is in 5 days. Boss wants to throw a party. Why don't we give her a little gift?"

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now