Chapter 4: Child of Genocide

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Wirt had gotten the two back to the mill and sat them down with blankets, hot coco, and some old time movies, "Now you two stay here, I sense another lost soul in the forest."

"O-Okay." Finn sips his coco and gets comfy with the blankets. He watched the movie with content. Bipper was bored with the movie and eventually got up to look around. The house was clearly old and not well decorated, everything was dusty and unused as Wirt hadn't ever had guests over and would only go to the mill when there was nothing to do in the woods, which was rare.

Bipper checked out the books that hadn't been touched in years and dusted them off so he couldn't actually read the cover, which was pointless since most of the words were in old timey English or in some dead language. Bipper could barely decipher it.


Meanwhile in the woods, Wirt was having to dodge the attacks of a child in a striped sweater. Wirt growls in frustration and pins the child down with the roots of nearby trees. "Now let's cool it down a little bit." Wirt had gone into a shadow mode at this point since he was frustrated.

"Nice move, but let's see how long you'll last like this." The child smirked, confident that Wirt would have to move the roots eventually, when in reality, he had already stopped using his powers to move the roots.

"This can last for as long as I say since this won't drain my energy. But if you cooperate, I might be willing to let you go." Wirt kneeled next to the child.

"Never, I would never cooperate with a monster like you. All monsters deserves death, it's been coming to them since they were banished." The child hisses out.

"Look I get that around these parts, I'm considered a monster, but I'm still half human, or at least part human." Wirt gets up, "I'll leave you here for a while, I sense someone else has entered the forest, be patient and choose wisely. Otherwise you might be here until the end of time." Wirt takes his lantern, kicks the knife deeper into the woods, and walks off.

The child, who was named Frisk, struggled from the roots grip for quite a while before giving up. In the meanwhile they tried to check their saves, their inventory, their phone, anything, but to no avail as the world they were stuck in wasn't a game like their old world. So that meant, if they died, there would be no reset.

(Authors note! Upload schedule is now every Monday unless I have a writers block moment or have a busy life, in which I will inform ya'll about it)

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