Chapter 1: The Beginning of The Chaos

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The leaves and sticks crunched under the beast's feet as he roamed the forest, his lantern swaying gently back and forth. His dull, rainbow eyes staring ahead as the wind blew his rugged cape back. His antlers were a reasonable size for his small head.

"Wirt." A faint voice dragged his name out. "Why are we doing this again?" The voice was coming from the lantern as the beast's brother's soul was trapped in it.

"We're doing this to find lost souls and get them out of here before they become trees, like you did." The beast, apparently named Wirt, answers.

"But this is so boring! Why can't we sing while we travel?" The soul asks.

"You already know why, Gre. The creatures of this forest would find us and we would have to spend extra time putting them down... or scaring them off."

Greg huffs, "But why did I have to come along? I'm stuck in a lantern and have no part in scouting."

"Lighting. I may have night vision but lost souls don't." Wirt answers. Greg sighed, annoyed. He might not be aging anymore but he'll still age mentally, so right now he has the mentality of an 8th grader who thinks they're an adult. "Don't give me that attitude, Greg."

"Oh, hush." Greg goes quiet.

Wirt eventually takes a break from roaming the woods to find some food; he didn't require it anymore but he couldn't break the habit of eating. He just snatched a slice of pumpkin pie from the pub nearby.

"Why do you even eat? We don't even need food." Greg asks.

"I like the taste and it's a hard habit to break." Wirt was eating the slice on a stump the woodsman left in the forest. There was suddenly a presence of someone in the woods. Wirt got off the stump and walked towards the lost soul.

A great quirk about becoming the beast is having all control over the forest, including sensing when someone steps into it.

Wirt found the lost soul and observed it from a distance. It was a human boy, about 12, dressed in a priest's outfit. His face wasn't clear but something on it was glowing yellow, and it was unsettling to Wirt. But later, he would discover the boy's name is Bipper.

(Authors note! Sorry for short chapters but all the chapters will be about a page long in google docs, so it isn't much, but I'm not spending hours writing one chapter and having to copy and paste 4 pages.)

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