Roman (Ch.58)

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The Elven girl was stunned as I laughed sitting down at the table. When I 'woke' up I wasn't expecting two... no three elves and a fairy to be here. Deceit was looking me over with this fearful expression and I frowned.

"I told you he couldn't hurt me."

"You were covered in frostbite! How is that..." I narrowed my eyes and he froze up. "I'm sorry, it's just... I'm not used to this."

"Roman? I presume?" I looked over to at the fairy and it was like this slap in the face. I hadn't actually looked at him before but the moment I did all I saw was Remy. I jumped up in shock looking between the two of them with wide eyes. "Is everything..."

"You're dead!" He clammed up and I could feel my hands start to shake. I looked over at Dee to see him confused. I was too. "Dee, he's dead. How is he here?"

"What?" I groaned as I started to pace the room scaring the shit out of everyone there watching. "Ro, maybe you should..."

"Maybe it was another Logan thing?" I was just talking to myself trying to work through everything but I knew they had heard me. The way Remy tensed up... "How are you alive?"

"Ok, who are you?" The girl with the knives started to get irritated and I frowned.

"Sorry. I'm Prince Roman Sanders." Her eyes lit up with rage. I could only laugh awkwardly. She hated me. No, she hated my great grandfather. She didn't know me and so she was scared. I turned back to Remy and frowned. This was all too weird. I could clearly see him. It's like screaming at me that that is Remy but... He looks so different and he's fae. "Lucky asshole, changing races." I mumbled under my breath as his eyes darkened. "I wish I could."

"Roman, please your not making any..."

"HOW DO YOU NOT SEE IT DECEIT?!" I yelled out cutting the snake off. "I know that... I know things I shouldn't but... my god. He's sitting right in front of you."

"Jeremy, don't look now, but I think he's talking about you." Remy's face paled as the younger elven called over. The girl simply groaned out as she started to push the man out of the building. Deceit sat there in stunned silence. I couldn't get a read off him.

"Damn it, Remus!" The Fairy stood up and yelled after the two before groaning and falling back on the table. "Does anyone have coffee?" He laid his head down against the table and frowned in discomfort. "I could really use some right now."

"So... Your name is Jeremy?" Deceit was eerily calm. I would have thought he would have freaked. "That's... That's a nice name. Your parents must have named you after the late prince."


"Can you guys SHUT IT?!" All three of us tensed up as the door burst open to reveal a very pale and very tired looking Virgil, with his desguise up. "I feel like crap. I have a headache. I\'M tIrEd As FuCk! AND YOU WON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP!" This blast of cold air ripped through the room and I could see the shock in the other two men. This is a good thing. He's angry... and he's feeling it. He looked over at me and everything just seemed to drop. I ran over to catch him before he fell and I smiled sadly at how he limply clung to me. "D-Don't leave. D-Don't l-leave me."

"I'm not going anywhere, Virgil." Deceit had jumped up and made his way over obviously concerned for his brother. This is going to be a lot to adjust to but I know we can handle it. "I love you."

"You better." I frowned as he pushed himself in close. I could feel how the cold surrounded him like a blanket. "Because I just can't go through that again."

"I promise, I am not going to leave you." He smiled softly as he sat back up. He glanced over at deceit and laughed a little.

"You look like shit." It was all he said to the snake but it was enough to make Deceit smile. It's ok. Virgil is ok. He's working through things, but he's ok. "Hey... Ro?" I shot him this confused look as he started to fidget with his hoodie. "I think... I think I want to see her now."

"Her?" Remy was starting to get up feeling more than a little concerned and I smiled.

"His sister." I glanced over at the man in my arms and brushed the hair out of his eyes. "Are you sure? You don't have to if you're not ready."

"Someone needs to do it." He whispered out as he smiled up at me. "And... I think I can. As long as your with me. I don't... want to be alone." 

"You aren't ever going to be alone Virgil. I promise." I pushed myself up off the ground and helped him to his feet. I couldn't help but smile at how he clung to me. Deceit only nodded as I started for the door. Remy followed out of pure concern and curiosity. I didn't care. They all should come. Especially the elves, since it's their princess. I stopped right before the door and Virgil frowned. "Are you absolutely sure, you want to do this now?" 

"Yes, Roman." 

"Ok then..." I pushed open the door and noticed the three elves freeze. Apparently, the third one finally woke up. By the looks of things, he was trying to knock the half-elf out with a large stick. The moment we stepped out Virgil cringed. The sun was falling but he wasn't tensing up like usual just... just getting colder. "Is everything ok?"

"Who is are you?" The elf covered in drawings asked as he stared at everyone. The girl just groaned as she slapped him upside the head. "What the hell?"

"I said we found others. Were you even listening?" This started a whole bout of bickering from literally everyone, including deceit, as Virge and I stood there. The cold surrounding him got stronger and stronger until the grass was freezing over. I tensed up seeing his skin darken and I shot him a concerned glance. His only response was to bury himself further into me.

"Dee, we should get started." I called out drawing their attention back to me and the man in my arms. The snake nodded as I lead Virgil back through the ruins.

"Where are we..."

"Apparently to see the dudes sister." Remy cut the girl off causing her to freeze up. I didn't bother to stop. Virgils disquise was falling fast and the cold was becoming unbearable. Not to me... I couldn't feel it but Deceit was clearly shivering beside me... as was the other elves. I froze seeing the mess of madness in front of me and Virgil frowned looking around. His eyes were glowing a deep crimson as he pulled away. 

"Would you like some help?" Virgil pause for a sec before nodding to me. He had his hood up as he walked around grabbing rubble and wood, anything that could burn really. I turned to see everyone staring at us with wide eyes. "Are you going to help or not?!" Remy and the half-elf jumped in instantly running around to help find burnables and put them in a clean pyre pile. The other two simply stared at the body of the princess in horror and shock. I paused seeing Virgil just standing there looking at her. I frowned as I made my way over to him. He went to his knees and just sat there smiling. "You ok?"

"It's been 100 years, Roman. She's just been sitting here." I knelt down beside him and rubbed his back as he smiled over at me. "I'm finally going to be able to say goodbye." The disquise dropped fully and I hummed a bit kissing his forehead and ignoring the sizzling sound. It didn't matter anyway. He got back up and stretched letting his hoodie fall a bit. I could hear everyone freeze and I looked back to see them all just staring at him. Well... Not Deceit. He was busy fixing up the pyre all nice and I could help but smile at the light in Virgil's eyes. The Drow Prince spun around with a laugh as Deceit finished up. "Are we good, Dee?"

"Yep, You can bring her over." Virgil jumped into action carefully picking up the princess with my help and slowly but surely carrying her over to the pyre. We all stood around it in awe at how the princess seemed to shine under the moonlight. "Anyone have a light?" Several of us laughed and I nudged Ve a bit causing him to look over at me.

"Do you mind if I..." He shook his head and I smiled as I moved away a bit. I could feel the energy build around me which meant Virgil was letting go of the light I was always letting off. I noticed right away how my skin started to glow and relished in the gasps of wonder as I let the light build in my hand. I took one last look at Virgil who was watching with a sad smile and let my fingers brush against the kindling lighting it all up. "Ex cinere, renasci." Virgil beamed as I made my way back over to him.

"Ex cinere, renasci." To say it wasn't a sight was a lie. It was just us. Just this small group giving their farewells to the princess. Tears fell from Virgils eyes his hands slowly found it's way back to mine. We just watched as the sparkling embers of light floated up to meet the sky and join the stars where she belonged. "A parte beatus donec iterum conveniant."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now