Chapter 9: Cute As A Button

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Coraline was young. She didn't know what she was about to do would change her life forever. All she knew was the family in front of her was better than her real family. Her other mother got up and went over, "This won't hurt one bit dear."

Screaming, blood, needles. That's all to be remembered of that night. It hurt a lot. The needle piercing her eyes were painful. Coraline stayed with her other family for the next couple of months until it all started falling apart. Soon enough though, she was chosen to replace her other mother and await children looking for a better home.

Now here she was, pretending to be a child's mother, but this child seemed to have some sort of amnesia because he didn't know his mother or father. What made everything more difficult was the child claiming to be a demon.

He refused his sisters kind offer of buttons so clearly they needed to take the long way. It took a long 15 minutes convincing the child that we were his other mother and other father but he was one hell of a cookie to crack. They all sat at the table, eating peacefully. The child was uncomfortable though, like he was in a room of possessed dolls. He might as well be though.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Coraline said in her sweetest voice. Bipper was silent, he didn't know what to say or what to believe. The table fell silent again before Coraline said, "I think we've had enough dinner. Dipper sweetie, why don't you and your sister go to bed?"

"My name is Bipper. Not Dipper." Bipper was suspicious from the start, but his pushed it over the edge, "Look lady, you aren't my mother, I never had one, and if I had a life before being a demon, then I don't remember it. Give up." Bipper gets up from the table, "I did."

As Bipper attempted to leave, Coraline broke shape and went into her spider form. She slams a leg in front of him, "I'm sorry dear, but I think you should wash your dishes first."

Bipper's hand lights on fire and he throws the flame at Coraline, "And I think you should let me go!" Bipper ran up the stairs and to the small door. He ended up having to climb since flying would require his flames and that would burn the fabric. As much as he wanted to burn the house, he needed to investigate more.


As Wirt returned with Max, Bipper came running to them to tell Wirt about the little room. When they went to check it out, the tunnel was replaced with a brick wall. "Bipper there's nothing here. This better not happen again or else I'm kicking you out and back to your dimension." Wirt walks away.

Bipper watches him walk away, "But..." He looks back at the brick wall, "I could've sworn there was a tunnel.

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